Stars of the Week for w/e 27th Sept 2019
Year 1 - William for settling so well and for wonderful behaviour.
Year 2 – To all of Year 2 for their brilliant behaviour on our class trip to Hampton Court Palace but particularly to James for his keen contributions.
Class 3 – Theo for doing exceptionally well in Maths and completing the whole times table grid.
Class 4H – Sophie for beautiful work in gymnastics.
Year 4W – Zara for her conscientious approach to all of her lessons.
Year 5 – Fred C for his excellent attitude to learning, focus and hard work since the start of the year.
Year 6 – Christos for impressing both Mrs Neale and Mrs Marriner with his hard-working attitude and in particular, his writing.
Stars of the Week for w/e 4th October 2019
Year 1 – Thomas for being so happy and smiley at school and trying his hardest in all that he does.
Year 2 – Amelie for being really creative when designing her self-portrait.
Class 3 – Kai for really being the best he can be.
Class 4H – Jenson for being a caring friend.
Year 4W – Sian for settling in so well and for setting a fantastic example with her polite nature.
Year 5 – Holly for a fantastic piece of descriptive writing about King Arthur and his knights.
Year 6 – Cyrus for having a super first few weeks at Holy Trinity and settling in so well to Class 6.
Reception Class Visited by a Firefighter!
On Thursday, Martha’s Dad Daniel, who is a firefighter came to visit Reception class as part of their topic, ‘People Who Help Us.’ The children listened beautifully as he talked about his job and asked them questions about what a firefighter does. He talked about smoke alarms and told the children to get their parents to check whether they have a smoke alarm at home and to check the battery. Mrs Tomes had the opportunity to try on all the firefighter kit…it is sooo heavy! The children then had the chance to try on Daniel’s helmet. Many thanks to Daniel to taking the time to visit us. More photos on the website this weekend.
Year 2 Portraits
Having looked at some amazing paintings on our trip to Hampton Court Palace, Year 2 decided we could make our own portraits in the style of Hans Holbein. We started by making the playdough for our faces and then went onto the field to find natural resources for our features. Some of us have used feathers in our caps to show just how royal we are!
Next week we will be using technology and collage to make another portrait with different medium, before moving on to painting.
Miss A Prince - Year 2 Teacher
School Photos
School photos weren't taken this week due to the photographer being ill. Photos will now be taken on Monday 21st October.
Plastic Bottle Recycling
Please do keep the bottles coming. And if you'd like to see an example of where your bottles go, take a look at Mrs Lawson's shoes which just happen to be mostly made from recycled plastic bottles.
Harvest Festival Collection
Holy Trinity Church will be collecting items for the Bracknell Foodbank at the Harvest Festivals again this year. These are the items needed and any contributions will be gratefully received and passed on. Items can be brought to school and carried down to the church by the children:
Snow White on Ice - John Nike Centre Bracknell
Charlotte in Year 5 will be performing in her skates this Christmas in the John Nike production of Snow White on Ice. We hope you enjoy every minute Charlotte! Please see more details below.
Scholastic Book Club
There are only 7 days left to order from our latest Scholastic Book Club. Just go to to browse the latest books and place your order.
Every £1 you spend on this month’s Book Club will earn 25p for our school in Scholastic Rewards.
PTA News
Year 6 Bake sale —funds raised were £148 for Year 6!
Don’t forget at the Year 5 bake sale on 18th October as well as a second hand uniform stall, second hand Halloween Costumes will be for sale, please donate items to the School Office.
Natasha Williston has kindly taken on the Library role for KS2 on a Wednesday lunchtime. We also need helpers to tidy and replace returned books on a rota basis on Tuesday and Thursday. If you are able to spare 30 mins/1 hour of your time after school drop off please liaise with Natasha.
PTA Christmas Fair 23rd November – your Class Reps are now busy organising. Please do put the date in your diary to help support your Class Reps for 30mins -1 hour! In school bags tonight are details of the Christmas Fair Poster Competition. Please do encourage the children to enter, we are looking forward to seeing all their wonderful art work. – for just £1 a week you get entered into 2 weekly draws, 1 with the chance to win up to £25,000 and the school are guaranteed a return of 40% of all the ticket funding raised. If you haven’t already, please do sign up and support the school. Last week we had a £20 winner who kindly donated the proceeds back to the school. It’s quick and easy to sign up at
Easyfundraising – Many parents are already collecting free donations for the PTA every time they buy anything online with the UK’s leading online fundraising service, easyfundraising. It’s simple to join, go to and join for free. Every time you want to shop go to easyfundraising, find the site you want and start shopping. When you check out Holy Trinity CE School Sunningdale PTA gets a donation, the site gives easyfundraising a percentage of what you spend and they turn that into a donation. It couldn’t be easier to raise funds for the PTA!
Some corporate companies will pay the PTA in return for their employees volunteering their time at school. Do ask and if you wish to volunteer please get in touch!
Many thanks,
PTA Committee and Class Reps
Magpies Tag Rugby - Friday Years 1 - 6
Magpies have extended their Friday After School Club, Tag Rugby, to include all years from 1 - 6. Wednesday's Cricket club is also for Years 1 - 6 too.
Autumn Term Dates – 2019
School Term Dates
Please see here for term dates:
Ofsted noted a marked increase in persistent absence (a holiday will register as persistent absence). Please do not book holidays or family days during term time. Thank you.
Holy Trinity CE Primary School take safeguarding very seriously. If you have a concern, please do not hesitate to report to our designated staff;
Mrs P. O’Brien, Mrs J. Griffith, Miss S. Harding, Mrs F Fargher