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Newsletter 12 - 26th November 2021

Dear Parents and Carers,

It may seem slightly early, but we are beginning to put up our school Christmas decorations – we feel we need to bring in the cheer of the season!

Advent begins on Wednesday so I’m sure many of you will have Advent Calendars  at the ready to begin the countdown with your children.


Mufti Day Friday 3rd December

We are inviting the children to come in Mufti next Friday for a suggested donation of £1 for PTA funds.


Fundraising for Goalposts

A huge well done and thank you to Y6 pupils who arranged a penalty shoot out last week to raise money for new goalposts. Brilliant work!


We look forward to welcoming Y1 and Y3 back to school on Monday. They have been missed this week!  I’m relieved to say that our numbers of positive cases have dramatically reduced – thank you to parents for responding quickly when a PCR is needed and for continuing to do twice weekly lateral flow tests with the children.


We will continue to be vigilant and ask that you do the same at home in order to minimise any further disruption.


I hope you have an enjoyable (maybe snowy?) weekend.


Mrs Griffith

Stars of the Week 

Well done to all of our Stars this week!

Class 1 – The whole of Class 1 for being expert learners online this week.  Their happy faces have lit up the screens each day.  Thank you!  An extra special mention goes to Joseph who has worked so hard with Mummy this week.

Class 2 – Isabella W for her determination in Maths this week.  She has shown great perseverance and always takes care over her presentation.

Class 3 – Barnaby for engaging so well with remote learning and, in particular, his wonderful poem describing his playroom.  

Class 4 – Amelie for using rich vocabulary in your writing and applying the rainbow lenses so beautifully.  

Class 5 – Emily T for always demonstrating the class charter responsibilities, being an active and independent learner. 

Class 6N – Hannah for making a big effort with her writing and always trying to improve. 

Year 6W – Mathilde for her conscientious approach to all tasks and excellent work in English this week. 

House of the Week
The Houses with the most house points this week are Air and Water! Well done Air and Water!

With Many Thanks

We received certificates of thanks this week to you all from the Bracknell Foodbank for donating 113.3kg of food at the Harvest Festival and £418.05 to the Royal British Legion for the 2021 Poppy Appeal! 

Anti Bullying Week - Year 4

Last week, during anti-bullying week, year 4 spent a lot of time talking about bullying, how it can make somebody feel and about choosing kindness and kind words instead. Samuelwrote a fantastic poem for his homework, which sums up what bullying is and how, by choosing kindness, we can make our world a happier place!

Year 5 and 6 Penalty Shoot Out - Thank You!

On Friday 19th November, Years 5 and 6 had a penalty shoot out.  We are grateful for all the donations you gave for the new football goals.  We have raised £68.27 which is amazing.  And thank you to all the goalkeepers.

Hannah 6N


Royal Performers!

Thomas Bui (6N) and Emilia Bui (4) were very excited to sing at the Royal double christening last Sunday as part of the Chapel choir. They sang two hymns as well as an anthem that their Dad composed for the occasion.  What a lovely accolade and memory to hold on to!


Congratulations go this week to Elisa in Year 6 who passed her Grade 5 guitar exam:

'A couple of weeks after my guitar exam, we got told that I got a merit.  Overall we were really proud!  The examiner was harsh with everybody's score so I'm proud I finally completed Grade 5!'

Elisa 6W

Ravenous Readers

Just one reader of the ravenous kind this week in Year 5 - Charan read and enjoyed Artemis Fowl.

Nasal Flu Vaccinations

***At the moment, consent or non consent has been received for just 50% of children***

The immunisation team will be on site during the morning of Friday 3rd December for all those children who have a vaccine booked.  This is available to children in all year groups but MUST be booked with consent given beforehand and by 9am on Wednesday 1st December.  There are no exceptions to this deadline.  The team would like you to complete the online form even if your response is not to give consent - this way they know that you are aware of the programme and haven't forgotten.  The original letter which was sent out is below for your information.


Please BOOK HERE (or give none consent) using School Code BK110018 by Wednesday 1st December.

