Dear Parents/Carers,
We have enjoyed another busy and productive week in school. All clubs have recommenced and it’s lovely to welcome some new club providers this term. Please see here for more information and sign up links.
It was my pleasure to interview Year 6 pupils for the roles of Head Boy/Girl this week. Twenty four pupils applied which was fantastic! It was so humbling to listen to their reasons for wanting to play such a vital role in our school. They all talked about how they wanted to share their highlights of journeying through Holy Trinity and feeling like one big family. I had a very difficult choice to make as they all did really well in their interview! Thank you to all the candidates for taking the time to apply and for your enthusiasm.
It is my pleasure to be able to congratulate the following pupils as they take on their leadership role:
Head Girl – Grace
Head Boy – Harry
Deputy Head Girl – Arianna
Deputy Head Boy – William
The children have also been voting for their class School Council reps this week. Once again, so many children wanted to be involved in this important role in our school which was wonderful. The successful candidates are:
Year 1: Eva and Zac
Year 2: Millie and Corrick
Year 3: Fifi and Luke
Year 4: Amelie and Ben
Year 5: Etta and Dahlia
6N: Ava , Zach, Demi and Abi
6W: Abigail, Finn, Lily and Harriet
Congratulations! Miss Wallbanks is very much looking forward to working with the School Councillors this year.
Parent Governor Vacancy
As I mentioned in last week’s newsletter, we have a vacancy coming up on the Governing Board for a parent. You will have received an email yesterday with information about how to apply. It is also on our website here. If you would like more information about the role please don’t hesitate to ask in the office and Mrs Lawson can put you in touch with the Chair of Governors.
The deadline for nominations is midday on 1st October.
Reception Parents
Next Wednesday (22nd) at 2.30pm we are inviting in any Reception parents who would like to come and see the Reception classroom and the rest of the school. This is to make up for the fact that we weren’t able to invite you on a tour last year! Please wear a face covering for this event.
Don’t forget to bring any unwanted items of clothing on Monday for Bags2school. Please drop by the office before 9am. Thank you!
Have a wonderful weekend,
Mrs Griffith
Stars of the Week for w/e – 17th September 2021
Well done to all of our Stars this week:
Class 1 – Oscar for his wonderful smile coming in to school in the mornings.
Class 2 – Sophie for showing super enthusiasm and commitment to her reading and maths this week.
Class 3 – Lewis for great focus and brilliant contributions this week.
Class 4 – Ernest for making good choices and getting on with his work really well.
Class 5 – Kai for being a kind and funny member of our class to whom we wish all the best in his new school.
Class 6N – Alessia for a wonderful start to Year 6 showing super listening skills and trying her best in all she does.
Year 6W – Arianna for always being kind and considerate to others and for her excellent attitude to Year 6.
House of the Week
The House with the most house points this week is Earth! Well done Earth!
Our New Reception Class!
The Reception team are so proud with how the new pupils have settled into school. We had an excellent afternoon this week exploring our Forest School area.
Year 5 Ravenous Readers
Here are this week's Ravenous Readers:
Year 6 - WW1 Topic
What We Learnt at Our Local Community Church
On Monday we went to our church to learn more about W.W.I. When we got there, we sat in the quiet room. There we learnt about weapons and tactics. After that we looked at a war memorial which was made from stone 3 layers to be precise. We walked back to the church grounds and looked at the war graves. Surprisingly a famous pilot was buried there. He loved golf and for the rest of his life he lived in Sunningdale. We also learnt about what they used in the war they used, bombs, gas, grenades, machine guns, rifles, artillery. However, a man called Mr Armstrong made most of these weapons and he was famous but for only creating weapons that can kill thousands of people in W.W.I or is he really that famous. Did you know that people 18 or older came to the war mostly boys even boys 17, 16 and 15. They bought fake birth certificates to join the war; why would they do that they knew that there was a possibility to die in the war? But at least they didn’t die in vain and when they heard that many people had died in the war, more people had to join the war to defend their country and save their country and help no matter what. What caused the end of the war is a famous pilot who discovered the enemy’s reserved soldiers, but he got shot badly in the leg but he did have the strength to fly back and give them the information. He was rushed to the emergency care and survived WWI and WW2 as he served as an officer in WW2. He lived for 96 years and he had always had a limp because he got shot in the leg. He was buried in our parish that is what we have learnt from our vicar Rev John. Thankyou for your time. Yours Sincerely Arianna and Lily.
