Dear Parents and Carers,
I'm sorry to have to share some desperately sad news with you today. Mrs Poulter's husband, Graham, died suddenly on Wednesday. I know many of you will know him from Ascot United amongst other things and will be greatly saddened by this shocking news. We are all keeping Mrs Poulter and her family in our thoughts and prayers at this difficult time.
So, you may have spotted that neither Mrs Poulter or Mrs Lawson are in the office at this time. Please bear with us as we do our very best to answer any queries. Your patience is appreciated as we try to keep our ship afloat.
Sports Day
On a happier note, I'm really pleased to be able to confirm that we will be able to celebrate Sports Day again this year. It will be slightly different (I'm a bit fed up of saying that now!) but we're delighted we can invite parents in to enjoy the events with us.
There will be three Sports Day (in bubbles) all starting at 9.10am and lastly approx. 1 hour:
Parents are invited to attend and maintain social distancing. You will be welcomed onto the field when you drop your chlidren to school on that morning. Fingers crossed for lovely weather.
We ask that the children wear a plain t-shirt that matches their House Team (air = yellow fire = red water = blue earth = green).
Please contact your class teacher if you're unsure what House your child is in.
Widening of KS2 Bubble from Monday 17th May
We are pleased that from Monday 17th May, KS2 will be one bubble at lunchtimes. This means that the children will have a longer slot in the lunch hall to eat. It also means that when the weather is kind enough, packed lunches can be eaten outside.
Road Safety
It is really busy on the pavements and roads at pick up and drop off times. Please make sure that your child stays with you at all times so that they are safe. Please talk to your children about the importance of staying with you and not running off by themselves.
Film Night Tuesday 18th May
Thank you to the PTA for organising with Miss Wallbanks.
If Y6 children are walking home by themselves, please email Mrs Neale to give permission.
Don't forgot Class Photographs on Monday 17th! Please send your child in to school in their uniform with PE kit to change into if necessary.
Enjoy your weekend,
Mrs Griffith
Pop Up Fidget Toys
The new crave has hit Sunningdale! Please keep these toys at home and avoid bringing them into school. Thank you!
Football after school club on Thursdays
Please do not send football kits to change into. The children should come to school in their PE kits and bring a pair of football boots to change into only. Thank you for your help with this.
Rushall Farm
Reception had a fantastic day out at Rushall Farm on Tuesday experiencing rain, hail and sunshine! We were the first school to return after the COVID break and were the only school there...we felt very special! The children enjoyed a variety of experiences, these were some of the highlights...
There are lots of photos on the Reception Class go and look.
EYFS Outdoor Area
We are hoping to develop a gardening area in our outdoor area. Mrs Free's husband has built us some outdoor raised beds. We now need some top soil. If anyone has access to any cheap top soil, or if anyone is willing to make a donation towards buying some top soil and then compost it would be gratefully received.
Forest School Update
Has your child benefited from our Forest School? Here is your chance to help out!
We are hoping to organise a working party one weekend to do some work at Forest School. Jobs include painting the hut, clearing to pond, moving the base camp area.
Date to follow soon. Thanks is advance!
Mrs Tomes
Bags 2 School
Our next collection date for unwanted clothes is Wednesday 30th June. If you’re having a clear out over half term please consider bringing your bags in by 9am on 30th June (not before) and help us raise much-needed funding for school.
Change to lunch menu Thursday 20th May
PTA News
Thank you to the Reps who attended the PTA Meeting on Monday, it was lovely to see you all and receive your feedback and input.
A BIG thank you to Mr & Mrs Meadows who very kindly made a donation towards our KS2 play area fundraiser.
Film Night
Bubble Film Night will take place on 18th May, straight after school. To register your child’s attendance and to purchase your child’s Snack Box please make payment via parentpay. The cost is £5 and will include crisps and a drink.
The school council voted this week and have chosen the following films:
Reception - Up
Years 1&2 - Ratatouille
Years 3&4 - Sing
Years 5&6 – The Greatest Showman
See collection times in the newsletter above.
The Circus has been cancelled this year and we have decided not to go ahead with it in 2022, instead doing a traditional Summer Fair next year. For those of you who purchased a ticket back in 2020, if you would like a refund, please email and we will arrange this.
Break the Rules Day
The children should have received their forms for Break the Rules Day and there seemed to be lots of excitement about it yesterday at pick up. Clearly there is an inner rule breaker inside them all!! If the children could please return their forms along with the money in an envelope to their teacher.
Virtual Summer Fair
We are unable to hold a traditional Summer Fair this year, however we will be doing a Virtual Summer Fair with an online Silent Auction held from 2-9 July and a Raffle on 3 July. More details to follow.
We often mention ways to help with fundraising with online shopping with Amazon Smile and Easyfundraising and Your School Lottery. This year, so far we have raised through these platforms:
£240 - Easyfundraising
£140 - AmazonSmile
£1,300 – Your School Lottery
To join Easyfunraising, go to and join for free, when you check out Holy Trinity CE School Sunningdale PTA gets a donation.
If you haven’t already, please do select Holy Trinity Church of England Primary School Sunningdale Parent Teachers Association with AmazonSmile to ensure we receive a donation from Amazon for your online shopping.
If you wish to sign up and support the school through Your School Lottery, it’s quick and easy to sign up at
Dates for your diary:
18 May - Film Night
28 May – Break the Rules Day
30 June – Bags2School
5 July – PTA Meeting
Many thanks!
PTA Committee
Summer Key Term Dates – 2021
School Term Dates
Please see here for term dates:
Ofsted noted a marked increase in persistent absence (a holiday will register as persistent absence). Please do not book holidays or family days during term time. Thank you.
Holy Trinity CE Primary School take safeguarding very seriously. If you have a concern, please do not hesitate to report to our designated staff;
Mrs J. Griffith, Mrs C Barnes, Miss S. Harding, Mrs F Fargher
Please do not send your child to school if they're unwell or with a high temperature controlled by paracetamol or ibuprofen. Don't forget that your child must not return to school until at least 48 hours after the last episode of any gastric upset (vomiting or diarrhoea).