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Newsletter 33 - 7th June 2024

Dear Parents and Carers,


We do hope you all enjoyed your half term break.


This week is National Volunteer Week and I’d like to extend thanks to all those who volunteer at school. The PTA, our resident gardener and helpers, parent reading volunteers and all of you who have signed up to volunteer at our Summer Fair!  However, I’d like to especially thank the Governors for the time they volunteer for the school – they are all vital to the work we do and their input is invaluable, thank you Governors.


Sports Day

Just a reminder about Sports Day next Thursday 13th June:


Below are the timings for the sports day events. Parents are invited to come along to cheer your child/ren on!

We ask the children to wear their PE shorts and a t-shirt the colour of their House Team: green for Earth, yellow for Air, red for Fire and blue for Water.


Reception and KS1

10.45 – 11.45am sports events


Picnic lunch for everyone

11.45 – 12.30pm


12.30pm all children to return to class to be registered.



12.40pm start of sports events


If you would like to stay with your child for a picnic lunch you are welcome. Please bring your own lunch. Packed lunches (Grab Bags) will be available to order for your children or you can provide picnic lunch for them. Everyone will eat outside together. Please bring picnic rugs!


Reception and KS1 children - parents can then choose to take their children home after 12.30pm registration or they can stay in school for usual 3.15pm pick up.


KS2 children can be taken home by parents after their events have finished or they can remain in school until 3.15pm pick up. After school clubs will be running as usual.


We pray for dry weather so the plans can go ahead. In the event of rain, we will advise of alternative arrangements as soon as possible.



Internet Safety Day at Holy Trinity – 11th June

We have arranged workshops for the pupils during the day. In addition, you are invited to come along to the Parent Workshop in the hall at 6pm to hear the steps you can take as parents to ensure your children are safe online. Please click here to book on to the workshop just to give us an idea of numbers.  We are requesting a contribution of £5 to cover the costs of this day so please use ParentPay to add your contribution so that the day can go ahead.

Enjoy the weekend,


Mrs Griffith

Stars of the Week for w/e 7th June 2024

Well done to all of our Stars this week

Reception – Ottilie for always being willing to help and completing anything she undertakes reliably and to a high standard.

Year 1 – Emily for her wonderful attitude to learning and focus on presentation this term and always with a smile.

Year 2 – Oscar for great ideas in English this week.

Year 3 – Zach P for making very good contributions in English lessons.

Year 4 – Buster for making really positive choices and decisions in school.  

Year 5 – James for starting the term with great focus and perseverance across all lessons.

Year 6 – Sam for getting into character for the production and working well with his partner in crime on stage!

House of the Week
The House with the most house points this week is Earth! Well done Earth!

Fanatic About Football!

On Wednesday afternoon, we took two teams to a football tournament at Ascot Football Club. We played against St. Francis, St. Michael’s, South Ascot, Cheapside and Dedworth Middle. Our B team won one match, drew two matches and lost two matches. They played really well and gained confidence as a team as the tournament progressed. Our A team won three matches, drew one and lost one.  They were only beaten by Dedworth Middle School to come a superb second out of the six teams and were awarded medals – congratulations!


Well done to all the boys! It was a great afternoon! Thank you to Mr Nicoll, Mrs Hunter and Miss Harding, and thank you to all parents who were able to come to support the teams at the tournament.  

Savan's School Fundraiser

On Saturday, Savan swam, cycled and ran, in the Henley children’s triathlon. He is so close to hitting his fund raising target & we’ll be leaving the sponsorship page open for one more week and then all funds will go to the PTA. 


Please please make a donation to Savan's fundraiser here .. thank you. 

Bags 2 School

Please note that the Bags 2 School will be collecting from Holy Trinity at 9am next Tuesday.  Bags can be left on the day at school drop off up to 9am. Please place your bags next to the outside office wall.  You will see where some staff have left theirs.  This is a good earner for us and good for sustainability too!  Please see here for what can and can't be included in your bags.  Many thanks.  


Increasing numbers of children are arriving at school late and several children are arriving late for school on a regular basis.  Children must be in school before classroom doors shut promptly at 8.45.  Late arrivals are disruptive for the class, teachers, assembly, the kitchen, school office and the children themselves.  All children arriving after 8.45 are   given a late mark in the school register which remains part of their ongoing school record.  Please make every effort to get your children to school on time.   

Summer Term Key Dates – 2024

Tues 11th June - Bags 2 School by 9am

Tues 11th June – Internet Safety Workshops Years 1 – 6

Tues 11th June – Internet Safety Parent Meeting – 6pm School Hall

Thurs 13th June – Sports Day

Fri 14th June – Y1 Bake Sale

Mon 17th June – Y3 Trip to Marwell Zoo

Mon 17th June to Tue 18th June – Y4 Residential to Phasels Wood

Mon 17th June – PTA Meeting

Fri 21st June – Y3 and Y4 – No Swimming

Mon 24th June to Fri 28th June – Year 6 Residential Trip to Mill on the Brue

Fri 28th June – Bring a Bottle Mufti

Sat 29th June – PTA Summer Fair

Mon 1st July – Y6 Charters Induction Day

Tues 2nd July – Y6 Charters Induction Day

Tues 2nd July – Y1 Trip to Littlehampton

Tues 2nd July – Y5 Sports Day at St George’s Ascot

Thurs 4th July – Come and See – 2.45pm – 3.15pm

Tues 9th July – Meet the Teacher – 2.45pm – 3.10pm and 3.20pm – 3.45pm

Weds 10th July – Science Day

Mon 15th July – Last Week of Clubs

Tues 16th July – Move Up Morning

Weds 17th July – Y6 School Production at Cordes Hall – Y4, Y5 and Y6

Thurs 18th July - Y6 School Production at Cordes Hall – Y4, Y5 and Y6

Fri 19th July – Reports to Parents

Tues 23rd July – Leavers’ Service – 9.15am at Holy Trinity Church

Weds 24th July – End of Term 6 – 1.30pm

Thurs 25th July – Inset Day


Holy Trinity CE Primary School take safeguarding very seriously. If you have a concern, please do not hesitate to report to our designated staff;

Mrs J. Griffith, Mrs C Barnes, Miss S. Harding, Mrs F Fargher
