Dear Parents and Carers,
A huge well done to Year 2 for their class assembly this week. We’ve all been so impressed with all the classes for their assemblies and we know that parents enjoy them!
We look forward to Year 3 next Tuesday at 9am and Year 1 on Wednesday 15th March at 9am also. Please come along to hall from drop off via the back door on Church Road.
Easter Services
These will be at Holy Trinity Church at 9.30am:
We’d love to see you there.
World Book Day activities were a great success today – thank you for your support with these! Happy reading.
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Griffith
Stars of the Week for w/e 3rd March 2023
Well done to all of our Stars this week.
Reception – Kaede for superb 'odd and even' work and for conquering the fireman's pole.
Class 1 – Oscar for demonstrating an excellent attitude to his learning this week.
Class 2 – Savan for his fantastic delivery of his lines during the class 2 assembly this week.
Class 3 – Ella for working hard on your handwriting. You are applying all the learning from the handwriting lessons and we can see a fantastic improvement.
Class 4 – Sienna W for always trying her hardest in all of her work and for working independently with her maths.
Class 5 – Ernie for excellent percentage work in maths this week.
Class 6 – Aleena for her positive steps towards achieving her goals.
House of the Week
The House with the most house points this week is Water! Well done Water!
Help Wanted!
We now have balance bikes for Year 1 and Reception Class. However, we would love some support with maintaining the bikes. If anyone is an enthusiast in this area and could offer a little bit of time each term, Mrs Tomes would love to hear from you. Thank you.
Skipping Challenge for Cancer Research UK
Aidan in Y5 and his Mum, and Jack in Y5 and Alice in Y2 and their Mum decided to complete the skipping challenge in February to raise money for Cancer Research UK. The team each did 100 skips a day and raised a grand total of £902! Well done team for raising such a fantastic amount of money for a great cause. They would like to thank you for your sponsorship and support.
Please do not book holidays or family days during term time. Missing even one or two days of school can be detrimental to your child's learning as key information is missed. Friendships are also affected. Holiday absences will show up as persistent absence which is checked by Ofsted when they visit and monitored closely each half term by the Education Welfare Officer at RBWM. Looking ahead, it is almost certain that the Government will require fixed penalty notices and associated fines to be issued for holiday taken during school term time. The current penalty is £60, per day, per child, per parent if paid within a certain number of days. So 5 days off for a holiday for two children would result in a fine of £1200 at the current rate.
Spring Term Key Dates – 2022
Mon 6th March – PTA Mtg – 8pm
Tues 7th March - Y1 Trip to Winchester Science Museum
Tues 7th March – Y3 Class Assembly – 9am School Hall
Mon 13th March – Y5 Bikeability Week
Tues 14th to Fri 17th March – Scholastic Book Fair
Weds 15th March – Y1 Class Assembly – 9am School Hall
Tues 21st March – Parent Consultation Meetings
Weds 22nd March – Y2 Trip to The Living Rain Forest
Thurs 23rd March – Parent Consultation Meetings
Fri 24th March – NSPCC Fundraiser
Fri 24th March – Y1 Bake Sale
Mon 27th March – Easter Service Y1, Y3, Y5 – 9.30am at Holy Trinity Church
Tues 28th March – Easter Service Rec, Y2, Y4, Y6 – 9.30am at Holy Trinity Church
Fri 31st March – PTA Mufti Day £2
Fri 31st March – End of Term 4 – 1.30pm
Mon 17th April – Term 5 Starts
Holy Trinity CE Primary School take safeguarding very seriously. If you have a concern, please do not hesitate to report to our designated staff;
Mrs J. Griffith, Mrs C Barnes, Miss S. Harding, Mrs F Fargher