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Newsletter 16 - 12th January 2024

Dear Parents and Carers,

Well it’s definitely winter now! Please do remember to send your child in with at least a coat on these cold days.


I’m sure you’ve heard on the news this week the importance of school attendance. Thank you for all your support in this – we have seen a reduction in requests for term time holiday absence. Please continue to plan your holidays out of term time.


There will, of course, be times that your child is unwell. This guidance here may help you with your decision about sending them into school or not.

Please don’t hesitate to talk to your child’s teacher in the first instance if you have any concerns about your child.


Bags 2 School

We will be collecting unwanted clothing and other items for a collection on Tuesday 16th January at 9am. This is a good fundraiser for us so please do have a clear out over the next few days if you can.


Enjoy the weekend,


Mrs Griffith

Stars of the Week for w/e 12th January 2024

Well done to all of our Stars this week.

Reception – Finley for always being extremely kind and thoughtful to those around him.

Class 1 – Freya and Florence for both settling in so well to our Holy Trinity Family and Class 1.

Class 2 – Cleo for excellent presentation in all pieces of work.

Class 3 – Zahra for making sure that she is listening and ready for each lesson.

Class 4 – Ariana for always working conscientiously and being kind and polite - a great example to everyone. 

Class 5 – Sienna W for challenging herself in Maths this week and doing so well in her times tables fluency.

Class 6 – Ernie and Emilia for great paired work and involvement in our trip to Brookwood yesterday. 

House of the Week
The house with the most house points this week Earth! Well done Earth!

Census Day - Change to Published Lunch Menu

Thursday 18th January is Census Day in school.  Three times a year on specific days, the government collects lots of data items from every school in the country including information which determines school funding.  The number of children who order a school lunch on census day, especially in KS1, affects how much money we receive to fund universal free school meals. To increase take up, the menu for next Thursday has been changed to Chicken Nuggets, Vegetable Nuggets or Jacket Potato.  It would really help us if your child could order a school lunch next Thursday - thank you for your help with this. 

Bags 2 School - Tuesday 16th January by 9am

This is always a great earner for us - please do have a clear out if you can using any bags and leave these by the main gates (we'll start the pile so you will see where) by 9am at the latest.  Please don't include items which Bags 2 School don't collect.  All the bags are checked before they're taken away and rogue items are removed for us to dispose of.  We pay for our waste collection by weight so instead of being weighed for income for school, these items are weighed and we have to pay to have them taken away!

Please click here to see what can and can't be included.  As well as clothing, you can include paired shoes, handbags, hats, bags, jewellery, belts, soft toys, household linen, curtains, towels and sheets.  

Are you App Aware?

Please click on the link below for useful information about some of the most popular apps and what to be aware of about each one. 

Spring Term Key Dates – 2024

Mon 15th Jan – Y3 Trip to Eton College – Ancient Egypt Workshop

Tues 16th Jan – Bags 2 School

Fri 19th Jan – Y3 Bake Sale

Fri 9th Feb – Mufti Day

Fri 9th Feb – Y2 Bake Sale

Fri 9th Feb – End of Term 3 – 3.15pm

Mon 19th Feb – Start of Term 4

Weds 21st Feb – Y2 Trip to Brooklands Museum

Thurs 22nd Feb – World Thinking Day

Weds 28th Feb – Y1 Trip to Pizza Express

Thurs 29th Feb – Y5 Class Assembly – 9.15 School Hall

Mon 4th March – Y5 Bikeability

Thurs 7th March – Y6 Class Assembly – 9.15 School Hall

Thurs 14th March – Y4 & Y5 Trip to Ufton Court

Fri 15th March – PTA School Disco – Village Hall

Mon 18th March – Last Week of Clubs

Tues 19th March – Parent Consultation Meetings – 1pm to 5pm

Thurs 21st March - Parent Consultation Meetings – 3.30pm to 5pm

Fri 22nd March – Y6 Bake Sale

Mon 25th March – Easter Service – 9.15am at Holy Trinity Church – Y1, Y3 and Y5

Tues 26th March – Easter Service – 9.15am at Holy Trinity Church – Rec, Y2, Y4 and Y6

Thurs 28th March – Break the Rules Day

Thurs 28th March – End of Term – 1.30pm

School Term Dates

Please see here for term dates:

Holy Trinity CE Primary School take safeguarding very seriously. If you have a concern, please do not hesitate to report to our designated staff;

Mrs J. Griffith, Mrs C Barnes, Miss S. Harding, Mrs F Fargher

Please do not send your child to school if they're unwell or with a high temperature controlled by paracetamol or ibuprofen.  Please click here for NHS advice about whether your child is too ill for school.  Importantly, your child must not return to school until at least 48 hours after the last episode of any gastric upset (vomiting or diarrhoea).   
