We Need YOU!
The PTA at Holy Trinity are a vital part of our school. Not only do they raise much-needed funds but they organise fantastic activities for the children and families to be able to socialise together and make happy memories of school life.
We are currently seeking volunteers to fulfil the roles of Chair and Secretary. It could be a shared role. The current Chair (Andi Williamson) would be more than happy to chat through what the roles entail. Would you be able to offer some of your time to support your children’s school in this way?
If you are interested in getting involved more with the life of Holy Trinity, please contact the school office or PTA Chair directly through Class List.
PTA School Lottery
See more detail below about the school lottery. But did you know, anyone can sign up? You don't need to be a parent at the school to take part in the draws so spread the word to friends and other family members if you can. Thanks!
Stars of the Week for w/e 3rd May 2019
Reception – Luke and Elliot for counting 955 little animals and for knowing they needed another 45 to make 1000.
Year 1 – Ben for being such a good role model in Class 1 and producing excellent reasoning in his Maths.
Year 2 – Charan for writing a fantastic diary from aboard the Titanic.
Class 3C – Summer for confidently sharing her ideas in class.
Class 3G – Mia for always being so smiley and friendly, willing to help and working hard all the time.
Year 4 – Freddie F for his enthusiasm and excellent work when learning about the water cycle.
Year 5 – Harry for great efforts in learning all the new grammar and for always ‘having a go’.
Year 6 – Blake for quietly applying himself to his learning and showing what he can achieve whilst we’ve been revising.
Reception Class Visit Rushall Farm
Reception had a great day out at Rushall Farm last week. They spent the morning exploring the woods looking at different plants and insects, followed by an exciting session pond dipping. In the afternoon, we went on a tractor ride to the farm and fed the chickens, saw the pigs and learnt about the farmer’s jobs. The highlight was definitely holding the baby lambs.
More Photos from Year 6 Harry Potter Trip
Well Year 6 have really had their heads down this week preparing for their SATs week which starts on Monday - so no report from those busy bees but we do have some more photos - see below.
Have you Signed up for the School Lottery?
The PTA are committed to reviewing all options for raising much needed funds and, following feedback from a number of parents and after approval from School and the Governors, we have joined ‘Your School Lottery’.
‘Your School Lottery’ is a vetted organisation and allows players to support their local school directly. As a supporter, you can join for as little as £1 per week and for this you will then have the chance of winning a guaranteed weekly prize for someone within the school community. The more people that participate, the bigger this guaranteed prize becomes and the more money raised for our school. On top of this, you will also be entered into a separate draw with a chance to win an amazing £25,000 every week!
Every Saturday, both of these draws will take place with results posted on the ‘Your School lottery’ website. Winners for both draws will be advised directly and will be paid automatically. All you need is to be over 16 and have a bank account, so please share with others in the community who may be interested in joining. Our first Lottery will start on 1st June 2019 and everyone who signs up this term will also be entered into a draw to win an Amazon Echo, Fire TV Stick, Echo Dot and Fire HD 8.
Joining ‘Your School lottery’ is easy. Just go to https://www.yourschoollottery.co.uk/play and follow the instructions. You’ll receive your tickets within minutes.
How does the draw work?
There are 2 chances for you to win every week.
When you start supporting, you get your own unique 6 digit ticket number. You can purchase more than one number if you wish. The more numbers that are issued within our school community, the bigger the prize becomes. Each school will have its own weekly draw which only their supporters are entered into. This means that someone from within our school community is guaranteed to win every week.. The size of the prize will be published on the ‘Your School Lottery’ website in the lead up to each weekly draw.
On top of this, a separate weekly draw will take place where 6 numbers (each being 0 to 9), will be drawn at random. If your six digit number(s) matches the six numbers drawn in sequence, then you’ve won £25,000!
And finally, in contrast to the National lottery, who only pass on 28p in every pound, or the Health Lottery who pass on 20p to good causes, ‘Your School Lottery’ promises a minimum PTA contribution of 40%!
Your School Lottery is administered by Gatherwell, a registered External Lottery Manager certified by the Gambling Commission. Gambling Commission Registration No: 000-036893-R-317859-008 · VAT Registration No: 195 0148 06
PTA News
The Year 6 Bake Sale raised £136 - thanks to everyone who supported!
The School Lottery (approved by School, Governors and PTA) has been launched further to parents asking us to look into an approved Lottery Scheme (see the information above). It would make such a difference to the school if every parent could sign up to even as little as £1 per week as we are guaranteed a return of 40p for every £1! This term the PTA will be funding Bug Club, Mathletics and the other online tools for the children as usual and the Wishing Tree already has further requests for reading books for our children to use for over £2k.
PTA Committee Meeting - Monday 13th May - 8pm in the Staff Room at school. Topics will be Summer Fair and Next School Fundraising Project (presented by Mrs Griffith). All are welcome to attend and contribute ideas.
Summer Fair 29th June 11am-2pm - please mark in your diaries for what we hope will be another fun-filled Summer Fair including music, dancing and several new stalls!
Sunday 7th June 2020...yes 2020!! Back by popular demand Circus will be coming to school!
Next Year's Committee - without the PTA there is no Mathletics or Bug Club, trip subsidies or new equipment for your children's school. The PTA is not allowed to operate without a Chair and a Secretary. The school has agreed to provide more help with some events to make the job a bit easier! Do you know anyone who could step in, perhaps with a friend and always with the support of the rest of the committee and our amazing class reps? Even if you cannot help personally, please do speak to anyone you think might be interested to encourage them, as none of the events (Disco, Film Night, Egg Hunt etc) and the money raised will be available to the children without a committee in place.
Summer Term Dates – 2019
School Term Dates
Please see here for term dates:
Ofsted noted a marked increase in persistent absence (a holiday will register as persistent absence). Please do not book holidays or family days during term time. Thank you.
Holy Trinity CE Primary School take safeguarding very seriously. If you have a concern, please do not hesitate to report to our designated staff;
Mrs P. O’Brien, Mrs J. Griffith, Miss S. Harding, Mrs F Fargher