Home Page

Welcome Parents

Information for Parents

Our partnership with our parents is very important to us. The school office is always happy to answer any questions or queries that you may have. We have tried to include a range of information in this section that we think will be useful to you. Please read the Weekly Newsletter as this gives updates and reminders about all sorts of aspects of school life. 

Parent Communication

We like parents to contact us if any particular questions or concerns arise, rather than turn to social media or playground chat. It is important to recognise when it is not a convenient time to speak with class teachers when supervising children in the morning and at the end of the school day.  If you need to speak with the class teacher and find it is not a convenient time then please refer to the office staff so they can pass your message on.  The teacher will endeavour to get in touch with you.


Staff spend a considerable amount of time teaching your children and their responsibilities also extend beyond the classroom.  As such it can be difficult to respond to parental queries immediately or on the same day.  We aim to respond to you promptly and, wherever possible, within three working days.  Please contact the school if you have not received any correspondence after this time. 



We are especially pleased when parents feel that they can give some time to help us in the classroom or with a special project. Parental involvement is highly valued in our school and we are grateful for any help and time parents can give to us. If you would like to offer your time please contact the office staff who can arrange DBS checks and set this up for you under our volunteer policy.  

Home School Agreements
We believe that parents and school work in partnership to educate children. To this end we have a Home School Agreement which acknowledges the responsibilities of school, parents and children in this vital partnership.


We hope that parents will support their children and the school, by ensuring that children do all set homework. Homework will be introduced in Reception Class with books to share with parents and will increase each year.


Personal Possessions
Children should not bring toys or other precious personal possessions to school as these may be lost or broken. We do not accept responsibility if this happens. Jewellery must not be worn as it can be dangerous. If children have pierced ears the only earrings to be worn are studs, and they must not be worn for swimming. The school will not accept responsibility for the loss of any item of jewellery.


Complaints Procedure
If parents have a query or complaint about a safeguarding concern or the quality of learning and teaching, they should contact the class teacher in the first instance. Difficulties can usually be settled informally at an early stage. However, if the concern or complaint has not been dealt with or is more extreme may be necessary to follow the complaints procedure (policy below).

Please follow the school complaints procedure and complete the form attached to help us establish the problem and possible resolutions.

The name of the Chair of Governors (Mr Tim Fettes).

Home School Agreement