PTA News

Christmas Fair

Our Virtual Christmas Fair is now LIVE.  Please do take a look, support our stallholders and start your Christmas shopping… not long now until the big day!!


Please see attached information regarding some of the stallholders you will find on our Facebook page

Christmas Wreaths

Please see our flyer showcasing our beautiful Christmas Wreaths.


The Holly and the Ivy - £15

Nature at its naked best with just a bow for modesty. Add your own decorations if you wish or enjoy as it is.

Ding-Dong-Merrily- on-High! - £20

All dressed up and ready for a party, festooned in sparkly red baubles, dried oranges, fir cones and a bow for the finishing touch.

Please note there is a limited number available, 20 of each design so be sure not to miss out and place your order today!

This fundraiser has been organised by parents of the School and the Wreaths are made with love by hand. All profit will go to the PTA KS2 fundraiser.

Please place your order choice and payment via the PTA Postbox in a marked envelope with your child’s name, class and choice of Wreath. We are aiming for collection to be around 1st December in the school playground at pick up, but will confirm this in due course.

Big thanks to Windsor Great Park Estate who donated Christmas Tree cut offs.

Christmas Raffle & Auction 

Don’t forget to return your Raffle tickets to the School Office by Thursday 2nd December to be in for a chance to win our Grand Prize iPad or a beautiful Class Hamper.


Extra raffle tickets are available in the School Office should you require more. 


Our amazing Auction Team have put a huge amount of time and effort into obtaining donations and putting together the Online Silent Auction Brochure so please take some time to have a good look and don’t miss out on our fantastic Lots we have on offer!


The Auction will be live from Friday 26th November through to 9.00am on Friday 3rd December. To place your bid email with your BEST offer for your Lot of choice!


Winners will be announced week commencing 6th December.

Film Night


Bubble Film Nights will take place on Tuesday 7th December, straight after school. 


You are now able to register your child’s attendance and purchase your child’s Snack Box via ParentPay.  If you do not have a ParentPay account, please post money in a marked envelope with your child’s name, class and film night to the PTA Postbox located in school reception. 


The cost is £5 and will include crisps and a drink.


The chosen films this year are:

Reception – Mickey’s Once upon a Christmas

Y1&2 – Frozen 2

Y3&4 – Despicable Me 2

Y5&6 – Home Alone 2


Dates for your diary:

15 Nov-6 Dec – Virtual Christmas Fair

27 Nov-3 Dec – Online Auction

4 Dec – Raffle draw

7 Dec – Bubble Film Night

10 Dec – Year 4 Bake Sale

17 Dec – Xmas Jumper Day


Many thanks

PTA Committee

Autumn Key Term Dates – 2021

Friday 3rd December – Mufti Day £1 donation

Friday 3rd December – Nasal Flu Vaccination – All Years

Tuesday 7th December – PTA Film Night

Wednesday 8th December – Christmas Lunch

Friday 10th December – Year 4 Bake Sale

Tuesday 14th December – Christmas Parties – Reception Class and KS1

Wednesday 15th December – Christmas Parties – KS2

Thursday 16th December – Christingle – Holy Trinity Church (children only)

Friday 17th December – Christmas Jumper Day/Mufti

Friday 17th December – End of Term 2 – 1.30pm

School Term Dates

Please see here for term dates:


Although tempting as we have not been able to travel freely for so long, please do not book holidays or family days during term time.  These will show up as persistent absence which is checked by Ofsted when they visit and monitored each half term by the Education Welfare Officer at RBWM.  Thank you.

Holy Trinity CE Primary School take safeguarding very seriously. If you have a concern, please do not hesitate to report to our designated staff;

Mrs J. Griffith, Mrs C Barnes, Miss S. Harding, Mrs F Fargher

Please do not send your child to school if they're unwell or with a high temperature controlled by paracetamol or ibuprofen.  Don't forget that your child must not return to school until at least 48 hours after the last episode of any gastric upset (vomiting or diarrhoea).   
