Dear Parents/Carers,
Remote Learning
You will have a received an email from the school office with the Remote Learning Policy attached. It's also available
here on our website). This is our contingency plan for learning to continue should your child be self-isolating or if a class bubble has to close. The policy relies heavily on your child having access to a device and internet connection. Please do let the office know if you don’t have a device your child can access, or if you don’t have internet access. We will be able to help.
As you will see, we will be using Microsoft Teams as a platform. We are introducing the children to this platform in school so that they will be familiar with it. We will be sending home their login details.
You will be able to see the plan we have in place to continue to provide learning in the two scenarios of:
a) A child isolating at home due to a positive test result in the household or because they’ve been contacted by NHS Track and Trace
b) A child’s class bubble closing due to a positive test result and following PHE instructions.
You will find a ‘Remote Learning’ subpage on the top of all the class pages. This is where work will be set in scenario a).
In scenario b) the class teacher will then be using Microsoft Teams as detailed in the Policy and Agreement.
Positive Cases
So far, we have had no pupils with positive test results at Holy Trinity. This is wonderful. Thank you for all you are doing outside of school to continue to follow government guidelines with social distancing in particular. It is really hard with reduced social contact, play dates, parties and other such activities. We are all having to sacrifice such things at the present time. We hope and pray that these present guidelines will have the desired effect of keeping the virus at bay, but please ensure you continue to follow the ‘Hands. Face. Space.’ rules.
Parents Evening
Teachers have been spending a lot of time preparing for and setting up Parents Evening appointments. As you know, we are offering you a virtual meeting using Microsoft Teams (or a phone call) as we’re not able to meet face to face. This has meant a lot of extra time spent on setting up these meetings by teachers so I’d like to say a big thank you to them for that. You will be receiving your child’s ‘Autumn Report’ today (your child will be bringing it home with them from Y1 to Y6). Please take a look at that prior to your appointment so that teachers can spend the precious 10 minutes talking to you about other areas.
It is really important that you keep to your 10 minute appointment time and not overrun as this will have an impact on other parents’ appointments. Again, this is taking a lot more hours than usual for teachers so please be mindful of sticking to your time slot.
If you have not yet made an appointment with your child’s teacher, please contact the office.
Have a wonderful weekend and we’ll see you on Monday!
Mrs Griffith - Headteacher
Stars of the Week for w/e 9th October 2020
Well done to all of our Stars of the Week:
Year 1 – Zen for making a fabulous Family Tree Guess Who game about the Royal Family.
Year 2 – Thomas for all the effort he has put into his learning this week, he has shown a brilliant Growth Mindset.
Class 3 – Samuel for showing a fantastic attitude to his learning.
Class 4 – Isis for being a good friend.
Class 5C – Poppy for always showing an excellent attitude to learning, being willing to accept feedback and showing great perseverance.
Class 5W – Adya for growing in confidence and being such a lovely member of our class.
Year 6 – Micah for his effort and presentation in Topic work this week.
House of the Week
The House with the most house points this week is Air. Well done Air for your hard work this week!
Reading Stars
In order to promote reading for pleasure throughout the school, class teachers have devised a list of key texts for each year group. These lists are available on Class Pages and have between 6-10 high quality texts on them that we would like the children to read at home over the course of the year.
If they read one of the books on the list, please do send in a photo of your child with the book to be displayed on the relevant class webpage and this will be celebrated within class.
Please note, there is a list for texts read within class too – these are ones teachers will cover with the children during topics. Well done to Star Reader Benoit in Year 4 who has already read 5 out of the 10 suggested books for his class. Well done Benoit!
Miss Prince & Miss Harding (English Leaders)
Nasal Flu Vaccinations - Monday 19th October
The Berkshire Healthcare Immunisation Team will be on site on Monday 19th October to administer the nasal flu vaccine. This is available to children in all year groups. Please make sure you give your consent or not for your child to have the vaccine which you can do online here using school code BK110018. It would help if everyone could do this whether you want your child to have the vaccine or not - it just takes a moment. Please see the letter below for more information and if you have any queries, please contact the healthcare team on 0300 365 0077.
