Dear Parents and Carers,
We have reached the half way point of the school year. Can you believe it? And even though half term may not be as exciting as we’d like, it is still a chance to spend time with family and switch those morning alarms off (if you’re not still working….!).
I’ve been so proud of all we have achieved as a community this term. Children, parents and staff have all had to adapt, and adapt quickly, to the changes. Our value of perseverance has never been more relevant or necessary! Thank you to our wonderful staff team for all their hard work and willingness to learn new skills.
As I said in my assembly this morning, many of us have been in the Learning Pit at some point this term. Adults and children! But never has it been more important to embrace a Growth Mindset and believe in ourselves. We may struggle at times with things we can’t do YET but when we take a breath and re-set, we find we’re able to keep going until we climb out of that Learning Pit. Phew!
Click here for this morning's assembly and Star of the Week videos.
Thank you for the treats that we have received in school this week. They do say that the greatest motivator is food and I can tell you that the treats were much appreciated this week!
Finally, we have one more request. If anyone has any spare headsets that you’d be happy to donate to school, we’d be very happy to receive them. Mr Nicoll made a very kind donation last lockdown and they have been invaluable. Thank you Mr Nicoll!
Don't forget we have changed our inset day and lessons will resume on Monday 22nd February.
Enjoy next week and let’s all pray we can return before too much longer.
Mrs Griffith
KS1 Bubble
Children in our KS1 bubble have been busy this week making masks and lanterns for Chinese New Year and Cheesy Heart biscuits for Valentine's Day.
KS1 Sunningdale Trail
Lots of Reception and KS1 children have enjoyed following the map and the picture clues to complete the Sunningdale Trail. For those who are interested in having a go during half term the map and clues are below.
Year 1 - Friendship
Year one have been learning to identify when it is easy and when it can be difficult to show friendship. They have written a recipe for friendship, including all the necessary ingredients to make a good friend.
Year 1 Space
This half term, year one have been learning about Space. They have designed and made moon buggies.
Year 4 - Ravenous Readers
Congratulations to James in Class 4 who has now completed three reading lists! His favourite book this time was The Gift of Dark Hollow (second book from Five Realms Series) by Kieran Larwood. Also see Theo below showing us the latest book he's completed. Well done to our Year 4 Ravenous Readers!
Year 4 - News Reporters
Class 4 have been budding reporters this week investigating the appearance of humungous-sized footprints. There are definitely some news presenters in the making and not just the children. A huge thank you to all the mums, dads, brothers and sisters who took part in front of and behind the camera. You were all amazing! Please watch our films on our class webpage – We are Reporters!
Year 4 - Eureka Electricity
Class 4 have been enjoying their learning about electricity.
Class 5W Art
This week 5W have been expressing themselves through art. Their challenge was to create a piece of art that showed their personalities. Here are some of their creations by Harry, Thomas, Genevieve and Thomas.
Class 5W
Darcie in 5W entered the Young Writers’ competition with this poem about a mouse called Netherton Woo. We think your poem is fantastic Darcie and we're very proud of you for entering.
Year 6 Maths
Year 6 have been exploring how to calculate the volume of a cuboid...
Year 6 - Mindfulness
Micah in Year 6 produced this incredible piece of art work depicting Chadwick Boseman, during his time spent on mindfulness this week.
Year 6
Sadie has been challenging herself with extra learning - learning some Japanese!
Year 6 - Nataniel Newton's Science Board
Nataniel in Year 6 manages his own science notice board in school but as he hasn't been in to school, he would like to share this piece of work - so if anyone wants to learn about the Circulatory System here it is!
School Term Dates
Please see here for term dates:
Holy Trinity CE Primary School take safeguarding very seriously. If you have a concern, please do not hesitate to report to our designated staff;
Mrs J. Griffith, Mrs C Barnes, Miss S. Harding, Mrs F Fargher