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“The important thing is to never stop questioning.” Albert Einstein      

Science Subject Leader is Mrs Rhodes


Our curriculum intent for Science is that every child will: 

  • Be curious about the world around them and ask questions about scientific phenomenon
  • Develop their own ideas and understanding in order to make sense of the world we live in
  • Develop and acquire the scientific knowledge needed to understand the wider uses and implications of science in the world today
  • Have opportunities to work practically, using scientific equipment which is appropriate to their age
  • Have opportunities to meet real scientists who can share their knowledge and love of the subject


Implementation of the Science Curriculum at Holy Trinity

Holy Trinity is committed to ensuring all children have full access to a high-quality science education.  This includes not just learning scientific knowledge, but also learning to work in a scientific manner. We have a range of scientific resources to support children in their learning, but also have links with Charters School, whose science department loan us their equipment too. The school also makes good use of our extensive outdoor grounds to give children opportunities to explore practical, real life science, whether it is learning about plants and animals or forces!

Our curriculum allows for meaningful Science links to be made across other subjects.


Impact of the Science Curriculum at Holy Trinity


Children have developed an enthusiasm and curiosity for the world we live and are confident to question and make scientific enquiries to find answers and solutions. During their time at Holy Trinity, children have confidently been engaged and enjoyed science lessons that have been progressive, diverse and have continued to build on essential knowledge.


How does Science fit into our School Vision?

To be an inspirational place of learning where:

Vision statement:

Science links/actions:

We facilitate opportunities so every child can flourish in a place where they feel safe, happy and confident.


  • Ensure that staff are well supported in understanding the need for safe practice, especially in practical science lessons.
  • Ensure that the equipment and technology that is used is off a high standard and that children use equipment which is appropriate for the age and level of scientific working


 Staff wellbeing and professional development is valued and supported in order to fulfil their roles, inspire others and experience personal fulfilment.

  • Provide CPD for staff in science National Curriculum
  • Ensure resources are available and of a high standard to allow teachers and other staff to teach high quality science lessons
  • Use specialist agencies to enhance our science curriculum and provide ideas for enriching lessons.

The school provides facilities that enable an optimum learning environment.


  • Ensure pupils have access to high quality scientific equipment
  • Ensure pupils have access to the excellent outdoor learning environment we have at Holy Trinity Primary School
  • Be aware of new technologies that would engage and inspire pupils

The school plays a central role within our community and enjoys strong links with the church, local companies and other schools.


  • Approach local companies to offer sponsorship/funding for the purchase of new equipment
  • Explore new ideas for trips and visitors within and from the local community who can support with the science curriculum
  • Link with Charters and The Marist to enquire about support from students/with resources and learning
  • Link with Charters maintained to continue to loan of scientific equipment
  • Forge links with other Science subject leaders across the local cluster
  • Organise science events and days within the local cluster

