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Newsletter 1 - 9th September 2022

Dear Parents and Carers,

Welcome back to a new school year.


On this momentous day, you may be feeling like us; a bit shocked and hugely saddened by the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth. As a school community, we feel it is only right to honour her life of humility and absolute service. To this end, we will be opening a Book of Condolence for children, staff and parents to leave messages in should they wish.

We expect this will be available for you to sign before and after school just outside the office from Monday. 


Happy Hub

On another note, we are really pleased to open our Happy Hub as an inside space for children to access during play times should they wish. This has been well received by the children this week. We are asking for donations to enhance this space and would be very grateful if anyone could help us!


  • A large colourful rug
  • Large floor cushions
  • Bean bags
  • Colouring equipment
  • Table top games/card games
  • Dressing up costumes
  • Maybe a sofa?!


I know how generous our community is so I thank you in advance for your donations!


House Captains

I’m very pleased to announce our new Y6 House and Vice Captains this morning. Congratulations to you all!


Earth     Jake and Kate

Air         Ethan and Emily O

Fire        Kaja and Charan

Water    Robyn and Dahlia



As you will know, previously our newsletter has contained lots of photos and information from children and classes across the school. In order to encourage all parents to actually read our newsletter we are slimming it down!


So class pages on our website will have lots of photos and information about trips etc from that class should you wish to take a look!


We hope you all have a pleasant weekend as we begin to process the death of our monarch and look forward with hope.


The Church of England’s Official Prayer
Gracious God, we give thanks
for the life of your servant Queen Elizabeth,
for her faith and her dedication to duty.
Bless our nation as we mourn her death
and may her example continue to inspire us;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.


Mrs Griffith

School Clubs

School Clubs are open for booking.  Click here to see details.  Please note that only Magpies Clubs start next week.  All other clubs will start w/c 19th September and for your diary, the last session for all clubs this term will be w/c 5th December.

School Lunch - Price Increase

Just a quick note to let you know that Wilson Jones will be increasing the price of school lunches.  This will take effect after half term and the new price will be £2.60.


We have two registrations in school each day at 8.45am and 1pm for all children. If your child needs to miss a registration for any reason (e.g. hospital appointment, piano exam) please complete the 'Request for Term Time Absence' form which can be found here on the Attendance section of our website and return to the school office.  You can also find our Attendance Policy here in the same section and would be grateful if you could make yourself familiar with this.  We hope you're as ambitious as we are about achieving attendance targets as we know that attendance and attainment are very closely correlated.  Thank you so much for your help with this.  

PTA News

We hope you've all had a lovely Summer and welcome to our new parents.




The PTA’s current fundraising goal is for an all weather running track.


A big thank you to parents who have set up a Direct Debit or made a one off donation to the PTA, it is really appreciated and helps in a BIG way towards our fundraising.


If you wish to make a donation our Bank details are:

Name: Holy Trinity PTA

Sort Code: 20-02-53

Account Number: 30493449


Stamptastic – Label your uniform hassle-free with Stamptastic! Any purchases via Stamptastic will earn the school 20% of the value of the order. Simply go to, place your order and enter our PTA Code - SL50NJ at checkout.


Don’t forget you can help us raise funds whilst doing your online shopping with Amazon Smile and Easyfundraising, it couldn’t be easier!


Easyfundraising – Many parents are already collecting free donations for the PTA every time they buy anything online with the UK’s leading online fundraising service, easyfundraising.  It’s simple to join, go to and join for free.  Every time you want to shop go to easyfundraising, find the site you want and start shopping.  When you check out Holy Trinity CE School Sunningdale PTA gets a donation, the site gives easyfundraising a percentage of what you spend and they turn that into a donation. 


Amazon SmileTo shop on Amazon please go to and select Holy Trinity Church of England Primary School Sunningdale Parent Teachers Association.  Amazon donates 0.5% of the net purchase price of eligible purchase to the PTA.  The most recent quarterly donation received from AmazonSmile was £80.77.  If you shop with Amazon be sure to enter through AmazonSmile, and nominate Holy Trinity PTA on checkout for us to receive a donation.


AGM & PTA Meeting

The AGM and first PTA Meeting is being held on Monday 12th September at 7.30pm in the School Hall. If attending, please enter the School Hall via the Church Road entrance.  New Class reps and Committee will be voted in at the meeting.


Many thanks

PTA Committee



Autumn Term Key Dates – 2022

w/c 12th Sept – Magpies Clubs start

w/c 19th Sept – all other Clubs start

Mon 12th Sept – PTA Meeting and AGM

Weds 21st Sept – Y3 and Y4 trip to Windsor Great Park

Mon 26th Sept – Portrait Photos

Tues 27th Sept – Bags 2 School

Mon 10th Oct – Harvest Service in Church – 9.30am (Rec, Y2, Y4 and Y6)

Tues 11th Oct – Harvest Service in Church – 9.30am (Y1, Y3 and Y5)

Weds 12th Oct – Flu Vaccinations (all pupils)

Fri – 14th Oct – Y6 Bake Sale

Tues 18th Oct - Parent Consultation Evening

Thurs 20th Oct – Parent Consultation Evening

Fri 21st Oct – PTA Mufti Day

Fri 21st Oct – End of Term 1 – 3.15pm

Mon 31st Oct – Inset Day

Tues 1st Nov – Pupils start Term 2

Tues 1st Nov – Bags 2 School

Mon 7th Nov – PTA Meeting

Fri 11th Nov – Y5 Bake Sale

Fri 25th Nov – Bring a Bottle Mufti

Sat 26th Nov – Christmas Fair

w/c 5th Dec – Last Week for Clubs

Tues 6th Dec – PTA Film Night

Fri 9th Dec – Y4 Bake Sale

Mon 12th Dec – KS1 Nativity – 1.30pm – School Hall

Tues 13th Dec – KS1 Nativity – 9.30am – School Hall

Tues 13th Dec – Rec and KS1 Christmas Parties – pm

Tues 13th Dec – Christmas Service – 6pm – Holy Trinity Church

Weds 14th Dec – Christmas Lunch

Weds 14th Dec – KS2 Christmas Parties

Fri 16th Dec – Christmas Mufti

Fri 16th Dec – End of Term 2 – 1.30pm


Please do not book holidays or family days during term time.  Missing even one or two days of school can be detrimental to your child's learning as key information is missed. Friendships are also affected.  Holiday absences will show up as persistent absence which is checked by Ofsted when they visit and monitored closely each half term by the Education Welfare Officer at RBWM.  Please note that changes are afoot which may require the issuing of fixed penalty notices for holiday taken during school term time.  

School Term Dates

Please see here for term dates:

Holy Trinity CE Primary School take safeguarding very seriously. If you have a concern, please do not hesitate to report to our designated staff;

Mrs J. Griffith, Mrs C Barnes, Miss S. Harding, Mrs F Fargher

Please do not send your child to school if they're unwell or with a high temperature controlled by paracetamol or ibuprofen.  Don't forget that your child must not return to school until at least 48 hours after the last episode of any gastric upset (vomiting or diarrhoea).   
