The Early Years Curriculum
We plan, teach and assess children using the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (2021), supported by Early Years Outcomes and Development Matters. This Curriculum is used for children in Nursery and Reception as this is what we call ‘The Early Years Foundation Stage’. It is a very important time for children as we are building the foundations of learning, which will continue throughout your child’s life.
Young children learn by doing. This means playing and trying out new things in a safe and secure environment. We have plenty of resources and space which includes a large playground, a forest school and in addition to the classroom we have an outdoor learning class. All facilities enable the children to experience challenge and new learning opportunities.
We will always encourage children to do their best and take part in a wide range of activities which also includes visitors into school and going out for an educational visit. We try to work from a child’s own interest,
so it is always helpful to hear about what they like playing with at home and outside of school.
We want to hear all about your child as you know them best.
A key aspect of our Early Years curriculum is involving parents and carers in children’s learning. We
have themed sessions which we invite parents and carers to share experiences and visit the class to take part
in activities with their children. We ask you to share 'Wow Moments' from home so we can generate learning and know about your child's achievements. We will keep you informed about your child's progress through our parent
sessions and through our newsletter.
Take a look at our Reception class page (link below) to see our curriculum in action!
Early Years Foundation Stage: Nursery and Reception
At Holy Trinity School children in Reception are provided with a stimulating learning environment which encourages learning through play – a fundamental part of early learning.
The school uses the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum to plan learning opportunities in the following areas:
EYFS areas of learning and their associated Early Learning Goals
Characteristics of effective learning:
Playing and exploring – engagement
Active learning – motivation
Creating and thinking critically – thinking
Prime Areas:
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
Physical Development
Communication and Language
Specific Areas:
Understanding of the world
Expressive Arts and Design
Parents and Carers Make the World of Difference
We really value the importance of Parents and Carers and believe that you are the key to your child’s success.
You know your child better than anybody and you can really help your child to succeed in life. We are
committed to working with you to make sure that your child achieves their best. We are here for every child and every family.
If you would like to know more about anything please feel welcome to come and speak to Mrs Tomes the Early
Years Leader, or one of the Reception team.