Stars of the Week for w/e 17th January 2020
Reception – Mohammed for great progress with his reading.
Year 1 – Max for maintaining great focus throughout the day.
Year 2 – Jack for amazing writing in English.
Class 3 – Darcy-Rose for excellent listening in class.
Class 4H – Poppy for demonstrating great creativity across all subjects.
Year 4W – Maisie for her enthusiasm and creativity in writing.
Year 5 – Francis for excellent attitude, effort and perseverance in Maths this week.
Year 6 – Belle for always making excellent choices, showing wisdom and maturity.
Plastic Bottle Recycling - Post Pilot Survey
All the bottles are in and we await our final total. In the meantime, Greenredeem have asked that you complete a quick survey to understand more about our recycling habits. There are 2 x £25 M&S vouchers to be won and the school that has the most surveys completed will receive an extra £150 funding. We can be that school! Please click here to complete the survey which takes just 3 - 4 minutes. Many thanks indeed.
Don't Forget to Sign Up for our Internet Safety Talk
When: Wednesday 22nd January
What Time: 6pm - 7.30pm
Where: School Hall
What: Special Parent Talk - 'How to Keep Your Child Safe Online'
With: Paul Hay, Specialist in Internet Safety
Don't miss this fantastic talk with Paul Hay - he's a great speaker and will tell you what your children are getting up to online and what you can do to keep them safe.
Chinese New Year Menu - Thursday 23rd January
Wilson Jones will be serving a special menu on Thursday 23rd January to celebrate Chinese New Year. The options on Thursday will be:
Peking-Style Chinese Noodles
Rainbow Vegetable Stir Fry with Quorn
Served with:
Sizzling Rice
Garlic Green Beans
Prawn Crackers
Dessert will be Toffee Banana Spring Rolls!
Other Menu News!
Please note there is a menu change for Wednesday Week 3 when Gammon will be served instead of Roast Beef.
Playground Works
Unfortunately the weather has caused some delay to our playground works as the ground is currently waterlogged. Please bare with us and stick to using the main entrance for drop off and pick up for the time being. Many thanks - it will all be worth it!
Village Hall Car Park
Please do not use the Village Hall car park when dropping off or picking up your children from school. This is a private car park for the use of Village Hall users only.
Sports Day - One for the Diary
Our Sports Days this year will be held on Thursday 11th June. We have planned Wednesday 17th June and Thursday 25th June as back up dates just in case we need them due to inclement weather!
Head Lice - Time to do some Bug Busting
There are plenty of head lice in school once again. Please take the opportunity at the weekend to do a spot of Bug Busting with conditioner and a nit comb to see if your children are playing host. Don't forget that many head lice are immune to insecticidal treatments on sale and the Bug Busting method might be more effective. Lotions with a physical rather than insecticidal action are also effective against both lice and eggs and it's thought that lice can't become to immune to these. Good luck with your weekend Bug Busting!
Spring Term Dates – 2020
School Term Dates
Please see here for term dates:
Ofsted noted a marked increase in persistent absence (a holiday will register as persistent absence). Please do not book holidays or family days during term time. Thank you.
Holy Trinity CE Primary School take safeguarding very seriously. If you have a concern, please do not hesitate to report to our designated staff;
Mrs P. O’Brien, Mrs J. Griffith, Miss S. Harding, Mrs F Fargher
Are You Interested in Teaching?
There is a Train to Teach event next Tuesday 21st January at the Copthorne Hotel in Slough from 4.30pm to 8pm Please click on the attached documents for more information and instructions on how to register.