Stars of the Week for w/e 13th November 2020
Year 1 – Stanley for always being a keen and enthusiastic learner willing to contribute to class discussions and for also being thoughtful towards other class members.
Year 2 – Sam for being the best he can be and trying his hardest at all he does.
Class 3 – Edie for consistent hard work and perseverance.
Class 4 – Darcy-Rose for fantastic independent work in Maths and English this week.
Class 5C – Harry for his enthusiasm for all that he encounters at school and his politeness towards everyone he meets.
Class 5W – Aradhya for settling in well and setting such a great example to the class with her polite nature.
Year 6 – Lola for her fantastic efforts with her writing this week – particularly her choice of vocab.
House of the Week
The House with the most house points this week is Air! Well done Air!
World War 1 Trenches - Year 6
In Year 6 we have been learning in DT about trenches. Many of us created trenches out of cardboard. Some of our materials we brought from home and we shared them out. We tried to make them very detailed and realistic so they could show what trench life looked like. We all think we created masterpieces.
Alex - Year 6
Year 6 Remembrance Day Poems
We have been learning about Remembrance Day across school this week and Year 6 wrote some very moving poetry. here are a few examples.
Playing on the Field
Please make sure children who wish to play on the field have a spare pair of old trainers or shoes in school to change in to.
PTA News
Virtual Christmas Stalls
As the Christmas Fair is not possible this year, we would like to showcase our Virtual Christmas Stalls. For all orders placed, the PTA will receive a % of sales. Next week, we will introduce 2 new stalls.
Happy shopping!
Please remember to add “Holy Trinity” at checkout. Order deadline has been extended by 1 week and is now Friday 20th November.
Festive Shop link - Click here for the Festive Shop. The link will be open until Friday 20th November.
For non-Facebook-users please have a look at the online festive guide here and contact Carol with any questions/orders on
Christmas Raffle & Auction
If your child wishes to put forward a design for the front cover of the silent auction brochure, they can submit an A4 piece of paper with their art work via the PTA postbox, closing date for entries is Friday 20th November.
Extra raffle tickets are available in the School Office should you require extras.
Many thanks
PTA Committee
Autumn Key Term Dates – 2020
School Term Dates
Please see here for term dates:
Ofsted noted a marked increase in persistent absence (a holiday will register as persistent absence). Please do not book holidays or family days during term time. Thank you.
Please do not send your child to school if they're unwell or with a high temperature controlled by paracetamol or ibuprofen. Don't forget that your child must not return to school until at least 48 hours after the last episode of any gastric upset (vomiting or diarrhoea).
Holy Trinity CE Primary School take safeguarding very seriously. If you have a concern, please do not hesitate to report to our designated staff;
Mrs J. Griffith, Mrs C Barnes, Miss S. Harding, Mrs F Fargher
Windsor Teaching Alliance
Are you interested in training to be a teacher? Please see the flyer below for alternative and local routes in to becoming a qualified teacher.