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Newsletter 1 - 6th September 2019

Welcome to Autumn Term 1!

Welcome to Term 1 2019/20!  It's fantastic to see the children back at school so keen to learn and enjoy themselves.

We would like to extend an especially warm welcome to our new families right across the school, many of whom will be experiencing Primary School as a parent for the first time.  Please do look out for new faces in the playground and help to make them feel at home here and aware of all that's going on.

We will focus on core Christian values of Forgiveness and Friendship this term which fits in well with one of our Golden Rules 'We are kind and helpful'.  Please support these at home in any way you can.  Our whole school topics are related to Local History and 'The Time Machine'.  Please see class pages for more information about what each class will be doing in relation to these topics.  

Calendars and dates at the end of this newsletter are up to date with those all important events in the school year so that you can update your diaries.  Don't forget that you can synchronise your electronic diary with ours for instant calendar updates too.  

Meet the Teacher

There will be an opportunity for you to meet class teachers after school next week as follows:

Tues 10th September - 3.20pm Years 1 - 6

Weds 11th September - 3.20pm Reception Class

Teachers will present various material to parents about the school year, curriculum and class routines.  If you're unable to attend, the information will be available shortly afterwards on Class Pages on the website.  

Reception Class Need 'Loose Parts'

Reception Class always need ‘loose parts’ in order to support their numeracy and curriculum work. If you have any of the following please can you pass them onto Reception class either directly or via the office? 
1.      Clean foil milk bottle tops
2.      Wine corks
3.      Pine cones, conkers and acorns
4.      An old spinning spice rack
5.      Wooden spoons and kitchen utensils
6.      Old saucepans and frying pans
7.      Egg boxes and shoe boxes
8.      Baskets or wooden crates


Many thanks!

School Clubs

All school clubs will begin w/c 16th September (with the exception of Magpies).  Information about clubs and how to book is available on our website under About Us, School Clubs.  


Please do look at the timetable as some clubs have changed their time slot. Some clubs are already booked up so do act fast to secure places.  Last minute bookings are very disruptive in school so please book in advance and not on the day.

Information about how to sign up for Netball and Choir will be available next week.  

School Games Silver Mark Award

We are delighted to announce that we have achieved the School Games Silver Mark Award for the 2018/19 Academic Year.  For the past three years we have achieved the Bronze Award so we are very pleased to be awarded the Silver this time around.  

The School Games Mark is a Government led award scheme launched in 2012, facilitated by the Youth Sport Trust to reward schools for their commitment to the development of competition across their school and into the community, and we are delighted to have been recognised for our success.  We are extremely proud of our pupils, staff and parents for their dedication to all aspects of school sport.  

As part of our application, we were asked to fulfil criteria in the areas of participation , competition, workforce and clubs and we are pleased that the hard work of everyone at our school has been rewarded this year.  

Miss S Harding - PE and Sport Lead

New Picnic Benches

A big thank you to Mr Hill (Mrs Hill is our caretaker) who built new picnic tables for school from the defunct climbing wall - saving us lots of money and supporting our commitment to recycling in the process!

School Lunches - Grab Bags Only Next Week

Wilson Jones operate a commercial kitchen in school which requires industrial overhead fans to be working in order for other equipment to be switched on.  Unfortunately, the fans have broken meaning kitchen staff are unable to cook hot food. Parts have been ordered which will take a short while to arrive and be fitted, however, we do not anticipate being able to provide hot lunches next week.  Grab bags will be available for children to order next week.  We apologise for any inconvenience caused.  


Mufti Day Next Friday - PTA Bring a Small New Toy

Next Friday children are welcome to come to school in Mufti in exchange for a small new toy.  On Sunday 15th September, Holy Trinity Church will be running their Summer Festival in the school grounds involving groups from the whole community.  Our PTA will be running a stall selling small toys received as a PTA fundraiser.  Many thanks for all contributions.  

Holy Trinity Summer Festival - Sunday 15th September 12noon - 4pm

We are hoping for good weather so do plan to come along to Holy Trinity Church's Summer Festival next weekend, hosted here in the school grounds.  There'll be plenty to eat and drink and lots to do with stalls from all corners of our community taking part.  Look out for fliers in Book Bags with more information and details about the Fancy Dress Competition.  We look forward to seeing you there!


PTA Shed - Thank You!

Thank you to the fairies who appeared during the school holidays and cleared out the PTA shed!

School Lottery

Have you signed up to the School Lottery yet?  40% of all monies go to the PTA for your school and there are extra cash prizes this month! Click here to sign up:

Autumn Term Dates – 2019

  • Tues 10th September - 3.20pm – Meet the Teacher (Years 1 – 6)
  • Weds 11th September – 3.20pm – Meet the Teacher (Reception Class)
  • Thurs 12th September – Y6 WW1 and Y5  Vikings Workshops in School
  • Fri 13th September – Mufti Day – Bring a new toy for the PTA Toy Tombola stall at HTS Fest
  • w/c 16th September – All Clubs Start
  • Tues 17th September – Year 3 & 4 Trip to Ufton Court
  • Fri 20th Sept – Year 6 Bake Sale
  • Mon 23rd September – PTA AGM 8pm
  • Fri 27th September – Macmillan Coffee Morning - 9am - School Hall
  • Mon 30th Sept – School Photos (Portraits)
  • Tues 8th October – Year 1 Trip to Windsor Castle
  • Mon 14th October – 9.30am - Harvest Festival 1 at Holy Trinity Church – Years Rec, 2, 5 and 6
  • Tues 15th October – 9.30am - Harvest Festival 2 at Holy Trinity Church – Years 1, 3 and 4
  • Fri 18th October – Year 5 Bake Sale
  • Tues 22nd October – Parent Consultation Evening
  • Thurs 24th October – Parent Consultation Evening
  • Fri 25th October – 3.15 – End of Term 1
  • Mon 4th November – Inset Day
  • Tues 5th November – Pupils Return to School
  • Fri 8th November – 4W Bake Sale
  • Mon 11th November – PTA Meeting 8pm
  • Fri 22nd November – Bring a Bottle Mufti Day
  • Sat 23rd November – PTA Christmas Fair
  • Fri 6th December – Year 2 Bake Sale
  • Tues 10th December – Nasal Flu Vaccination (All Years)
  • Weds 11th December – Christmas Lunch
  • Weds 11th December – PTA Film Night
  • Mon 16th December – 1.30pm Rec and KS1Nativity – School Hall
  • Mon 16th December – 6.30pm – KS2 Christmas Service – Holy Trinity Church
  • Tues 17th December – 9.30am Rec and KS1Nativity – School Hall
  • Tues 17th December – Rec and KS1 Parties in the afternoon
  • Weds 18th December – KS2 Parties in the afternoon
  • Fri 20th December – Christmas Jumper Day
  • Fri 20th December – 2pm – End of Term 2

School Term Dates

Please see here for term dates:


Ofsted noted a marked increase in persistent absence (a holiday will register as persistent absence).  Please do not book holidays or family days during term time.  Thank you.

Holy Trinity CE Primary School take safeguarding very seriously. If you have a concern, please do not hesitate to report to our designated staff;

Mrs P. O’Brien, Mrs J. Griffith, Miss S. Harding, Mrs F Fargher
