Stars of the Week for w/e 8th March 2019
Reception – Phoebe M for confident speaking in the class assembly.
Year 1 – Arthur for showing good sequencing in his Zog retell.
Year 2 – Wilf for his enthusiasm in Maths this week and for sharing his brilliant understanding of 3D shapes with the class.
Class 3C – Adam for always being keen to take on a challenge in Maths.
Class 3G – Adya for always working hard in Maths, challenging herself and trying bronze, silver and gold this week.
Year 4 – Sophie for her dedication to learning her spellings for the Spelling Bee.
Year 5 - Lily R for fantastic problem solving this week.
Year 6 – Chloe for applying herself to her learning and challenging herself.
House Points This Week
Fire have topped the house point table this week and so will have an extra play today. Well done Fire!
Mathletics Challenge Week
Don't forget next week is the start of Mathletics challenge week (11th-17th March). Please try to complete as many tasks set and play on live Mathletics as much as you can. Have fun!
World Book Day
On World Book Day this week children arrived at school dressed as a character from their favourite book and there was a vast array of colour in school! It was interesting to see new favourites taking hold this year - 'The Boy in the Dress' by David Walliams was very popular this time. We had a 10am parade in the playground so that everyone could show off their costumes and learn about new characters. The day was filled with various book related activities including a Spelling Bee and the children chose new books to read from the PTA Book Sale.
Staff Favourite Books
Miss Glenister has been encouraging the children to guess which are staff's favourite books...
Spelling Superstars
On World Book Day many children took part in class spelling bees, representing their houses. Well done to all participants. The results were as follows:
Class 1
Finalists: Heloise, James and Xander
Winner: James - Water
Class 2
Finalists: Benoit and Charan
Winner: Charan - Fire
Class 3C
Finalists: Ali, Amber, Arianna, Woody
Winner: Amber - Air
Class 3G
Winners: Grace and Jay - Water
Class 4
Finalists: Caleb, Sam, Sophie B,and Sophie C
Winner: Sophie C - Fire
Class 5
Finalists: George, Manika, Oscar and Thomas, Oscar
winner: George - Fire
Class 6
Winner: Emily - Fire
Fire were the overall winners.
Achievements in Swimming
Alex is very proud that he achieved three gold medals in swimming. One for breaststroke, one for backstroke and one for front crawl. Alex says he would like to swim for Great Britain one day!
Hi Five Netball Tournament
The Hi Five Netball Tournament will now be on Monday 1st April from 3.30pm - 5pm at Charters School for years 3 - 6. Forms will be coming home in book bags for those who've shown an interest in taking part.
New Arts and Crafts Club
Mrs G O'Brien (our Year 1 teacher on Fridays) will be starting a new Arts and Crafts Club in the summer term on Fridays after school. This will be for children in Reception to Year 3. Information will be available on the school website soon or contact Mrs G O'Brien for more information.
PTA News
Thank you to everyone who donated books for World Book Day! Special thanks to Mrs Fleming and Mrs Balle and all the parents who volunteered their time to make this happen. The Book Sale raised £148!
Monday 11th March - PTA Meeting 8pm in the Staff Room (45 mins). Do feel free to join in to discuss future events.
Friday 29th March - School Disco - Anyone still wishing to pay for tickets can do so via ParentPay.
Timings are KS1 - 5pm-5.50pm and KS2 - 6pm - 7pm
Wednesday 3rd April - Easter Egg Hunt - This will take place during the school day.
PTA Committee positions - Secretary and Chair - please do come and talk to us if you'd be willing to pick up either of these positions (or even share them) starting in September to enable PTA to continue the valuable fund raising needed for the school! Without these positions filled the PTA cannot continue.
Don't forget Easyfundraising, Stamptastic & Easy2Name - any purchases provide direct donations to the PTA.
Spring Term Dates 2019
Mon 11th March—Y5 Bikeability Starts
Mon 11th March—PTA Meeting 8pm
Weds 13th March – Year 4 Trip to Madagascar the Musical – Return at 4.15pm
Thurs 14th March—Y1 & Y2 Trip to the Theatre
Thurs 14th March—Y3 and Y6 Shakespeare Workshops
Fri 15th March—Y2 Class Assembly—9.15am
Fri 15th March—Reception Class Bake Sale
Tues 19th March—Parents’ Consultation Evening
Thurs 21st March—Y1 Class Assembly 9.15am
Thurs 21st March—Parents’ Consultation Evening
Mon 25th March—Class Photos
Tues 26th March – Year 2 SATs Meeting – 3.30pm Y2 Classroom
Thurs 28th March—Y3 and Y4 Netball at Charters—3.30—5pm
Fri 29th March – PTA Disco – KS1 5pm – 5.50pm KS2 – 6pm – 7pm
Mon 1st April—Easter Service—Y1, 3C, 3G & Y5—9.30am Holy Trinity Church
Mon 1st April – Hi Five Netball Tournament– Y3 – 6 at Charters School 3.30 – 5pm
Tues 2nd April— Easter Service—Rec, Y2, Y4 & Y6 —9.30am Holy Trinity Church
Weds 3rd April—PTA Easter Egg Hunt
Fri 5th April—End of Term 2pm
School Term Dates
Please see here for term dates:
Ofsted noted a marked increase in persistent absence (a holiday will register as persistent absence). Please do not book holidays or family days during term time. Thank you.
Holy Trinity CE Primary School take safeguarding very seriously. If you have a concern, please do not hesitate to report to our designated staff;
Mrs P. O’Brien, Mrs J. Griffith, Miss S. Harding, Mrs F Fargher.
Ascot Family Racedays
Please see details for the Ascot Family Racedays below. If you use the promotional code 'HTSCHOOL' when purchasing tickets, Ascot Racecourse will donate £6 of the ticket value to our school! Local schools are grateful for the support offered by the Racecourse.