Pins - £2
Poppies - £1
Snap Bands - £1.50
Wristbands - £1
Poppy Reflectors - 50p
Zip Pull - 50p
Stars of the Week for w/e 25th October 2019
Year 1 – Thomas for his positive attitude to school and for working so hard on his reading and writing.
Year 2 – Heloise for being a brilliant role model and a really nice friend.
Year 3 – Henry for his excellent attitude in everything he does.
Year 4H – Amber for amazing everyone with her beautiful cartwheels.
Year 4W – Ava for excellent writing this half term.
Year 5 – Caleb for showing a creative and enthusiastic approach to creating his Anglo-Saxon sculpture.
Year 6 – Luke for his thorough planning of the WW1 trench model and the thoughtful detail he put into it.
Reception Class have another Exciting Visit!
Our final visitor in Reception this term for our topic 'People Who Help Us' was PCSO Ryan Strudwick from Thames Valley Police. He came into class to talk to the children about the different ways the police can help people. The biggest surprise was when he used his walkie-talkie to call for back up, and in walked Inspector Newsome, one of our class Dads! His daughter was so surprised! Hats and coats were brought in for the children to try on, and everyone loved exploring the police car. It caused great excitement when the police car sirens were put on – they were very noisy. Thank you so much for visiting us.
Year 6 Study Life in the Trenches
As part of their WW1 History topic, Year 6 have researched life in the trenches, written about them in English and then designed and built them in DT to go with our information texts. The purpose was to support our writing to help the reader fully understand the conditions in the trenches. We looked at details such as dug-outs, periscopes, duckboards and barbed wire. Please see some of the amazing models below.
Mrs E Neale - Year 6 Teacher
Harvest Festival
We do hope you enjoyed the Harvest Festivals this year. Thank you so much for all of your donations. These were sorted out at church with the help of a group of Year 6 children and Mrs Marriner. Mrs Doherty who leads the Pastoral Team at church said 'They were a great help, very efficient and sensible, a credit to the school'. All contributions were distributed to the Ascot Day Centre and the Bracknell Food Bank.
World Mental Health Day
Classes did various activities on Mental Health Day and Year 6 took part in a live lesson online, suggested by Miss Prince, about taking care of our emotional wellbeing. Please see photos of Year 6 below learning to do 'Finger Breathing'.
Loose Bits
If you are having a clear out over the holidays, Reception Class and KS1 would be grateful for any of the following:
Loom bands, Hama Beads, lollipop sticks, googly eyes, foil milk bottle tops, old mobile phones with keypads, wooden spoons and kitchen utensils for stirring and mashing.
Many thanks
Mrs S Tomes - Reception Class Teacher
New Menu
After half term Wilson Jones will be introducing a new menu. Copies of the new menu have been sent home via Pupil Post today (one per family). The menu is always available on the website here.
Digital Leaders
Congratulations to our new Digital Leaders:
Year 6 - Charlie and Luke
Year 5 - Eleanor, Sam and Sophie
Year 4 - Zach and Zara
Poppy Appeal
This week we have started selling items in support of the Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal. These are available for adults from the school office and to children via Year 6 pupils who visit each classroom during the school day. Suggested donations are:
Pins - £2
Poppies - £1
Snap Bands - £1.50
Wristbands - £1
Poppy Reflectors - 50p
Zip Pull - 50p
Bags 2 School
Please check book bags for a white 'Bags 2 School' bag to fill if you're having a clear out over half term. Any number of bags are welcome and these can be black bags or any bags at all filled with clothes, shoes etc - instructions are on the bags themselves. Please bring your filled bags to school on Weds 6th November by 9am. Please do not bring bags before this date as we don't have anywhere to store them. We are paid for these by weight and this is a good earner for the PTA so all contributions are very welcome. Many thanks.
Have You Misplaced Some Headphones?
Mrs Lawson found a set of headphones at the bottom of a bag of plastic bottles which were handed in for recycling. Are they yours?
KS1 Lobby Redecoration
Hopefully you saw some pictures in last week's newsletter of the newly revamped corridor outside the KS1 and Reception classrooms. This was arranged and managed by Mrs G O'Brien and family, Miss Prince and family, Mr Shukla, Mr and Mrs Barber. Many thanks to Anna Barber for donating the design and everyone who helped to make it a reality. Anna is the founder of House of Kin - a specialist interior design company for children, schools and family life
PTA News
Year 5 Bake sale —funds raised were £145 for Year 5!
2nd Hand Uniform sale – funds raised were £76 for the PTA! Thank you to Mrs Holden and Mrs Clark for organising and running the stall.
Christmas Fair
As the Holy Trinity PTA Christmas fair fast approaches, we have again managed to gain sponsorship from Winkworth Estate Agents in Sunningdale. These boards will advertise the fair and give Winkworth some advertising/PR. We need 60 addresses for 60 boards and in return the PTA will get £400!
Please confirm if you are happy to have a board erected outside your house. The boards will be erected 2 weeks prior to the fair and come down a week after the fair.
We would really appreciate your support on this. Winkworth need the addresses by the end of this month at the latest so if you are happy to respond could you please let us know ASAP.
Please contact Mark D'Costa by email if you are able to help -
Christmas Fair Poster Competition
Thank you for your entries, they look fantastic! The entries will be judged and we’ll announce the winners after half term!
Pottery Painting
Due to the stall’s popularity, don’t forget to return your forms to the PTA box located in the School office to avoid disappointment.
Santa’s Grotto
Forms have been sent out by Pupil Post today to book your little ones in to meet Father Christmas, don’t delay as spaces are limited!
Dates for your diary:
6th November – Bags 2 School
8th November – Year 4W Cake Sale & 2nd hand uniform stall
11th November, 8pm – PTA meeting, please do pop along, we welcome your ideas and suggestions. If you are unable to make the meeting you can voice your ideas through your Class Reps who will be attending the meetings or post your suggestions in the PTA box located in the School Office.
Wishing you all a restful (and rain free) half term!
Many thanks,
PTA Committee and Class Reps
Autumn Term Dates – 2019
School Term Dates
Please see here for term dates:
Ofsted noted a marked increase in persistent absence (a holiday will register as persistent absence). Please do not book holidays or family days during term time. Thank you.
Holy Trinity CE Primary School take safeguarding very seriously. If you have a concern, please do not hesitate to report to our designated staff;
Mrs P. O’Brien, Mrs J. Griffith, Miss S. Harding, Mrs F Fargher
Ascot Fireworks - 2nd November
Don't forget to use the HTSCHOOL code if you're buying tickets for the fireworks. Many thanks.