Newsletter 17 - 18th January 2019
We've had lots of visitors in school this week with our own Rev Hutchinson taking assembly and running the very popular children's prayer group, Mr Dickinson from Reading Football Club working with Class 2 and scientists from Royal Holloway working outdoors with classes 4 and 5, just to name a few!
The term does seem to be flying by! As you may know, many children have suffered with chickenpox during December and January, but fortunately this seems to be coming to an end for most.
Thank you to everyone for bringing in plastic bottles for our recycling machine! The bottles collected form clean waste, uncontaminated by other recycling which makes them a very useful commodity - so please do keep them coming!
Stars of the Week for w/e 11th January 2019
Well done to our Stars of the Week for last week:
Reception - Luke for working so hard on his pencil grip and his writing.
Year 1 – Jack for showing excellent observation and reasoning in the rainforest.
Year 2 – Paige for trying really hard in Maths and working independently.
Year 3C – Harriet for showing perseverance and determination when learning about time this week.
Year 3G – Demi for positive thinking and putting 100% in to her PE lessons.
Year 4 – Charlotte for having the confidence to work independently.
Year 5 - Jacob for impressing Mrs Hunter with his mental arithmetic work.
Year 6 - Ryan for his enthusiasm and efforts in writing our class assembly.
Writing Wall of Fame
Miss Harding is currently changing over the pieces of work on the Writing Wall of Fame. The children whose writing featured last term received a Star Writer Award in assembly today. Well done to Phoebe M, Maya, Benoit, Poppy, Grace M, Toby, George G and Megan for their excellent writing. Watch out for our next bunch of 'famous' writers.
Aztec Day
Year 5 thoroughly enjoyed their Aztec Day on Wednesday and will be sharing some of the new things that they learned with KS2 and their parents in their class assembly next week. In the meantime, here are some photos of the class in action:
PTA News
Thank you to all who supported the 3G Bake Sale which raised £170!!
School Disco - Friday 1st Feb
Payment for the disco will be via ParentPay which should be ready to take payments from Monday. A Classlist message will be sent out to confirm when this is ready. The price will be £5 to cover the cost of the DJ, crisps and a drink. Details are:
5.15-6.15 - KS1 Disco including snack & a drink - collect from the usual classroom
6.45-7.45 - KS2 Disco including snack & a drink - collect from the usual classroom
Can you help your class reps by volunteering to help? We need 2 volunteers per class. Without this help the event cannot go ahead.
World Book Day 7th March
Based on the School Council's feedback we will be running this event again this year. We'd be grateful if you could save any good quality children's books suitable for the children to purchase on the day for 50p. Collection of books will take place from 4th March.
PTA Summer Fair
Plans for the Summer Fair on 29th June are well underway. If you know of anyone who can donate any auction items please do let us know on or viaClasslist!
Thanks for your continued support - The PTA Committee
Spring Term Dates 2019
Fri 25th January—Y5 Class Assembly—9.15am
Tues 29th January - Year 5 & 6 Mixed Indoor Football - Charters - 3.30 - 5pm
Fri 1st February—Y4 Class Assembly—9.15am
Fri 1st February—PTA Disco
Thurs 7th February—Y5 & Y6 Netball Match at the Marist—3.30pm
Fri 8th February—3C Class Assembly—9.15am
Fri 15th February—3G Class Assembly—9.15am
Mon 25th February—INSET DAY
Thurs 28th February— Y5 & Y6 Netball Match at the Marist—3.30pm
Fri 1st March—Y1 Bake Sale
Thurs 7th March—Reception Class Assembly—9.15am
Thurs 7th March—PTA Book Sale
Thurs 7th March— Y5 & Y6 Netball Match at the Marist—3.30pm
Thurs 7th March— Y5 & Y6 Netball at Charters—3.30—5pm
Mon 11th March—Y5 Bikeability Starts
Mon 11th March—PTA Meeting 8pm
Thurs 14th March—Y1 Trip to the Theatre
Thurs 14th March—Y3 and Y6 Shakespeare Workshops
Fri 15th March—Y2 Class Assembly—9.15am
Fri 15th March—Reception Class Bake Sale
Tues 19th March—Parents’ Consultation Evening
Thurs 21st March—Y1 Class Assembly 9.15am
Thurs 21st March—Parents’ Consultation Evening
Mon 25th March—Class Photos
Thurs 28th March—Y3 and Y4 Netball at Charters—3.30—5pm
Mon 1st April—Easter Service—Y1, 3C, 3G & Y5—9.30am Holy Trinity Church
Tues 2nd April— Easter Service—Rec, Y2, Y4 & Y6 —9.30am Holy Trinity Church
Weds 3rd April—PTA Easter Egg Hunt
Fri 5th April—End of Term 2pm
School Term Dates
Please see here for term dates:
Ofsted noted a marked increase in persistent absence (a holiday will register as persistent absence). Please do not book holidays or family days during term time. Thank you.
Holy Trinity CE Primary School take safeguarding very seriously. If you have a concern, please do not hesitate to report to our designated staff;
Mrs P. O’Brien, Mrs J. Griffith, Miss S. Harding, Mrs F Fargher.