Dear Parents and Carers,
Sports Day
A great celebration of the children and their sporting abilities! It was so well supported by families and this makes such a huge difference to your children. The House Captains did such a fantastic job of leading the Reception and KS1 events – they are a credit to their families.
As ever, a thank you to Mrs Tomes and Miss Harding for organising and running the events.
Meet the Teacher
This chance to meet your child’s teacher for September is a great way to ensure a smooth transition into the new school year. The children will be working in their new classrooms with their new teacher on the morning of 16th July. However, in order to help prepare them for that we have the chance for you to meet the teacher too:
We will be informing parents of staffing for September in due course.
Enjoy your weekend,
Mrs Griffith
Stars of the Week for w/e 14th June 2024
Well done to all of our Stars this week
Reception – Pasha for always being a good friend and having lots of creative play ideas.
Year 1 – Harrison for showing sheer determination and great sportsmanship at sports day.
Year 2 – Danilo for a very sensible attitude to learning this week.
Year 3 – Igor for great listening in class this week.
Year 4 – Daisy for her positive attitude to school - she is always kind and always smiling!
Year 5 – Simar for speaking up and making fantastic contributions in class. Fraser for demonstrating both great skill and a fantastic attitude at the Year 5/6 cricket competition.
Year 6 – Fin for his support of Reception class and showing good manners.
House of the Week
The House with the most house points this week is Water! Well done Water!
Sports Day 2024
More information and photos next week but in the meantime the scores on the doors are as follows:
1st - Water - 160 Points
2nd - Earth - 152 Points
3rd - Fire - 138 Points
4th - Air - 106 Points
Well done Water! The cup has been updated with blue ribbons and can be found in School Reception.
Windsor Flower Show - Wheelbarrow Challenge Winners!
Last Saturday the Holy Trinity entry in the Wheelbarrow Challenge at the Windsor Flower Show won 1st Prize. The wheelbarrow was prepared by the children with the support of Mrs Patel, Mrs Drewitt and Mrs Basra. Many thanks and congratulations to you all! The cup was presented by Sophie, Duchess of Edinburgh and Alan Titchmarsh looked on by Mary Berry! Please see lovely photos below.
Maths Competition
On Tuesday this week a group of Year 5 and 6 pupils attended a Maths Competition at St George's school in Ascot against 5 other schools. The group completed lots of tricky Maths problems and came first out of the six schools by a very large margin! Well done to William, Elliot and Luke from Y5 and Maya, Amelie and Charlie from Y6 for your incredible achievement!
Goals Galore
On Monday after school, a team of our year 6 pupils went to a netball competition at Charters School. They played against the two teams there from South Ascot Village School. They played fantastically well and scored many goals, winning both matches. A special thank you to Xander and Inez who stepped in at the last minute to make up numbers. All children rotated frequently, some playing in positions they never had before. They were a pleasure to take. Congratulations to Neive, Amelie and Edie who received certificates from the Charters leaders for demonstrating their values of unison, equality and excellence.
Cricket at St George's School
On Wednesday afternoon, a team of pupils from Years 5 & 6 attended a cricket competition at St. George’s. They played really well, had great fun and were fantastic ambassadors of Holy Trinity. Well done boys! Thank you to Mrs O’Neill for accompanying the boys for the afternoon.
The PTA is extremely excited to share that we are nearing the £20,000 mark for funds raised this year to date. We are beyond grateful for all the support this wonderful school community has provided and we look forward to seeing you all at the Summer Fair on Saturday 29th June for our last Hurrah!
Urgent Appeal
Our PTA shed is nearing the end of its life and we are worried it will soon fall over into the Reception play ground. We have funds to replace this. We are appealing to anyone within our school community that would be in a position to help us see this project through - source a new shed, remove the old one and supervise the installation of a new one. If there is anyone able and willing to assist us with this project we would be most grateful. Please contact us via the school or pop an email to and we will be in touch.
Sunningdale Pre School Fundraiser
The Ward family with children in Years 6 and 3 are holding a fundraising afternoon for the Sunningdale Pre School at the Broomhall Recreation Ground on Sunday 14th July from 12 noon to 5pm.
There will be a BBQ with hotdogs and burgers, bouncy castles for younger and older children and a raffle with some great prizes to be won. The Curly Wurly Cafe will also be serving Pimms. Donations can also be give to Mr and Mrs Ward.
Maidenhead Utd Football Club - Sessions for Girls
Maidenhead Utd have been running girls only sessions for the last 3 years have a great track record in forming teams, generating a pathway for the girls to learn and offering equal opportunities to girls as well as boys
We have limited spaces on our Tuesday evening Girls Sessions.
We have 2 sessions:
Tuesday, 4pm – 5pm, Year 1, 2 and 3
Tuesday, 5pm – 6pm, Year 4, 5 and 6
Special Educational Needs and Disability Register for Children and Young People
Summer Term Key Dates – 2024
Fri 14th June – Y1 Bake Sale
Mon 17th June – Y3 Trip to Marwell Zoo
Mon 17th June to Tue 18th June – Y4 Residential to Phasels Wood
Mon 17th June – PTA Meeting
Fri 21st June – Y3 and Y4 – No Swimming
Mon 24th June to Fri 28th June – Year 6 Residential Trip to Mill on the Brue
Tues 25th June – Y3 Science Trip to St George’s School Ascot
Fri 28th June – Bring a Bottle Mufti
Sat 29th June – PTA Summer Fair
Mon 1st July – Year 2 Trip to Windsor
Mon 1st July – Y6 Charters Induction Day
Tues 2nd July – Y6 Charters Induction Day
Tues 2nd July – Y1 Trip to Littlehampton
Tues 2nd July – Y5 Sports Day at St George’s Ascot
Thurs 4th July – Come and See – 2.45pm – 3.15pm
Tues 9th July – Meet the Teacher – 2.45pm – 3.10pm and 3.20pm – 3.45pm
Weds 10th July – Science Day
Mon 15th July – Last Week of Clubs
Tues 16th July – Move Up Morning
Weds 17th July – Y6 School Production at Cordes Hall – Y4, Y5 and Y6
Thurs 18th July - Y6 School Production at Cordes Hall – Y4, Y5 and Y6
Fri 19th July – Reports to Parents
Tues 23rd July – Leavers’ Service – 9.15am at Holy Trinity Church
Weds 24th July – End of Term 6 – 1.30pm
Thurs 25th July – Inset Day
Please do not send your child to school if they're unwell or with a high temperature controlled by paracetamol or ibuprofen. Don't forget that your child must not return to school until at least 48 hours after the last episode of any gastric upset (vomiting or diarrhoea).
Holy Trinity CE Primary School take safeguarding very seriously. If you have a concern, please do not hesitate to report to our designated staff;
Mrs J. Griffith, Mrs C Barnes, Miss S. Harding, Mrs F Fargher