Dear Parents and Carers,
Year 5 Residential
Year 5 will be going on their residential stay to Leeson House in Dorset next week for 3 days and we look forward to hearing all about it when they return.
Class Photos
The school photographer will be coming to school on Monday morning to take whole class photos. If your child has PE on Mondays, please send them into school in their smart summer school uniform with their PE kit to change into.
Film Night
Tuesday 23rd May is the ever-popular PTA Film Night. Please pay via ParentPay. Pick up is 4.15pm from your child's classroom. If your child is not attending, pick up as usual at 3:15pm.
Break the Rules Day
PTA and School Council have arranged Break the Rules day next Friday 26th May. This is always a fantastic fundraiser for the school so we’re hoping the children will want to take part and break rules again this year! Look out for the form coming home for children to choose which rules they’d like to break. The children need to hand the forms and any monies to their class teacher on Break the Rules day.
Have a lovely weekend and enjoy the much needed sunshine 😊
Mrs Barnes
Stars of the Week for w/e 19th May 2023
Well done to all of our Stars this week.
Reception – Marley for excellent progress with her reading and writing.
Class 1 – Kiki for excellent focus this week.
Class 2 – Abel for a wonderful piece of writing about his Coronation weekend.
Class 3 – Ethan for working really hard on handwriting and spelling this week, especially in his poem The Colour Collector.
Class 4 – Josh for being a really good listener and following instructions in swimming lessons. Luke for living our vision at Holy Trinity by being kind, inclusive, a good role model and a good friend.
Class 5 – Fin for some great explanations to help another child this week in maths.
Class 6 – Henry for setting an excellent example with his participation in all class lessons, and especially PE this week.
House of the Week
The House with the most house points this week is Earth! Well done Earth!
Class Photos
On Monday class photos will be taken in school. Please can you send your children to school in uniform with PE kit to change in to if they have PE. Please could our morning fencers bring their uniforms with them to change in to after Fencing Club. Many thanks indeed.
Year 2 Girls Visit the Marist School
Cara and Olivia went to the Marist School this week to sample a number of different sports and athletics activities. Here they are proudly showing off their medals.
Basketball Tournament
On Wednesday after school two teams from years 5 & 6 took part in a basketball tournament at Charters School against the other local primary schools. For some of the children, it was their first experience of competitive basketball. They all played really well and represented Holy Trinity superbly. One of the teams won two out of their three matches convincingly. Well done to everyone who took part: Theo, Oscar, Matthew, Kaja, Aleena, Ayden, Aidan, Luke, Jude, Charlie, James, Neive, Ben, Xander and Jack. Thank you to the parents who supported from the side-lines, cheering the teams on, and to Miss Harding and Mrs Rhodes for attending the tournament with the children.
Library Books Amnesty
Please could you have a good check whether you have any school library books at home and bring these back to school? Many thanks indeed.
Clothes - Please Name
Please take a moment to check that all uniform is clearly named this weekend. Jumpers, cardigans and PE hoodies are regularly abandoned around school and can be easily reunited via lockers if they are clearly named. If you have second hand uniform, please black out any previous names and apply a new label or name where possible. Every effort is made to ensure named uniform is returned to its' rightful owner.
Reporting Absence
Please report absence using the school absence line on 01344 620716 by 9.15am at the latest on each and every day of absence. Absence notified by email may not be seen until much later in the morning due to the very large volume of emails received at school. Many thanks for your help with this.
Royal Holloway University of London - Science Day
RHUL are running their famous Science Festival again this year on Saturday 27th May, 10am - 4pm. No booking required. Always very entertaining and suitable for the whole family. A highly recommended day out. Click here for more information.
SEND Voices RBWM and the Achieving for Children Education Team - Engagement Workshop
12 June 2023 - 12.30pm to 2pm
Venue - TBC
SEND Voices RBWM and the Achieving for Children Education Team would like to invite you to our first Engagement workshop. This will be a termly meeting, jointly run, aimed at parents and carers of children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). As this is our first session, please come along to share your thoughts on how these sessions can be shaped.
Register your interest here on Eventbrite.
RBWM and Buckinghamshire Mind Recovery Service
Buckinghamshire Mind is pleased to announce a NEW and FREE education and recovery service for people living in Windsor, Ascot and Maidenhead.
Please see flyer below for details.
The service begins on Monday 22nd May, and if people would like to attend any of the sessions during May and June, there is a link included in the flyer to enable people to book.
Bracknell and Wokingham Swimming Club (BWSC)
BWSC are holding their annual trial day on Tuesday 25th July. Please click here for more details.
Summer Term Key Dates – 2023
Mon 22nd May – Class Photos
Tues 23rd May – Film Night – Pick up at 4.15pm
Weds 24th May – Year 5 to Leeson House
Fri – 26th May – Year 5 Return from Lesson House
Fri 26th May – PTA Break the Rules Day
Thurs 8th June - Mill on the Brue Parent Mtg - 3.30pm Y6 Classroom
Fri 9th June – Bags 2 School – by 9am
Tues 13th June – Year 4 Trip to Marwell Zoo
Thurs 15th June – Sports Day
Fri 16th June – Y6 Bake Sale
Fri 23rd June – Bring a Bottle Mufti Day
Sat 24th June – PTA Fair – 11am – 2pm
Mon 26th June – Year 6 to Mill on the Brue
Thurs 29th June – Choir at the Reading Hexagon
Fri 30th June – Inclusion Event at Manor Green School
Fri 30th June – Year 6 Return from Mill on the Brue
Tues 4th July – Year 6 Transition Day at Charters School
Tues 4th July – Year 5 Cluster Sports Day at St George’s School, Ascot
Weds 5th July - Year 6 Transition Day at Charters School
Thurs 6th July – Sports Day Reserve Date
w/c 10th July – Last Week of Clubs
Tues 11th July – Move Up Morning
Tues 11th July – Meet the Teacher – 2.45pm – 3.15pm
Fri 14th July – Reports Issued
Tues 18th July – Leavers’ Service – Holy Trinity Church 9.30am
Thurs 20th July – End of Term 6 – 1.30 Finish
Fri 21st July – Inset Day