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Writing Vision and Curriculum


“After nourishment, shelter and companionship, stories are the thing we need most in the world.” Philip Pullman

Writing at Holy Trinity CE Primary

At Holy Trinity we believe that all children, given the right tools, can become confident writers who have the ability to express themselves clearly and appropriately in a range of contexts both within the school community and beyond.


Our curriculum intent for Writing is that every child will: 

  • Write fluently, demonstrating a good understanding of phonics (understanding of relationship between sounds and letters), and the morphology (word structure) and orthography (spelling structure) of words
  • Articulate, communicate and organise ideas coherently for the reader
  • Understand and use an increasing range of grammar and vocabulary
  • Write for a range of purposes and audiences within different contexts
  • Plan, revise and evaluate their writing.
  • Write in a consistently fluent and legible handwriting style at a productive speed. 


Implementation of the Writing Curriculum at Holy Trinity


Writing is focused on two strands: transcription (spelling and handwriting) and composition (articulating ideas and structuring them in speech and writing).




In EYFS and Year 1, spelling is directly linked to the ELS phonics scheme. In Year 2 this continues with the ELS spelling programme, which focuses on the transition from decoding to encoding. From Year 3, spelling is taught using the Spelling Shed Scheme of Work, which focuses on the orthography, morphology and etymology of words. Pupils continue to build on the firm foundations of phonics, breaking down words into the smallest units of sound and syllables. They also learn about the meanings of parts of words and their origins and how these both affect spelling. 


Handwriting is explicitly taught from when the children join in EYFS. In year one, the children secure their precursive script and then move onto cursive in year two. Cursive script is consolidated in years three and four. Intervention is provided for children in years 5 and 6 who have not secured a fluent script at an appropriate speed.




At Holy Trinity we believe that reading greatly impacts upon writing; therefore, we link much of our teaching of writing to the high-quality texts that we are reading in class. Many of these texts link to other curriculum areas, which increases pupil engagement and provides a wealth of opportunities for writing for a range of purposes and audiences. Additionally, it allows for subject-specific vocabulary to be reinforced and revisited and pupils’ understanding to deepen and become embedded.  


Grammar and punctuation is taught in discrete lessons and revisited little but often during starters to English lessons. This ‘walking the wheatfield’ approach referred to by Pie Corbett cements the children’s understanding and aids application of this in their writing.


We use ‘The Write Stuff’ to explicitly teach writing. It is a systematic, mathematical and structured approach to teaching the process of writing. The foundation of TWS approach is a visual representation of the three zones of writing - ideas (vocabulary), tools (grammar & punctuation) and techniques (literary devices) - called The Writing Rainbow. Within TWS units there are ‘Experience’ lessons that engage and excite the children, often generating vast amounts of vocabulary that is later used in ‘Sentence Stacking’ lessons that model and scaffold writing. Children go on to write independent pieces applying the ideas, tools and techniques explicitly taught in these sessions.


The Impact of the Writing Curriculum at Holy Trinity


Pupils acquire an excellent knowledge of grammar and punctuation as demonstrated in our end of KS2 attainment data in the grammar, spelling and punctuation test.

Pupils leave Holy Trinity able to express themselves confidently, accurately and coherently, adapting their language and style in and for a range of contexts, purposes and audiences. They are well prepared for the writing demands of secondary school.   


How does Writing fit into our School Vision?

To be an inspirational place of learning where


Vision statement:

Writing links/actions:

We facilitate opportunities so every child can flourish in a place where they feel safe, happy and confident.



  • The Write Stuff’s visual representation of the three zones of writing aids all pupils’ understanding, including those with SEN.
  • The modelling and scaffolding of the writing process in Sentence Stacker lessons supports less able and SEN pupils, allowing them to feel ownership over the writing they produce and a sense of achievement.
  • Continue to use Sentence Stack displays in classrooms to celebrate pupils’ writing.
  • Continue to use the Writing Wall of Fame and Star Writer certificates to celebrate pupils’ writing.
  • Include Writing Wall of Fame and Star Writer pupils in newsletters and on the website.
  • Provide workshop / video for parents about TWS.

Staff wellbeing and professional development is valued and supported in order to fulfil their roles, inspire others and experience personal fulfilment.

  • TWS unit plans purchased to reduce teacher workload.
  • Staff signposted to online resources / social media to reduce workload.
  • Ensure time for peer observations of TWS / Sentence Stacker lessons.
  • Whole-school training planned for next academic year.
  • Provide further opportunities for staff discussion to share best practice on incorporating other aspects of writing into TWS units and increasing opportunities for independent writing.

The school provides facilities that enable an optimum learning environment.


  • Classes provided with TWS resources – both teaching / display resources and individual resources to support pupils’ learning.
  • Encourage further use of Forest School / outside environment as a hook to start off writing units through roleplay or drama.
  • Continue to use online learning tools such as Spelling Shed and Purple Mash.
  • Research other online learning that may be available to enhance writing skills.     

The school plays a central role within our community and enjoys strong links with the church, local companies and other schools.

  • Continue to attend cluster school writing moderation meets.
  • Provide more opportunities for pupils to write for the newsletter.
  • Form relationships with other schools in the Borough using The Write Stuff.



