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Newsletter 31 - 6th May 2022

Dear Parents and Carers,

Thank you to all who joined us for Film Night this week – we hope the children enjoyed it!



Year 6 have been busily preparing for taking their end of KS2 SATs assessments. These are national tests that all Year 6 pupils will take next week.  We commend them for their diligent work in their revision but know they have been ably prepared by the Year 6 teaching team to meet these challenges head on and do themselves proud. Good Luck Year 6!


Asthma Coffee Morning

On Friday 20th May 9 – 10am we are hosting a coffee morning in our hall for parents to come along and discuss any asthma related queries with the asthma nurse.  Please do feel free to join us.


Designated Safeguarding Leads

Just a reminder to come to the office and make an appointment to speak to one of our safeguarding leads (Mrs Griffith, Mrs Barnes, Miss Harding and Mrs Fargher) if you have any safeguarding concerns you’d like to share.


Have a lovely weekend in the sunshine,


Mrs Griffith

Stars of the Week for w/e – 29th April 2022

Well done to all of our Stars last week!

Reception – Peyton for writing an amazing story about a dog called Daisy and Paulina for amazing progress across all areas of the curriculum.

Class 1 – Max W for having an amazing week.  It was wonderful hearing you sing in Collective Worship this week - a very confident performance.

Class 2 – Ethan for trying hard in all subjects and working independently. 

Class 3 -  Luke for his willingness to help his classmates and and be a very good friend. 

Class 4 – Eloise for consistently working hard and putting 100% effort into all of your learning. Well done for your enthusiasm.

Class 5 – Theo for thinking creatively when making choices about the presentation of his work.  

Class 6N – Daisy for being a conscientious learner and applying herself to her revision doing super work. 

Year 6W – Kate for her conscientious approach to all aspects of school life. 

Stars of the Week for w/e – 6th May 2022

Well done to all of our Stars this week!

Reception – Jack for super effort with his Maths. Yasmeen for always being so cheerful and helpful. 

Class 1 – Zac L for his fantastic attitude to learning.  His hard work across all subjects has been noticed. 

Class 2 –  Eleni for always helping and being a good role model. 

Class 3 -  Sam for showing true sportsmanship in Rounders and cheering on both teams.  You are also a fantastic fielder.

Class 4 – Emilia for producing some lovely writing in our The Write Stuff lessons this week.  

Class 5 – Ollie for his enthusiastic contributions in PSHE this week. 

Class 6N – Adya for being an independent learner and quietly taking on board everything she has been taught. 

Year 6W – Aaran for really applying himself to all of his revision homework and work in class.  

House of the Week
The House with the most house points this week is Earth! Well done Earth!

Skydiving for Charity!

Just to let you know that on May 28th Miss Bohdjalian is taking to the skies in order to fundraise for the Guide Dogs for the Blind, and they’d really appreciate your support.


"It's not my first skydive, I did one 17 years ago for a different charity, but somehow this time it feels more scary!!

Please donate if you can, as every penny will go towards essential puppy training... '


You can donate to the JustGiving page by clicking here

PTA News

Thank you all for supporting our Film Night with a great turn out 🎥.  We hope the children enjoyed the chosen films.

PTA Committee

We are still in need of parents to step forward for the roles of Chair and Treasurer for the next academic year. 


We are also looking for parents to join the Committee and take on roles such as organising Bags2School, 2nd Hand Uniform etc.


If these roles are not filled, the PTA will have no choice but to fold and there will be no further fundraising or PTA events for the children.


If you are interested in joining the PTA Committee and would like to discuss what is involved, please contact, and they will be happy to meet with you to discuss the roles further.


Summer Fair

The Summer Fair is being held on Saturday 25th June 11am-2pm – no virtual fair this year!!  Please put it in your diaries and come along for a fun day and support the PTA in raising funds for an all weather running track.


If there are any parents who would like a stall selling their goods at the Fair, please contact      


We have had some parent helpers put themselves forward to assist with the gathering of auction prizes for our Summer Fair, but to complete the team we require a few extra helpers.  If you are able to offer some time to help with this, PLEASE message Alison Shukla or Carol Brown on Classlist or



Dates for your diary:

9 May – PTA Meeting

13 May – 6N Bake Sale

27 May – Break the Rules Day



Many thanks

PTA Committee

Pre School Quiz

Please see information below about the upcoming Pre School Quiz on Saturday 21st May.

Summer Term Key Dates – 2022

Monday 9th May – KS2 SATs Week

Tuesday 10th May – Reception Class trip to Rushall Farm

Friday 13th May – 6N Bake Sale

Monday 16th May– Y5 Residential Trip to Leeson House

Wednesday 18th May – Y5 Return from Leeson House

Friday 20th May – Asthma Nurse Coffee Morning – 9am School Hall

Monday 23rd May – Class Photos

Friday – 27th May – Break the Rules Day

Friday 27th May – End of Term 5 – 3.15pm

Monday 6th June – Inset Day

Tuesday 7th June – Inset Day

Wednesday 8th June – Pupils return for Term 6

Friday 10th June – Bags 2 School

Tuesday 14th June – Skipping Workshops – all years

Wednesday 15th June – Visit from author Kerry Gibb

Friday 17th June – Sports Day

Friday 17th June – 6W Bake Sale

Monday 20th June – Y6 Production at Cordes Hall – 5pm

Tuesday 21st June - Y6 Production at Cordes Hall – 5pm

Wednesday 22nd June – Visit from God’s Planet Theatre

Thursday 23rd June – Sports Day Contingency Date (if postponed)

Friday 24th June – ‘Bring a Bottle’ Mufti Day

Saturday 25th June – PTA Summer Fair

Monday 27th June – Year 6 to Mill on the Brue

Friday 1st July – Year 6 return from Mill on the Brue

Tuesday 5th July – Y6 Transition Visit to Charters School

Wednesday 6th July – Y6 Transition Visit to Charters School

Wednesday 6th July – Y5 Sports Day at St Mary’s School

Thursday 14th July – Leavers’ Service – 9.30am at Holy Trinity Church

Friday 15th July – Reports Issued

Friday 15th July – Year 6 Mufti Day

Wednesday 20th July – End of Term 6 – 1.30pm

School Term Dates

Please see here for term dates:

Holy Trinity CE Primary School take safeguarding very seriously. If you have a concern, please do not hesitate to report to our designated staff;

Mrs J. Griffith, Mrs C Barnes, Miss S. Harding, Mrs F Fargher

Please do not send your child to school if they're unwell or with a high temperature controlled by paracetamol or ibuprofen.  Don't forget that your child must not return to school until at least 48 hours after the last episode of any gastric upset (vomiting or diarrhoea).   
