Dear Parents and Carers,
Thank you for your support with our odd socks for Anti-Bullying Week. We have been exploring the theme in age -appropriate ways this week and will continue to talk about how unique we all are and the impact any kind of bullying has. Please continue to talk about this theme with your children.
Prayer Group
Reverend Jon comes into school once a fortnight to take Collective Worship with the whole school. He also then offers a prayer group for any child who would like to join in during part of the lunchtime that day. It’s a popular group! Thank you Reverend Jon for giving your time so generously.
Curriculum Information Meeting
If you would like to join us to hear more about the Holy Trinity Curriculum on Tuesday 21st November at 6pm please sign up here. Please come to the hall door on Church Road.
Mrs Meadows and Mrs Harrison are joining our staff team from Monday. We’d like to welcome them!
Library Volunteer
We are looking for a parent volunteer who can offer a lunchtime (12 – 1pm) to be in the library. Please contact the office if you’re able to help us out. Thank you in advance!
Please continue to ensure your child is attending school daily unless they are unwell. The learning they miss out on even for one day really can impact their progress.
Enjoy your weekend and we look forward to our Christmas Fair next Saturday!
Mrs Griffith
Stars of the Week for w/e 17th November 2023
Well done to all of our Stars this week.
Reception – Toto for great progress in listening skills.
Class 1 – Kavi for showing true kindness and living our vision.
Class 2 – Mia for super writing this week.
Class 3 – Abigail for being such a keen reader and ploughing through the suggested Year 3 reading list.
Class 4 – Mohammed for always trying his best in all tasks.
Class 5 – Barnaby for fully engaging in our science trip and providing some excellent scientific explanations.
Class 6 – Luke for his mature attitude towards his work and always working conscientiously and without a fuss.
House of the Week
The House with the most house points this week is Earth! Well done Earth!
Change of Shoes in School - KS2
Please could children who would like to play on the school field at break times please bring in a spare pair of shoes or trainers. Many thanks.
Braywick Football
On Monday 6th and 13th November, children from years 5 & 6 took part in football tournaments, playing against schools from the Borough. The boys team came fifth out of eight, winning three matches and drawing two. The girls teams won two of their matches and drew one. Well done to both teams who represented Holy Trinity amazingly. Thank you Mrs Hunter and Mrs Hunt who attended the tournaments.
Football at the Marist
On Thursday 17th November, we entered a girls team into a football tournament at the Marist. The girls played against A teams from Redwood House, St. Bernard’s, The Marist, The Dolphin School and South Ascot. There were some great goals from Neive and super saves from Cathy. The girls worked brilliantly as a team – well done! Thank you to Miss Harding who attended the tournament with them.
Bring a Bottle Mufti - Friday 24th November
Next Friday is a mufti day in exchange for any kind of bottle at the school gates! The bottles will be used for the Bottle Tombola at the school fair. Please make sure shoes are sensible with covered toes and suitable for outdoor play.
PTA Christmas Fair - Silent Auction
Pease see details of the Silent Auction on the document below.
Autumn Term Key Dates – 2023
Tues 21st Nov – Y3 Trip to Butser Ancient Form
Tues 21st Nov – Curriculum Information Evening for Parents
Fri 24th Nov - Bring a Bottle Mufti
Fri 24th Nov - Y3 Netball Tournament - The Marist - 1.30pm - 3.30pm (tbc)
Sat 25th Nov – PTA Christmas Fair – 11am – 2pm
Fri 1st Dec – Year 4 Bake Sale
Tues 5th Dec – PTA Film Night
Weds 6th Dec – Y4 and Y5 – Panto at St George’s School
Fri 8th Dec – Reception Class Nativity – 9.15am School Hall
Fri 8th Dec – Y4 Bikeability – Level 1
Mon 11th Dec – 1.30pm - KS1 Nativity – School Hall
Mon 11th Dec – 6pm – KS2 Christmas Service – Holy Trinity Church
Tues 12th Dec – 9.15am - KS1 Nativity – School Hall
Tues 12th Dec – PM - Rec and KS1 Christmas Parties
Weds 13th Dec – Christmas Lunch
Weds 13th Dec – KS2 Christmas Parties
Fri 15th Dec – Christmas Jumper Day