Diocese of Oxford
Our school is one of the many schools under the Diocese of Oxford. If you wish to find out more about our Diocese then please click on the link below.
Diocese of Oxford - Mission
God’s mission is about enabling the whole of creation to live in love, justice and peace – often referred to as God’s kingdom. The Board of Mission exists to support churches as they seek to take up God’s invitation to join in God’s mission. We aim to help people and parishes as they seek to live out God’s way of life now, experiencing Jesus’ words that “the kingdom of heaven is among you”.
In line with the “Living Faith” vision, we:
- Prioritise the call to ‘make disciples’ through all that we are and all that we do, aiming to draw people to faith in Christ and nurture them at all stages in their Christian journey
- Enable ministry that supports mission by selecting and preparing people for different roles (ordained and lay), and by providing training and support to people once they are in post
- Resource strategic thinking and decision-making at parish and deanery level, enabling a focus on living out the kingdom
- Encourage an approach to faith where ‘making a difference in the world’ is an essential part of the Gospel, enabling networks of people who engage with a range of social, environmental, economic and global issues
- Aim to inspire generous living that enables parishes to be well resourced (financially and in other ways) for mission and ministry
- Work for a Church where the vulnerable are protected, and where young and old are valued and nurtured
- Seek to maximise the appropriate use of our buildings to further our mission, while also protecting our unique heritage for future generations and responding to changes in housing and the environment in our diocese
SIAMS – Church Inspection of Schools
What is SIAMS and What do they do?
The National Society's Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS) framework is used in all Section 48 inspections of Church of England schools and in the denominational inspection of academies.
The principal objective of SIAMS inspection is to evaluate the distinctiveness and effectiveness of the school as a church school.
Towards this objective, inspectors seek answers to four key questions.
- How well does the school, through its distinctive Christian character, meet the needs of all learners?
- What is the impact of collective worship on the school community?
- How effective is the Religious Education? (in VA schools and academies)
- How effective are the leadership and management of the school as a church school?