6N PTA Bake Sale - Friday 24th Sept 3.15pm
If you're new to the school, next week sees the very experienced parents and carers of class 6N hosting the first Bake Sale for a very long time! The writer of this piece is very excited! Each class has the opportunity to run a bake sale once a year (twice for Year 6 who raise additional funds for leaving celebrations) on dates agreed by the PTA with the school. The funds raised are used by the class teachers towards activities or resources for the class.
Don't forget to bring some cash! Cakes and bakes are very keenly priced and often plentiful and delicious so bake sales are a great opportunity to indulge the family.
Martial Arts Club - New Session
As the Martial Arts morning club was so oversubscribed this term, Apollo Martial Arts have introduced another session on a Tuesday afternoon after school. Please see the clubs page here for more information.
PTA News
Bags2School collection is on Monday. Please bring your bags on Monday morning and leave these by the wall on the left just in front of the playground gate by 9am. Bags 2 School accept the following ‘good quality’ items:
AGM & PTA Meeting
The start time for the AGM and first PTA Meeting has been changed to 7.30pm. We look forward to meeting the attendees on Monday. Please enter the School Hall via the Church Road entrance.
Dates for your diary
20 Sept – Bags2School
20 Sept – PTA AGM & Meeting
24 Sept – Year 6N Bake Sale
Many thanks
PTA Committee
Autumn Key Term Dates – 2021
Monday 20th September – Bags 2 School
Monday 20th September – PTA AGM – School Hall – 7.30pm
Friday 24th September – Year 6N Bake Sale (woo hoo!)
Monday 27th September – Portrait Photos
Tuesday 12th October – Harvest Service – Holy Trinity Church – Rec, Y2, Y4 and 6N – 9.30am
Thursday 14th October – Harvest Service – Holy Trinity Church – Y1, Y3, Y5, 6W – 9.30am
Friday 15th October – Y6W Bake Sale
Tuesday 19th October – Parent Consultation Evening – 3.30 – 7pm
Thursday 21st October – Parent Consultation Evening – 3.30pm – 6.30pm
Friday 22nd October – PTA Mufti Day – Halloween Dress Up Optional - £2
Friday 22nd October – End of Term 1
Monday 1st November – Inset Day
Tuesday 2nd November – Pupils Return for Term 2
Tuesday 2nd November – Bags 2 School
Friday 5th November – Y5 Bake Sale
Monday 8th November – PTA Meeting 8pm
Friday 26th November – Bring a Bottle Mufti Day
Saturday 27th November – PTA Christmas Fair
Friday 3rd December – Nasal Flu Vaccination – All Years
w/c 6th December – Last week for All Clubs
Tuesday 7th December – PTA Film Night
Wednesday 8th December – Christmas Lunch
Thursday 9th December – Christmas Service – KS2 – 6pm
Friday 10th December – Reception Class Nativity – School Hall – 9.30am
Friday 10th December – Year 4 Bake Sale
Monday 13th December – KS1 Nativity – School Hall – 1.30pm
Tuesday 14th December – KS1 Nativity – School Hall – 9.30am
Tuesday 14th December – Christmas Parties – Reception Class and KS1
Wednesday 15th December – Christmas Parties – KS2
Thursday 16th December – Christingle – Holy Trinity Church (children only)
Friday 17th December – Christmas Jumper Day/Mufti
Friday 17th December – End of Term 2 – 1.30pm
School Term Dates
Please see here for term dates:
Ofsted noted a marked increase in persistent absence (a holiday will register as persistent absence). Please do not book holidays or family days during term time. Thank you.
Holy Trinity CE Primary School take safeguarding very seriously. If you have a concern, please do not hesitate to report to our designated staff;
Mrs J. Griffith, Mrs C Barnes, Miss S. Harding, Mrs F Fargher
Please do not send your child to school if they're unwell or with a high temperature controlled by paracetamol or ibuprofen. Don't forget that your child must not return to school until at least 48 hours after the last episode of any gastric upset (vomiting or diarrhoea).