Dear Parents and Carers,
It was lovely to see so many of you at the Christmas Tree lights switch on last Friday. A huge well done to the choir and Miss Wallbanks for their beautiful singing. And a thank you to our Head Boy, Tom and our Head Girl, Mia for switching on the lights! The tree looks magical.
It’s such a busy time of year in school – we have lots of different activities and events that mean the children are ‘off-timetable’ at times.
The children are all busy rehearsing for their Christmas Nativities and Christmas Service at the moment. They’re excited for their Christmas Parties and Christingle and sometimes it can all get a bit too much for them! So, if your child is struggling with all the busyness of this time of year, please do let their class teacher know and we can support them. The Parent Tip around worry and anxiety attached below may be of help too.
I’m also aware how hectic it is for parents to juggle everything too so please do see the list of events below to take us to the end of term.
Christmas Events
Enjoy the weekend,
Mrs Griffith
Stars of the Week for w/e 6th December 2024
Well done to all of our Stars this week
Reception – Prudence for super kind and helpful behaviour and colourful, creative art work.
Year 1 – Ottilie for always presenting her work so carefully and beautifully.
Year 2 – Freya for working so hard on her addition and subtraction and contributing her ideas in class.
Year 3 – Peyton for an excellent piece of homework explaining why she would rather live in 2024 than in the Stone Age.
Year 4 – Elsie for always being super smiley and such a kind and positive member of the class.
Year 5 – Jake for engaging fully in our Music lessons and singing up in our Christmas song practice. Flois for being a good friend and always supporting others when they need a helping hand.
Year 6 - Fraser for working hard in lessons and particularly making an effort with writing and fractions.
House of the Week
The House with the most house points this week is Fire! Well done Fire!
Christmas Lunch
Our Christmas Lunch this year will be on Wednesday 18th December. Lunch can be ordered on the day. This is free for children in Reception Class and Years 1 and 2. Please make sure you have put money on ParentPay to cover the cost for children in Years 3 - 6. The price is £2.60 which is the same as usual.
School Lunches
The price for school lunches will increase slightly to £2.75 from January 2025. Please make sure there is money available on ParentPay in advance of your child having a school meal so that debts are not incurred with our catering provider. Currently a lot of time is being spent chasing up payments for meals which have been taken but not paid for. Many thanks for your help with this.
Head Lice in School
We have reported cases of head lice across school so please do a spot of bug busting this weekend if you can. All you need is a nit comb and some conditioner to make the hair too slippery for little lice legs to hold on to. Comb through from scalp to tip and then swish the comb in a bowl of water. You might be surprised what you find!
Cyber Protect Webinars
Thames Valley Police are running free Cyber Protect webinars for parents. These have proved very popular and the tickets available for each have been increased from 100 to 500 to allow more people to take part. Please see more details on the flyer below.
Maidenhead Magpies Christmas Holiday Camp
Dedworth Football Camp
23rd 24th 27th 30th 31st December
2nd 3rd January
Autumn Term Key Dates – 2024
Fri 13th Dec - Reception Nativity for Parents - School Hall - 9.15am
Fri 13th Dec - Y4 Bake Sale
Mon 16th Dec - KS1 Nativity for Parents - School Hall - 1.30pm
Mon 16th Dec - KS2 Christmas Service - Holy Trinity Church - 6pm
Tues 17th Dec - KS1 Nativity for Parents - School Hall - 9.15am
Tues 17th Dec - Rec and KS1 Christmas Parties
Weds 18th Dec - Christmas Lunch
Weds 18th Dec - KS2 Christmas Parties
Fri 20th Dec - Christmas Jumper Day
Fri 20th Dec - End of Term 2 - 1.30pm