Dear Parents and Carers,
The end of the year is almost upon is and it has been lovely welcoming our new Reception children this week.
Moving up Morning and Meet the Teacher
All children will be experiencing next Tuesday morning with their next class teacher as we prepare the children for transition.
There are two opportunities for parents to meet the Class Teacher on Tuesday afternoon so please choose a session from the following times 2:45-3:15pm or 3:30-3:45pm. Current Year 5 parents – an opportunity for you to meet the Y6 Class Teacher will be advised for September and further details will follow.
Year 6 Production
We eagerly await the production of Robin and the Sherwood Hoodies which is taking place next Tuesday and Wednesday at Cordes Hall. A huge thank you to all the staff for their dedication and hard work in preparing the children, the music and the costumes. The lights are ready, the children are rehearsed and we look forward to a great performance.
End of Year Reports
You child will be bringing home their reports next Friday.
New Parent Governor Vacancy
The Governing Body will have a vacancy in September for a Parent Governor. Governors play a key role in the school, working as a team to provide support and challenge, and influencing strategies. More information will follow in September but we are hoping that parents will consider nominating themselves and drive our vision of ‘doing good and being happy’ at Holy Trinity school.
Have a lovely weekend
Mrs Barnes
Stars of the Week for w/e 7th July 2023
Well done to all of our Stars this week.
Reception – Ralph for super focus in phonics lessons and excellent recall of new phonic sounds. Sonny for great progress with his reading and writing showing super perseverance.
Class 1 – Samuel for always striving to achieve his best and showing great enthusiasm in his learning.
Class 2 – Oscar for always being a kind and helpful member of the class. Oscar will always support his peers (and teachers!) if needed.
Class 3 – Sophie for always striving to achieve her best and showing independence in her learning.
Class 4 – Ava and Phoebe F for showing great kindness to other members of the class.
Class 5 - Orla for being a ravenous reader. She has completed the class reading list and is already ploughing through the extension list!
Class 6 - Ollie and Charan for their great perseverance at Mill on the Brue.
House of the Week
The House with the most house points this week is Earth! Well done Earth!
Illness in School
We have a few illnesses in school at the moment; a stomach upset, a very sore throat, a high fever and various combinations of these symptoms.
Please can you make ensure children do not come to school with a fever even if this is under control with calpol or ibuprofen. It is clear when medication wears off that children are quite poorly. In addition, it's really important that if your child has a stomach upset that they don't come to school for at least 48 hours from the last episode of gastric upset, be that sickness or diarrhoea.
Illnesses like these spread very quickly indeed in school environments and it can also be tricky to manage if staff become ill too. And of course we want our children to be well for the school production!
Many thanks for your help with this.
Inclusion Event
Last Friday, a few Year five and fours went to Cox Green School with Mrs Titre and Mrs Fargher. We went for an Inclusion event, signing with ‘Makaton’ to 3 different Harry Styles songs – ‘Someone will Find You’, ‘A Little Bit of Love’ and ‘Treat People with Kindness’.
Before we started the main inclusion event, the DJ played famous songs (including the Baby Shark remix). We all enjoyed our time going to the inclusion event so much. Thank you to Tyler from Manor Green School for singing the songs so well.
Thank you to all the teachers who organised the event. You are the best!
By Aidan P, Xander and Mehher
Please Return Library Books
Please do return school library books to classrooms or the school office before the end of term. Many thanks.
Pre-Loved Uniform Sale
Thank you to our hard working PTA reps who've been selling pre-loved uniform online. Lots of stock is available and so they will be running a sale in the Happy Hub at school in the last week of term at 3pm on Monday 17th and Tuesday 18th July. You'll be able to pick up lots of bargains and plenty of extra uniform. Save your cash for the occasion!
Gerbils Available
Vivi Hodge in Year 1 and Genevieve Hodge, now Year 7 at Charters School, will be moving to South Africa this summer. We're so sad to see the family go...
Vivi and Genevieve will have to leave their gerbils behind and would love it if they could go to a loving home rather than the animal shelter. More details from Mrs Hodge:
Mongolian Gerbils available. Both boys, will be 3 in August. The blonde gerbil is Biscuit and the grey gerbil is named Bear. We bought them when they were babies, from Pets Corner in Camberley. As they are Mongolian, they have sand baths, never wash them with water. They are well trained, polite, and will sit with you when watching tv. They have 35 minutes of exercise every day in their plastic balls, and love sunflower seeds as treats. Anyone who comes into our home, falls in love with Bear and Biscuit and are wonderful pets for children!
Any further questions, please let me know. More than happy to discuss further. Contact Lauren on 07584578566
Summer Term Key Dates – 2023
w/c 10th July – Last Week of Clubs
Tues 11th July – Move Up Morning
Tues 11th July – Meet the Teacher – 2.45pm – 3.15pm and 3.30pm - 3.45pm
Fri 14th July – Reports Issued
Tues 18th July – Leavers’ Service – Holy Trinity Church 9.30am
Thurs 20th July – End of Term 6 – 1.30 Finish
Fri 21st July – Inset Day
Holy Trinity CE Primary School take safeguarding very seriously. If you have a concern, please do not hesitate to report to our designated staff;
Mrs J. Griffith, Mrs C Barnes, Miss S. Harding, Mrs F Fargher