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Newsletter 34 - 14th June 2019

Stars of the Week for w/e 14th June 2019

Reception – Sienna W for always trying her hardest and so making super progress with her reading.

Year 1 – Josh for his super attitude and perseverance in phonics this week.

Year 2 – To all of year 2 for their fantastic behaviour on our class trip.  You represented the school brilliantly.  A special mention goes to Ethan for his amazing contributions.

Class 3C – Tommy for working hard to develop his understanding of fractions.   

Class 3G – Jazz for showing great resilience and perseverance in swimming.

Year 4 – Lucas W for settling in to school so brilliantly.  We’re lucky to have you!

Year 5 – Manika for always being a helpful and reliable member of the class.

Year 6 – Ryan for his commitment to rehearsals so far and getting in role. 

Year 2 Trip to Southampton SeaCity Museum

On Wednesday 12th June, Year 2 went to Southampton to visit the SeaCity Museum.
We have spent the last 2 terms learning about the Titanic and this was a fantastic way to finish off our topic. There were too many exciting or interesting parts for us to choose just one highlight but here are some of our favourite bits.  
We had a tour around the museum with our guide, Sue. She told us some fascinating stories and facts. Ollie said, “I thought the Titanic was the first ship to have a swimming pool, but it was actually the first ship to have a heated swimming pool!”
We spent the afternoon doing activities in our groups, which included smelling different scent cubes and working out which part of the ship it would have been. The one that made us all wrinkle our noses was the smell of the gymnasium!
We had some super scientists who worked out how to make the Titanic (ice cube tray!) float by balancing the water on board equally and finally some of us were lucky enough to dress up as different people who were actually on board.
We had a brilliant day and have all agreed it has been our favourite trip so far.
Year 2 

Stop! Drop! Roll!
Year 5 had a visit from some Bracknell Firefighters on Monday afternoon. Ben, Andy and Steve taught us about all the different jobs that they do, not just putting fires out. We tried on some of their special protective clothing, looked at their special equipment and got to sit in their fire engine! If you are ever on fire, stop, drop and roll! 

Do you have a Piano (not a keyboard) that needs a new home?

Our piano is in the Research Hub to support those children who have piano lessons in school.  We would love to have a piano in the hall as well so that children could play the piano in assembly and on other occasions.  Do you have or know of a reasonable piano that needs a new home?  As pianos often require a specialist moving team they sometimes overstay their welcome and we would be keen to rehouse one if available.  Please contact the school office in the first instance.  Many thanks!

Sports Day

Unfortunately Sports Day had to be postponed as the field is so wet after heavy rain.  Hopefully we will be able to go ahead on Tuesday 25th June.  All details will remain the same.  Please note that only Grab Bags will be available to order from the kitchen on Sports Day.  

School Survey

On behalf of the Governing Board I would like to thank everyone who participated in our recent survey about life at Holy Trinity; children, staff, parents and carers were all consulted.

We were delighted to receive so many positive comments and useful feedback on where you feel we are performing well currently, and how we can continue to progress learning and wellbeing for all of our pupils and staff in the future.

The results of the survey are being evaluated by governors and the senior leadership team and will be a vital part of shaping our priorities for growth over the next three to five years.

Thank you once again for your continued support, the community feel of the school is one of the points that comes across most strongly time and again in discussion and was highly commended in both our Ofsted and SIAMS evaluations. 


Aileen Boaler

Chair of Governors

PTA Update

The Year 5 Bake Sale raised £110 and Bags2School raised £131 - thanks to everyone for supporting both of these activities.


Spend update

The school is really pleased to have received the books ordered to top up the class reading book library with funding from the PTA. We have also recently funded more and better storage for the playground equipment and gardening tools for the Spiritual Garden!


Class Reps

As we near the end of the year, the Class Reps are now looking to hand over to new reps for next year. Could you volunteer to help? This involves running the Class Bake Sale and helping run the stall at the Christmas Fair and we are hoping that every parent would volunteer this once in their child's Holy Trinity tenure.  Being a class rep is a great way to get to know people and make new friends across the school.  


