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Christian Values

Christian Values

As a Church of England School, our Christian Values underpin all that we do. Each term we focus on a specific value in order to gain a better understanding of how these values impact the way that we live. The values are displayed around our school and in all of our classrooms and are regularly referred to to help the children fully understand what they mean and how they link to their own lives. Our Collective Worships link closely to the values being explored at the point and provide further opportunity for learning, reflection and application.  


Our values are the foundations of our behaviour policy, and we use them to talk to the children about their actions, to help them understand consequences. This then helps them to make changes and choices to ensure they are following our values within school and in their own lives at home.


The Christian Values have been an integral part of our school vision and ethos for a number of years. They were decided as part of a working party group of teachers, parents, governors and children and throughout the years have grown and evolved to underpin all that we do. In creating the Christian Values we recognised the great need for them to be rooted in biblical teaching. We want to help children understand what these values mean for us as people in an ever changing world and how Jesus' teaching around these values can help us to be valued members of society. 


At Holy Trinity CE Primary School, we have three core Christian values which are at the heart of school life. These are:


    • Friendship
    • Truthfulness


    • Wisdom
    • Compassion


    • Justice
    • Responsibility