Harvest Donations
Thank you for the harvest donation received so far. We won't be able to celebrate Harvest Festival in the usual way this year but we'd still like to collect donations for the church who continue to distribute to local families in need, with any surplus going to the Bracknell Foodbank. Donations can be dropped in to the school reception area or the children can take them in to classrooms between now and half term. These need to be long life goods rather than perishables so that they can be stored and distributed as needed. The following are especially useful at the moment:
- Tins of beans, lentils, chickpeas, carrots, peas, sweetcorn, runner beans, mince, fruit, Big Soup
- Pasta
- Rice
- Toilet rolls - packs of 4
- Kitchen towel
- Tissues
- Teabags
- Coffee
- Biscuits
- Multipacks of snack bars
- Multipacks of crisps
- Cartons of apple juice or orange juice (1 litre or individual)
Please park considerately when you are dropping off or picking up children from school. Once again we are receiving complaints from parents and neighbours about parking on double yellow lines, parking on or near to junctions and obstructing junctions and driveways. We allow a twenty minute window for dropping off in the morning and now have staggered pick up times. There is now even less reason to park illegally or contrary to the school values that we teach the children in school.
Please make sure your child is not late to school. Lateness disrupts the school office and lunch ordering system and is unsettling for the class and for children concerned. We allow a generous window for drop off so please adjust morning routines so that you are able to park and drop your children off within this window.
Please do not send your child to school if they're unwell or with a high temperature controlled by paracetamol or ibuprofen. Don't forget that your child must not return to school until at least 48 hours of the last episode of any gastric upset (vomiting or diarrhoea).
PTA News
Pumpkin Carving Competition & Trail
Hopefully you will all have seen our flyer advertising Sunningdale’s Pumpkin Competition. We are really excited to see what amazing creations you come up with.
Entry costs £3 per pumpkin and payment can be made via Parentpay or for those who do not have Parentpay via the PTA postbox located in the school office.
Please email to confirm your entry as we will require your road name to add a pumpkin to our trail map for seekers to spot!
The closing date for entries is 18th October, payment received after this date may mean pumpkins are not added to the trail map.
Trail map’s can be purchased for £2 and these will be distributed via your classes.
Once you have carved your spooky creations, please send us a picture via and display these over the Halloween weekend.
Winners will be announced on Friday 6th November.
"Easyfundraising" is a tool that allows you to donate to the school as you shop online. They
are currently offering a £5 bonus donation for each new supporter. If you click on the link below, it is a very quick and easy process to sign up and start donating.
Dates for your diary:
23 Oct – Mufti Day & Halloween fund run
30 Oct – 1 Nov – Pumpkin Trail
4 Nov – Bags2School
9 Nov – PTA Meeting
8 Dec – Bubble Film Night
Have a great weekend
PTA Committee
Autumn Key Term Dates – 2020
- Mon 19th Oct – Flu Vaccinations – All Year Groups
- Fri 23rd Oct – PTA Mufti Day £2 (optional Halloween Dressup)
- Fri 23rd Oct – PTA Sponsored Fun Run 50p
- Mon 2nd Nov – Inset Day
- Sat 21st Nov – PTA Christmas Fair
- Tues 8th Dec – PTA Film Night
- Weds 9th Dec – Christmas Lunch
- Tues 15th Dec – KS1 Christmas Parties
- Weds 16th Dec – KS2 Christmas Parties
- Fri 18th Dec – Christmas Jumper Day
- Fri 18th Dec – 1.30pm – End of Term
Ofsted noted a marked increase in persistent absence (a holiday will register as persistent absence). Please do not book holidays or family days during term time. Thank you.
Holy Trinity CE Primary School take safeguarding very seriously. If you have a concern, please do not hesitate to report to our designated staff;
Mrs J. Griffith, Mrs C Barnes, Miss S. Harding, Mrs F Fargher