Dear Parents and Carers,
We are coming to the end of our spring term next week. It has been a strange term but we hope that the routines that the return to school have brought have been beneficial for the children and your families.
We end term at 1.30pm next Thursday. The children are invited to wear Mufti (Times Table Rock Star theme if they would like to) for a donation of £2 towards PTA funds. The PTA are currently fundraising for the KS2 Adventure Playground to replace the current trim trail. School Council have been gathering ideas from their classes for what the playground will include.
When we return on Monday 19th April the children are welcome to wear their summer uniform. Let’s hope the weather gets the memo!
Parent Governor Vacancies
The Governors will be appointing two parent governors in the autumn term. If you are interested or would like to find out more, please contact the office. More detailed information will be provided in the summer term.
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Griffith
Stars of the Week for w/ 26th March
Well done to all of our stars of the week!
Reception – Bertie for always being so cheerful about his learning and always having a smile on his face. Igor for super progress this week with his reading.
Year 1 – Mohammed for super focus and trying so hard with all of his learning.
Year 2 – William for his consistent hard work and excellent presentation in all of his work.
Class 3 – Fin for how hard he is working in class. His sentences have been amazing and his maths too.
Class 4 – Oscar for his fantastic efforts since the beginning of the school year to improve his handwriting. Well done Oscar - all your efforts have been worth it.
Class 5C – Finn for some excellent writing over the last two weeks related to our new book ‘The Arrival’.
Class 5W – Lucas for settling in to school and for sharing his fantastic piano skills with the class.
Year 6 – Caleb for getting more involved in his learning by questioning his understanding and really applying himself, especially in Maths.
House of the Week
The House with the most house points again this week is Air! Well done Air!
We do hope that school clubs will be able to start up again after the Easter holidays. The plan is for clubs to run from w/c 26th April to w/c 12th July. The club web page has been updated with the all the information and booking details we have so far and will continue to be updated over the next week. All clubs will still have to be run for single bubbles, except for In2Sport who provide enough coaches to cover bubbles for years 1 - 6 and will run a separate Reception Class football club on a Tuesday after school. Magpies clubs will be open for booking next week.
Please note Choir letters were available to all Year 5 & 6 pupils yesterday. A letter for Y5 & 6 Athletics is available below.
We hope our fencing club will be able to start again after Easter. This will be for Years 5 and 6 for the moment as far as we know. Please see a link to a video about the club here.
Bags 2 School - Next Tuesday!
Don't forget to bring your Bags 2 School items to school before 9am on Tuesday morning. Thank you!
Times Tables Rock Star Challenge
Don't forget that Monday sees the start of the Times Tables Rock Star challenge! Children from Year 1 upwards will be able to earn 'coins' for their efforts on Times Tables Rock Stars. The class with the most coins will win a mufti day to take place on Friday 23rd April.
A Snapshot into a Week in Year 2
This week has been yet another action-packed week of learning! Here are some of our highlights:
Year 4 Ravenous Readers
Here are this week's Ravenous Readers including Charan who has read Cliffhanger.
Message from - PaCiP – Parent Carer Forum of Maidenhead and Windsor
RBWM - Home Transport Policy Consultation
Please see a document attached from PaCiP explaining some of the changes proposed by RBWM in their current Home Transport Consultation. The Consultation can be found here and the closing date for responses is 12th April.
PTA News
Bags 2 School collection is on Tuesday 30th March. This is a great earner for the PTA so please have a good clear out of any unwanted clothing!
Don’t forget the Times Tables Rock Stars Challenge next week. The class with the most points will win their own mufti day on the return to school after Easter.
Also Rock Star Mufti Day on Thursday 1st April – we can’t wait to see all you Rock Stars!
The school will be running an Eggsercise Hunt on Thursday 1st April, so make sure you’re full of energy for the Hunt!
The PTA have decided to donate the Eggs to the School this year, to congratulate all the children on how well they have handled the lock down and home schooling – well done you super stars.
Dates for your diary:
30 Mar – Bags2School
29 Mar-1 Apr – Times Table Rock Stars Week
1 Apr – Rock Star Mufti - £2
1 Apr – Easter Hunt/Activities
18 May – Bubble Film Night
28 May - Break the Rules day
Hope you all have a relaxing Easter.
Many thanks!
PTA Committee
School Term Dates
Please see here for term dates. Term dates including inset days for 2022/23 have now been published.
Holy Trinity CE Primary School take safeguarding very seriously. If you have a concern, please do not hesitate to report to our designated staff;
Mrs J. Griffith, Mrs C Barnes, Miss S. Harding, Mrs F Fargher
Please do not send your child to school if they're unwell or with a high temperature controlled by paracetamol or ibuprofen. Don't forget that your child must not return to school until at least 48 hours after the last episode of any gastric upset (vomiting or diarrhoea).
Berkshire Maestros Parent Newsletter
Please see below.