Dear Parents and Carers,
Our vision is for our pupils to flourish in an inclusive, inspirational place of learning where we are happy, respectful, kind and safe.
Thank you for all the responses to the Smartphone Questionnaire sent out this week. As a cluster of schools (St. Michael’s, Cheapside, SAVS, St Francis and Charters) we are working together to provide further information and support for you as parents.
Currently, Year 6 pupils that have a mobile phone are permitted to have them on their way to and from school. They hand them in at the school gate and we keep them securely in the office to hand back at the end of the day. We do not allow them to be used at all during the school day. Just to reassure you, we are not planning on allowing smart phones to be used in the classrooms at any point.
I’ll keep you informed of any workshops or information events that will support you in this area. Hopefully the Top Tips have been helping!
Parent Reading Volunteers for Reception Class
Mrs Tomes would welcome any volunteers to read with the Reception class children. If you’re able to commit to a weekly slot of an hour please do pop into the office to let us know – your help would be very much appreciated!
Wishing you a lovely weekend,
Mrs Griffith
Stars of the Week for w/e 17th January 2025
Well done to all of our Stars this week
Reception – Lochlan for his amazing creativity and for the superb dragon he made this week. He always uses his 'learning time' wisely.
Year 1 – Grace for always showing true kindness to her friends.
Year 2 – Logan for working really hard in all lessons and for being so polite and kind.
Year 3 – Freya for making lots of valuable contributions to our English lessons.
Year 4 – Fin for great atlas work in Geography this week.
Year 5 – Cailyn for great fractions work this week - your clear presentation and logical application of the steps was fantastic.
Year 6 - Phoebe M for always demonstrating independence in learning and committing to doing her best in all she does.
House of the Week
The House with the most house points this week is Water! Well done Water!
Kindness Ambassadors
I would like to introduce our Kindness Ambassadors this year - Millie, Tegh, Arthur, Yassy, Ella, Husayn, Sienna S, Sienna W and Bryony.
We are involved in the 52 Lives School of Kindness Ambassador programme where the children are tasked with the responsibility of encouraging more kindness in their class, school and local community. Our ambassadors will be part of a wider network of school Kindness Ambassadors from other primary schools, supported by us at the School of Kindness. Watch this space for their ideas for Spring Term over the next few weeks.
Pied Piper Theatre Production
On Wednesday next week the Pied Piper Theatre company will bring their production of Town Mouse and Country Mouse to our school for Reception Class and Years 1 and 2. Pied Piper productions are always a favourite with the children so we're really looking forward to it. This will be paid for using your termly contributions on ParentPay so do please make sure these are up to date.
Year 5 Girls' Football Tournament
A team of Year 5 players fought bravely in two matches against The Marist School on Wednesday. Their enthusiasm and encouragement for each other was fabulous to see and they were a real credit to the school. Unfortunately, they were ultimately beaten by both teams but Sophie and Rosie each scored a goal and Ariana saved several shots from the opposition. Daisy shared her super defending skills whilst Saffie, Isabella, Eleni and Ella demonstrated some great footwork up and down the pitch, working well as a team! Well done girls – a brilliant afternoon!
Spring Term Key Dates – 2025
Fri 17th Jan – Y3 Bake Sale
Mon 20th Jan to Weds 22nd Jan – Y5 Bikeability
Weds 22nd Jan - Pied Piper Theatre Visit - R, Y1 and Y2
Thurs 23rd Jan – Y4 Bikeability (tbc)
Thurs 23rd Jan - Y2 Trip to Brooklands Museum
Weds 5th Feb - Y3 Trip to Eton Museum - Ancient Egypt Workshop
Thurs 6th Feb – Y1 Chertsey Museum Workshop
Fri 7th Feb – PTA Disco – Village Hall
Fri 14th Feb – PTA Mufti Day - £2
Fri 14th Feb – End of Term 3 – 3.15pm
Mon 24th Feb – Start of Term 4
Weds 26th Feb – Y1 Trip to Pizza Express
Thurs 27th Feb – Y6 Class Assembly – 9am School Hall
Fri 28th Feb – Y2 Bake Sale
Weds 5th Mar – NO NETBALL CLUB
Thurs 6th Mar – World Book Day
Thurs 6th Mar – Y5 Class Assembly – 9am School Hall
Thurs 20th Mar – Y4 Class Assembly – 9am School Hall
Fri 21st Mar – Y3 Trip to Neasden Temple
Mon 24th Mar – Last Week of Clubs
Fri 28th Mar – Y1 Bake Sale
Mon 31st Mar – Easter Service in Holy Trinity Church at 9.15am – Y1, Y3, Y5
Tues 1st April - Easter Service in Holy Trinity Church at 9.15am – Rec, Y2, Y4, Y6
Weds 2nd April – Parent Consultation Meetings – 1pm – 5pm – School Hall
Thurs 3rd April – Parent Consultation Meeting – 3.30 – 5pm – School Hall
Fri 4th April – End of Term 4 – 1.30pm
Charters School Vacancy
Charters School has a new vacancy for a part-time Receptionist (Thursdays and Fridays). Please see here for more information.
Windsor & Maidenhead Symphony Orchestra
Following two recent amazing concerts that took place to capacity audiences each time (thank you audience!), we welcome you to enjoy our spring concert on Saturday 15th March at 7.30pm at St Mary's Church, Maidenhead, SL6 1YY
WEBER Overture: Oberon
PROKOFIEV - Violin Concerto No 2
TCHAIKOVSKY - Eugene Onegin: highlights
BEETHOVEN - Symphony No 5
solo Violinist - Chun Yi Kang - Finalist, WMSO Young Musician Concerto Competition 2023
Tickets are £15 adults, £5 children/students;
from the box office section of our website:
Windsor & Maidenhead Symphony Orchestra (
Windsor & Maidenhead Symphony Orchestra WMSO is a semi-professional and high-standard group of musicians who rehearse every Tuesday evening during term time at the Dolphin School in Hurst, performing at least 3 major concerts in local venues such as Braywick Leisure Centre, St Mary’s Church, Maidenhead and Newbold Church, Binfield for example. We perform a range of works from well known favourites to lesser known gems of the classical repertoire, as well as joining together with choirs and charities to promote the Arts and Music in RBWM.
Our members, volunteers and supporters...
Our membership includes instrumental players Grade 8 and above, welcoming new upper and lower strings to join us to rehearse, as well as Friends of the Orchestra and audience members who actively promote and support our performance events. Please do come along ! Tickets available from our website: Windsor & Maidenhead Symphony Orchestra (
Further information please contact Dawn Garside at