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High attendance is crucial for your child to progress well! We focus on attendance data which is (anonymously) shared with Governors termly and DFE. We will work alongside you to overcome any attendance concerns and ensure all our pupils are in school as much as possible! As parents, please give this as much focus as we do.


If your child is unwell and unable to attend school, please call the school office by 9.15 on each and every day they are absent. 

If you need to request a term time absence for any reason, please complete the form below. Please bear in mind that the school will only authorise absence for 'exceptional circumstances' which does not include family holidays or occasions. Please do not take holidays during term time - refer to the Attendance policy for full details.

Fixed Penalty for taking Term Time Absence


Our Attendance target for 2023-24 is 97%.  Please help us reach this goal!
