Stars of the Week for w/e 24th May 2019
Reception – Thomas for super writing and always showing 100% focus and attention.
Year 1 – Jude for always being gentle and kind to all and to all of Year 1 for excellent behaviour at Pizza Express.
Year 2 – Ollie for always wanting to contribute to class discussions and challenge his thinking.
Class 3C – Woody for showing good listening when learning about Monet and working hard on his own art work.
Class 3G – Jay M for always being polite, showing excellent manners and always looking smart in his uniform.
Year 4 – Sophia for being a super friend, for being kind and thoughtful and generous with her time.
Year 5 – Thomas for great bowling during Diamond Cricket.
Year 6 – Harry for his outstanding support of Reception class and their learning this week – a teacher in the making!
House of the Week
The House with the most house points this week is Water! Well done Water and enjoy your extra playtime today.
Year 1 Visit Pizza Express
Class 1 walked to Pizza Express on Tuesday for a Pizza Making Workshop. We were shown how to make a margherita pizza and then enjoyed it for our lunch – yummy!! Today we wrote out instructions how to make a pizza. Buon Appetito!
Mathematics Calculation videos
Following on from our parent calculation workshops, please take a look on our school website:
Children's Zone/Video resource centre -
New videos have been put on for years 1,2 and 4. More videos to follow soon.
Many thanks for your continued support.
Miss Wallbanks - Year 4 Teacher
Change to Menu
Please note that menu choices after half term for Monday 3rd and Tuesday 4th June will be swapped around. The menu on Monday will be pork or vegetarian sausages.
School lunch 'pack lunch' option will be available daily after the holidays with a choice of either a ham, cheese, egg or tuna sandwich.
Bags 2 School
Thank you to Mrs C Moss for arranging a Bags 2 School collection for Monday 10th June. Bags have been sent home in book bags (one per family) so perhaps half term would be a good time for a clear out! You can fill any type and number of bags and bring these to school by 9am on the 10th. This is a fantastic fundraiser for us and we are grateful for all bags large and small.
Donation to School
A school family has made a very significant donation to our school of £10,000 which will be put towards the redevelopment of the Early Years play area. We would like to publicly thank the family who have asked to remain anonymous. This donation means that the schedule of works will be brought forward, allowing more children to experience the benefit.
Sports Day
Sports Day is planned for Friday 14th June. We will notify parents by 8.30am if we need to re-arrange due to the weather.
Parents and families are invited to join us on the school field from drop-off. Children from both KS1 and KS2 will take part in various races and activities throughout the morning.
Families are then invited to bring a picnic lunch to enjoy together on the school field. Children will then be registered at 1pm and if you wish you can then take them home after they've received their registration mark.
School lunch 'grab bags' will still be available for pupils to order.
We do hope you'll be able to join us on the day to cheer the children on & soak up the atmosphere!
In Memoriam
Sadly, an old friend of the school and near neighbour, Martha Brett, died recently. Marty worked at the school many years ago and continued for several years to volunteer listening to children read as this was something she was really passionate about. At her funeral, Marty asked that any donations please be forwarded to our school for the purchase of books. As a result of her request, we received £505 to spend on children's books and we would like to extend our thanks to Marty and her family and friends for their generosity towards the children and the school.
New Books!
We would also like to thank PTA for donating over £2,000 for new reading scheme books. They will be enjoyed by children of all ages.
PTA News
TODAY - Year 5 Bake Sale!! Please come and support Year 5 for the final bake sale for this half term.
School Lottery (approved by School, Governors and PTA) - sign up for your chance to win! Minimum is as little as £1 per week. 40% funds go to school; 40% funds back to all participants to win so it's a win-win!
Summer Fair - 29th June 11am-2pm - do you or anyone you know have a business who would like to a) contribute an auction prize and b) sign up to put leaflets in our bags? If so please let us know on or ping us on Classlist! We really do need all the funds we can raise to make our children's Primary school experience even better.
Don't forget all the other opportunities to raise funds for the school:
PTA Committee - update
The PTA will run a smaller subset of events next year with the school having kindly agreed to run some directly.
We will not be able to run any event for the children without a parent or parents taking on the role of chair to coordinate with the school. Crucially for the children this would also mean no Bug Club, Mathletics, Spellodrome etc. on top of all the other equipment the PTA funds.
When speaking to the School Council, their most valued activities are the Christmas Fair, Film Night and the Disco - these are all PTA events which even with the school's help cannot take place without the PTA being in place as a charity. Please consider taking up the role of chair, perhaps with a couple of friends to make sure we can continue the fun (and fundraising!) for the children.
Have a wonderful half term.
The PTA Committee
Summer Term Dates – 2019
School Term Dates
Please see here for term dates:
Ofsted noted a marked increase in persistent absence (a holiday will register as persistent absence). Please do not book holidays or family days during term time. Thank you.
Holy Trinity CE Primary School take safeguarding very seriously. If you have a concern, please do not hesitate to report to our designated staff;
Mrs P. O’Brien, Mrs J. Griffith, Miss S. Harding, Mrs F Fargher