VE Day 75
Victory in Europe Day marks the day in 1945 when Britain and its allies accepted the unconditional surrender of Nazi Germany, bringing the war in Europe to an end. Click here for a useful link for children from BBC Newsround. If you're celebrating at home and would like to send us pictures to share in next week's newsletter please do.
We hope you've had a good week under the circumstances. Don't forget the local support hub is there and waiting for your call should you need it (details below).
Best Wishes
Mrs O'Brien and Mrs Griffith
Ascot Covid-19 Support Hub
The Ascot Support Hub is run by Sunninghill & Ascot Parish Council, supported by RBWM, to provide a comprehensive and cohesive support for the local vulnerable community. The hub is working in collaboration with Healthwatch Bracknell Forest as well as local churches and charities including Holy Trinity Church, the Ascot Fire Brigade Trust, the Sunninghill Trust and the Sunningdale Hope Trust.
We take requests for help from members of the community and local agencies who refer people in need to us - our charities are able to offer financial grants as well as debt restructuring help and support for families in need. They are also able to offer befriending services, food parcels and provision of meals-on-wheels. In addition we have a database of volunteers, all of whom have been subject to a basic check to establish identity, and who are able to shop and pick up prescriptions for people unable to go out.
To contact our local support hub please see below:
Between the hours of 9am - 5pm, Mon - Fri call 07341 133591 or email
After hours call St Michael’s Church on 07717 477390
Applying for Free School Meals
Changing circumstances may mean you need to apply for Free School Meals - please click here to apply.
A Prayer for All
Next Week - Year 6
Year 6 are invited to send photos of themselves and/or their work to for next week's newsletter. We do love to see your pictures!
Year 5 Photos
This week it's class Class 5's turn to show us what they've been up to. Please see below...
Miss Cullen - Year 5 Class Teacher
VE Day
With Friday marking the 75th anniversary of VE day, lots of us have been learning about this special occasion. Lots of us have made bunting to decorate our homes and gardens. Alex and Sophie have been baking VE day themed treats and Sadie has even gone back in time!
There has been lots of science going on at home. We have been learning about separating mixtures using filtration and evaporation. Lots of us have had a go at dissolving salt into water, heating it up and then finding the salt left behind after the water evaporated.
It is great to see so many of you showing off your art skills. Sunningdale must be a beautiful place to walk about with all this chalk work and rainbows. Draw with Rob is also very popular on a Tuesday and Thursday morning!
Although it's not been sunny every day over the last couple of weeks, when the sun has come out, lots of us have been outside enjoying it. Camping in the back garden is a great idea!