Our English Subject Leader is Miss Harding.
English focuses on the skills of reading, writing, speaking and listening. We aim to develop these skills in all pupils to a high standard and encourage a love of the English language with a focus on up-levelling vocabulary.
English is taught daily as a discrete lesson. The curriculum is presented in an engaging way through high-quality texts that often link to other areas of the curriculum, role-play, pupil collaboration and experience-based learning.
All pupils in the EYFS and Year 1 are taught phonics. This is taught using the ‘Essential Letters and Sounds’ programme incorporating skills of decoding, blending, comprehension and fluency. Year 1 pupils are required to sit a phonics test in June and those who do not meet the expected DfE standards will resit it the following year. Year 2 continue work on the early reading skills but with a greater emphasis on fluency, comprehension and spelling.
Pupils at Holy Trinity are exposed to a diverse range of texts to encourage a passion and enthusiasm for reading. Pupils access a wide range of reading material through the curriculum, access to class and whole-school libraries, class reading lists to broaden their reading diet and reading scheme books.
Pupils transfer what they have encountered in their reading into their writing when writing for a range of purposes and audiences. Modelling and scaffolding of the writing process is taught explicitly during 'Sentence Stacker' lessons using the visual writing approach, 'The Write Stuff'.
The teaching of English is further enhanced by author visits, theatre productions, the annual celebration of World Book Day, writing competitions and book fairs.
The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.―