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Newsletter 28 - 22nd April 2020

Greetings from Holy Trinity School 

Welcome to the summer term - a very strange one for everybody!  We do hope you continue to stay well and are coping with all things lockdown.    Have you spotted Emily M from 4W on the NHS advert on TV?

Work continues to be set on class pages by your teachers BUT please rest assured that we are entirely aware that the situation at home is different for every household.  We are experiencing this ourselves with our own families too!  Some children may be able to do lots and have lots of parent support.  Other parents need to go to work or are working at home under challenging conditions.  We completely understand this and encourage you not to worry or try to be a home school hero.  Please be reassured that we will support the children according to their need when they come back to school.  Our aim is that no one will be left behind or at a disadvantage because of this unprecedented situation.  We are in discussions with the Local Authority in regard to streaming live lessons and the safeguarding issues that may arise. We have no plans to produce these at the moment (no primary school in RBWM has either) but we are really pleased to hear how much the children are enjoying the videos their teachers are posting. 


Needless to say, we are all missing the children and it's so lovely to see your photos! 


We are pleased to be blessed with sunshine and hope that you're managing to get out for your daily exercise.   Our values this term are highly relevant to the moment and the need to stay at home all together for much of the time.  Our whole term value is Respect and our half term value is Tolerance.  Perhaps you can discuss what these words mean and how they might apply?


This week we have lots of photos from Class 4H to enjoy.  Thank you for sending these - it does brighten our day!  Next week Class 4W are invited to send in photos to let us know what you've been up to. Please send these in to

Have a good week.  

Mrs O'Brien and Mrs Griffith


Art Work to Decorate a Virus Testing Station

One of Miss Cullen's relatives is setting up a new CV testing station in Twickenham and confesses that it all looks rather drab!  Would you like to paint or draw something to help cheer up the walls for those people working there and for any poorly people turning up to be tested? If you can, please send your photos of your drawings and paintings to

Many thanks

Class Email Addresses

You will hopefully have seen by now that each class has a dedicated email address for children to ask their teacher questions and send in any work they want to share.  As a reminder these are:


Please note that these email addresses are for the children's work. Should parents wish to contact the school with a concern, they should do so via usual the school email address.  Teachers will endeavour to reply within 3 working days.  

Class 4H Photos

This week Class 4H have been sending in photos to share with everybody on the newsletter!  Please see below smiley.


Class 4H Photos - Spring

Spring photos from Eloise, Flo, Kate and Woody:

Class 4H - Rob Biddulph Inspired Artwork

Thank you for sharing your artwork Ali, Amber, Eloise, Finn, Harry, Kate, Mathilde and Theo...

Class 4H - Lucy's Letter to Hogarth from the Iron Man...


Class 4H - Misc and Easter Art

Including pavement art from Morgan, Theo and Flo and some lovely eggs from Abigail...

Class 4H - Rainbows!

Rainbows from Amber, Eloise, Flo, Kate and balloons which Miss Harding spotted on her daily walk...

Class 4H - Flo's Easter Story

Class 4H - Poppy's Snow Poem

Class 4H - Saying Hello...

Abigail, Amber, Eloise, Flo, Jack, Mathilde and Poppy also wanted to show you what else they've up to.  Doesn't Poppy's bread look delicious!
