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Newsletter 21 - 14th February 2020

Stars of the Week for w/e 14th February 2020

Reception – Indira for supporting others with their learning.

Year 1 – Cohen for working so hard on his spelling and writing this week.

Year 2 –Findlay for amazing independent writing.

Class 3 – Ollie for his curious nature and excellent questions at Haslemere Museum.

Class 4H – Lily for her enthusiasm towards learning in all areas of the curriculum.

Year 4W – Genevieve for using adventurous vocabulary in her letter to the Iron Man.

Year 5 – Sophie C for her excellent attitude to learning and for being an excellent role model.

Year 6 – Eddy for his concentration and super artistic efforts drawing hands this week.

House of the Week
The House with the most house points this week is Fire! Well done Fire – we hope you enjoyed your extra playtime today.

Girls' Maths Competition at the Marist School 

Holy Trinity were victorious once again in the Year 5 Marist Schools Annual Maths Competition this week.  Eleanor, Grace, Sophie and Sophie beat teams from 17 other schools by a very big margin (including many independent schools) to take the trophy.  An enormous well done to the girls for this fantastic achievement! 

Year 1 Design Valentine's Day Crafts

Year 3 Trip to Haslemere Museum 

Class 3 visited Haslemere Museum on Wednesday for an Egyptian Workshop.  They have their very own Egyptian mummy called Pa-er-abu.  The mummy dates back to 300BC (and you can see its toes poking out of the linen bandages!).  We learned all about the Egyptian beliefs in the afterlife and how a body can be mummified!  We even had the opportunity to mummify our own teddies.  We put an amulet in for protection, created a cartouche written in hieroglyphs and a death mask so it’s soul can be reunited with the owner.  
Did you know… the Egyptians didn’t think the brain was very important and it was fed to cats!
Here are some photos of our super trip!

Valentine's Day Cake Sale - in Aid of Muscular Dystrophy UK

Mrs Free will be selling lots of lovely cakes after school today to raise money for Muscular Dystrophy UK and her London Marathon run.  All donations welcome.  


Sponsored Run for Muscular Dystrophy UK

As you may know, Mrs Free is running the London Marathon in aid of Muscular Dystrophy UK and what better way to raise money for the cause than a sponsored run?  On Friday 28th February children will take part in a sponsored run on the school field.  A sponsorship form will come home in book bags today so the children have time to butter up friends and relatives over half term! Please return all forms and monies by Friday 6th March.  Many thanks for your support. 

PTA News

It was great to see the children in mufti/onesies/PJs today, thank you for supporting the PTA!


Thank you to those who have already returned Circus booking forms, if you haven’t already done so please book tickets as soon as possible to take advantage of the discounted early bird price!


So far we haven’t had much interest for the “Brush Party”, if you would like to attend, please return the booking form asap as if we don’t have enough interest the event will be cancelled.


Polite reminder – whole school announcements on Classlist are for PTA related information only, thank you.


Upcoming dates for your diary:

6th March – Brush Party

9th March – PTA Meeting


Many thanks, PTA Committee

4 Women Charity Evening - Saturday 14th March

Towards the end of the newsletter you will find an advert for the next 4 Women Charity Evening organised by a group from Holy Trinity Church.  This time the event will be to raise money for local charities whilst raising awareness about Autism and ADHD.  Tickets are £15 including a delicious meal and are available in advance from the Church Office or by emailing

School Lunch Payments

Please do make sure that funds are available on ParentPay to pay for school lunches in advance. We have several accounts operating in arrears.  Please be aware that every text message sent to chase payment comes at a cost to the school adding up to a significant amount.  Where accounts are regularly in arrears the facility to have school lunches may be withdrawn.  


A reminder that, although we are not aware of any families travelling to affected areas over the half term break, we ask you to take full precautions in line with Government guidelines before returning to school after the holiday. If in doubt, please call 111 and let the school office know before returning.  Do not got to your doctor's surgery or hospital. 


Advice to those who have travelled recently

Public Health England has changed the advice for individuals who have travelled recently as follows:

Travellers from Wuhan and Hubei Province

If you have travelled from Wuhan or Hubei Province to the UK in the last 14 days you should immediately:
•    stay indoors and avoid contact with other people as you would with the flu
•    call NHS 111 to inform them of your recent travel to the area
Please follow this advice even if you do not have symptoms of the virus.


Travellers from other parts of China and other specified areas

This advice applies to travellers who have returned to the UK from the following areas:
•    Elsewhere in China
•    Thailand
•    Japan
•    Republic of Korea
•    Hong Kong
•    Taiwan
•    Singapore
•    Malaysia
•    Macau
If you have returned to the UK from any of these areas in the last 14 days and develop symptoms of cough or fever or shortness of breath, you should immediately:
•    stay indoors and avoid contact with other people as you would with the flu
•    call NHS 111 to inform them of your recent travel to the country

Encouraging good hygiene

As always, if you have symptoms of a cold or flu, then there are measures you can take to stop germs: 
•    always carry tissues with you and use them to catch your cough or sneeze. Then bin the tissue, and wash your hands, or use a sanitiser gel.
•    wash your hands often with soap and water, especially after using public transport. Use a sanitiser gel if soap and water are not available.
•    avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands.
•    avoid close contact with people who are unwell.

Latest information

Updates on Coronavirus: 
Travel advice for those travelling and living overseas: 


Public Health England blog 

Spring Term Dates – 2020

  • Fri 14th February – 3.15pm End of Term 3
  • Mon 24th February – Term 4 Starts
  • Thurs 27th February – Y2 Trip to Brooklands Museum
  • Fri 28th February – Y3 Class Assembly 9.15am - School Hall
  • Fri 28th February – Sponsored Run for Mrs Free – Marathon for Muscular Dystrophy
  • Fri 6th March – Reception Class Assembly 9.15am – School Hall
  • Fri 6th March – Y3 Bake Sale
  • Mon 9th March – Y5 Bikeability Week
  • Mon 9th – 11th March – PTA Book Fair – School Hall
  • Mon 9th March - PTA Meeting 8pm
  • Tues 10th March – Y2 Parents SATs Meeting – 3.15 - Y2 Classroom
  • Fri 13th March – Y2 Class Assembly 9.15am – School Hall
  • Tues 17th March – Parents’ Consultation Evening
  • Thurs 19th March - Parents’ Consultation Evening
  • Fri 27th March – Y1 Class Assembly 9.15am – School Hall
  • Fri 27th March – Reception Bake Sale
  • Mon 30th March – Easter Service Rec, Y2, Y5 and Y6 – Holy Trinity Church – 9.30am
  • Mon 30th March – Y5 Parents Residential Trip Mtg
  • Tues 31st March – Easter Service Y1, Y3 and Y4 – Holy Trinity Church – 9.30am
  • Fri 3rd April – Easter Egg Hunt
  • Fri 3rd April – 2pm – End of Term 4

School Term Dates

Please see here for term dates:


Ofsted noted a marked increase in persistent absence (a holiday will register as persistent absence).  Please do not book holidays or family days during term time.  Thank you.

Holy Trinity CE Primary School take safeguarding very seriously. If you have a concern, please do not hesitate to report to our designated staff;

Mrs P. O’Brien, Mrs J. Griffith, Miss S. Harding, Mrs F Fargher
