Welcome Back!
Welcome back to a new term and a new decade! We hope you had a lovely Christmas and a good break and would like to wish you a Happy New Year. This term we'll be focusing on Wisdom and Perseverance as themes running through our work. Perhaps you could chat about these at home too?
Stars of the Week for w/e 10th January 2020
Reception – Martha for super progress with her reading and excellent contributions to class discussions about polar animals.
Year 1 – Luke for returning to school as focussed as ever and for listening to his teachers and editing his work.
Year 2 – Edie for a fantastic start to Holy Trinity. We are so lucky to have you.
Class 3 – Paige for her fabulous attitude to learning. A great to start to the new year.
Class 4H – Hafsa for setting a good example with her behaviour and the effort she puts in to her work.
Year 4W – Evie for her enthusiasm and answering challenging questions during the Virtual Reality workshop.
Year 5 – Maahir for always being so polite and having great manners.
Year 6 – Rajan for always having a super attitude towards his work and excellent manners.
Medical News
We would like to advise you that we have a child in school who is especially vulnerable to viruses. The main concern (other than MMR and TB) is chickenpox. Please could you let the office know if your child is unwell, has been exposed to chickenpox, MMR or TB, or is having their temperature controlled by paracetamol or ibuprofen BEFORE he/she comes back to school. This will allow us to put the necessary safety measures in place. Many thanks for your help with this.
Last Call for Plastic Bottles
We can accept and recycle your plastic bottles until lunchtime on Monday next week as the project is sadly coming to an end. All contributions will be gratefully received and we look forward to letting you the final total of monies raised once this is finalised. Any bottles handed in after Monday will need to be returned to you as we have to pay for our waste to be taken away. Many thanks indeed for your help with this.
All clubs start next week and finish week commencing 23rd March. If you're planning to sign any children up to clubs and you haven't already, please do so asap as registers need to be prepared for all clubs on Monday morning next week. Please check the website for sign up details.
***Fencing - we have a new Fencing Club starting on Monday morning at 8am! Still time to sign up by contacting Andy Mudie of Little Musketeers directly on 07834 562190***
Netball - this requires a new sign up - see the form on the website. Spaces are limited.
Choir - will continue with the same group. There is currently a waiting list so if your child is not planning to continue with Choir please let Miss Wallbanks and Mrs Lawson know.
Virtual Reality Workshops
This week, all children in KS2 had a chance to take part in a Virtual Reality Workshop! Each class had a different topic to explore that you can ask them about as follows:
Year 6 – Classification
Year 5 – Space
Year 4 – Digestive System
Year 3 – The Egyptians
Sophie and Grace from Year 5 had this to say:
On Wednesday KS2 had a Virtual Reality (VR) workshop. Year 5 went to Space, Year 6 learnt about animals, Year 4 went inside the human digestion system and Year 3 learnt about Egyptians.
In Space we saw our solar system. There were planets, including Pluto, Venus, Uranus, Earth, Mercury, Mars and Saturn. Did you know the sun is a star and you could fit 1.3 million Earths into it? We learnt these facts from a quiz that the men running the workshop did for us.
We visited different places using the VR headset. We visited other galaxies, the Milky Way (our galaxy) and the International Space Station. Mrs Hunter said she liked seeing the other galaxies the best while Miss Cullen said her favourite bit was visiting the International Space Station.
The workshops were a great success! If parents from Years 3 - 6 are able to contribute the £5 requested we'd be very grateful.
Change to Menu Next Thursday and Friday
Menus for next Thursday and Friday will be swapped with Fish Fingers being served on Thursday and Sausages on Friday. Please note the whole menu will swap over so Chocolate Sponge with Chocolate Custard will also be served on Thursday instead of Friday (just in case this happens to be someone's favourite!)
Sports Day - One for the Diary
Our Sports Days this year will be held on Thursday 11th June. We have planned Wednesday 17th June and Thursday 25th June as back up dates just in case we need them due to inclement weather!
PTA News
Mark D’Costa has sadly stepped down as Vice Chair. We would like to thank him for all the hard work and time he has offered to the PTA over the years. He will continue to help out as and when he is able to, so hopefully he’ll be present at the Bar at the Christmas and Summer Fairs as it wouldn’t be the same without him! Should you wish to take on this role or have a discussion as to what it entails, please do drop us an email htpta@outlook.com.
Mrs Holden and Mrs Clark will be running a 2nd hand uniform stall on Friday 31st January. If you have any unwanted uniform, please pass to the office.
The next PTA meeting is being held on Monday 13th January. If you wish to attend the Meeting, please do pop along, we welcome your ideas and suggestions. If you are unable to make the meeting you can voice your ideas through your Class Reps who will be attending the meeting or post your suggestions in the PTA box located in the School Office.
Upcoming dates for your diary:
13th January – PTA Meeting
24th January – Year 4H Bake Sale
31st January – 2nd Hand Uniform Sale
14th February – PJ/Onesie Mufti Day
WIN A Family FITBIT Bundle
Feeling sluggish? Now you and your family can kickstart 2020 with a Family FITBIT Bundle. Support your school this half-term from just £1 per week, and you could win 1 of 2 bundles containing:
The profits from your ticket will help fund valuable school resources. Not only that, you'll also have the chance to win our amazing £25,000 jackpot. More tickets means more chances to win, so what are you waiting for?
Click here for more information.
Spring Term Dates – 2020
School Term Dates
Please see here for term dates:
Ofsted noted a marked increase in persistent absence (a holiday will register as persistent absence). Please do not book holidays or family days during term time. Thank you.
Holy Trinity CE Primary School take safeguarding very seriously. If you have a concern, please do not hesitate to report to our designated staff;
Mrs P. O’Brien, Mrs J. Griffith, Miss S. Harding, Mrs F Fargher