Summer Fair – Saturday 29th June 11am – 2pm

Plans are well under way for the Summer Fair. In order to raise as much as we can towards funding those extras for the children please can we ask for your support in the following:

1) Work with your class reps to contribute to the hamper

2) Raffle tickets will be out shortly - if you could complete and return all proceeds to the PTA box we would be grateful

3) Offer to help for 30 mins on the day for your class stall. The BBQ also needs helpers so if you can volunteer please do let us know!

4) Would you or a business you know like to either:

  • donate a voucher or equivalent for the silent auction?
  • advertise in the goodie bags - £20 for 200 leaflets?

If so please contact us on or via classlist?

The PTA will be funding Frokidz (dance and music group) after popular demand from last year. Plus with the following stalls we really hope you and the family will have a wonderful day:



External Stalls


Forever Living Aloe Products




Gluten Free Fudge

LSA Vases

Toy Stall



School stalls: Hook a duck, 2nd Hand Uniform, Bottle Tombola, Laser Tag, Hulahoop, Refreshments, Cakes and Ice Pops, Pie Face/Wet Sponge; Guess what's in the Football sock; Fastest Penalty Competition; Golf Putting Challenge; Hair Salon, Ping Pong Jam Jars, Bouncy castles (KS1 and 2), Sweet Tombola, Raffle and Silent Auction!


Friday 5th July - School Picnic

weather dependent, the picnic will take place at the earlier time of 5-8pm, to allow for time to clear up before departure! Sign up will be available shortly. As a reminder to new parents this is an opportunity for families to bring a picnic dinner to the School Field to celebrate the end of the year!


Further Fundraising

  • 'Yourschoollottery' - don't forget to sign up - for just £1 a week you can win the chance to win £25000 and the school are guaranteed a return for every £1 spent, as our are parents!
  • Greenredeem - sign up for points just for your recycling bin and more!
  • Stamptastic & Easy2name - by naming the school we are guaranteed a return for all those labels for the new year ;O)

Further ideas in the pipeline for fundraising for the new KS1 project - more details to follow!


Thank you as always for all your support.

The PTA Committee

Summer Term Dates – 2019

  • Weds 19th June – School Council Trip to Windsor Castle
  • Mon 24th June – Frogs and Friends Swimming Gala
  • Tues 25th June – Sports Day
  • Thurs 27th June Y5 class assembly 9.15am - School Hall 
  • Thurs 27th June  - Y6 production at Cordes Hall - 5.30pm
  • Fri 28th June MUFTI Bring a Bottle
  • Fri 28th June - Y6 production at Cordes Hall - 5.30pm
  • Saturday 29th June - PTA Summer Fair 11am - 2pm
  • Monday 1st July – Year 4 Trip to Marwell Zoo
  • Tues 2nd & Weds 3rd July - Y6 transition days at Charters
  • Thurs 4th July - Reception class assembly  - 9.15am - School Hall
  • Fri 5th July (or Fri 12th July if necessary due to weather) - PTA family picnic on the school field
  • w/c 8th July  - Y6 residential trip to Mill on the Brue
  • Weds 10th July – Y5 Cluster Sports Day – St Mary’s School
  • Thurs 11th July - Y2 class assembly - 9.15am - School Hall
  • Thurs 11th July – Kwik Cricket Years 5 & 6 Charters 3.30 – 5pm
  • Friday 12th July – Year 5 Maths in Action at Ascot Racecourse
  • Tues 16th July - Leavers' Service - 9.30am at Holy Trinity Church
  • Fri 19th July - End of the school year - 2pm


School Term Dates

Please see here for term dates:


Ofsted noted a marked increase in persistent absence (a holiday will register as persistent absence).  Please do not book holidays or family days during term time.  Thank you.

Holy Trinity CE Primary School take safeguarding very seriously. If you have a concern, please do not hesitate to report to our designated staff;

Mrs P. O’Brien, Mrs J. Griffith, Miss S. Harding, Mrs F Fargher
