Stars of the Week for w/e 26th April 2019
Reception – Bertie for always giving 100% effort with his work.
Year 1 – Ayden for producing some excellent maths thinking and super split-digraph spotting in his reading.
Year 2 – Sylvia for putting lots of effort into her handwriting.
Class 3C – Mathilde for showing great resilience and determination in your first swimming lesson.
Class 3G – To the whole class for such fantastic performance poetry this week. Miss Glenister is very proud!
Year 4 – Nataniel for his enthusiasm and willingness to share his exceptional knowledge of living things during bio-diversity lessons.
Year 5 - Libby for some great work in Maths and English this week.
Year 6 – Harry for challenging himself in class and having a great attitude to learning.
House of the Week!
The Houses with the most house points this week are Air and Earth! Well done Air and Earth and enjoy your extra playtime today.
Attendance Champions
Our current attendance champions are year 4 with attendance of 97% up to the end of the Spring term. Well done Year 4!
Term 5 Values
Our values for this term are Respect and Tolerance. Perhaps you could explore these at home too.
Summer Uniform
Summer uniform can now be worn. Please see here for details:
Class Curriculum Leaflets - Summer Term
These can now be found on our website on Class pages along with lots of other useful information about your class, often including photos:
Maths Calculation Workshops for Parents
Come prepared to have a go at the methods your children use in Maths:
Rec, Y1 and Y2 - 6pm - 6.30pm - In Year 1 Classroom
Y3 and Y4 - 6.30pm - 7pm - In 3C Classroom
Y5 and Y6 - 7pm - 7.30pm - In Year 5 Classroom
No need to book. Please choose a maximum of two workshops so that we can manage numbers. Many thanks.
Year 5 Residential Meeting
There will be a meeting for parents of year 5 children going on the residential trip this year to Leeson House. The meeting will be on Tuesday 7th May at 3.20pm in the Year 5 classroom and will last about 15 minutes. Children welcome.
Our very own Marathon Runner!
This Sunday Miss Glenister will be taking on the challenge of running her 4th marathon! She was lucky enough to get a ballot place for the London Marathon in October and has spent the winter training for this day. She is fundraising for the National Autistic Society as she has an autistic son of her own. Having done marathons before, Miss Glenister is fully aware of how exhausting and painful it is going to be so would appreciate as much support as she can get!
If you would like to sponsor her you can do so at:
And our very own Dressage Champion!
On Easter Saturday, Demi in Year 6 and her pony Charlie went to Bury Farm in Aylesbury, to represent Berkshire and Holy Trinity School at the NSEA (The National Schools Equestrian Association) County Dressage Championships. Demi came first and won the National Schools Novice Championship! Amazingly, Demi was representing the only primary school in the competition. All the entries were from secondary schools! Scores show that Demi and Charlie also won the competition by a large margin. Well done Demi and Charlie!
After School Clubs
All after school clubs start next week. Please make sure you book these over the weekend at the latest so that registers can be prepared and staff know where children are due to be after school. Club information including start and end dates can always be found on our website:
Plastic Bottle Recycling
We have now recycled over 5000 bottles earning over £260 for school so far and we remain second in the Green Redeem league tables behind a much larger school. Thank you to every one who is contributing, including those who kept all their bottles over the holiday period and some of you who are even collecting bottles from your work places which gives us a great boost! These bottles are a fantastic commodity - clean and unadulterated by other waste they are in demand and you know they will be recycled. Every bottle counts!
PTA Update
Don't forget - Year 6 Bake Sale after school today!!
Funds raised last term - many thanks to all the parents who volunteered their time to ensure the Easter Egg Hunt and Disco took place! Together these events raised over £700!!!
Dates for the calendar - Summer Term:
Monday 13th May - Final PTA meeting of the Year (agenda Summer Fair and Picnic).
Saturday 29th June - PTA Summer Fair
Class Reps will be in touch shortly with planned activities.
Please support your class by offering half an hour of your time on the day to allow the Class Reps to enjoy the event with their families. If every family donates 30 minutes it really does make such a difference
By Popular demand Frokidz will be providing music and dancing for the children funded by the PTA!
Winkworths have once again agreed to sponsor the fair with their boards. Those who have previously agreed to have a board will be put forward for a board for the fair - please let Mr D'Costa know if this is a problem. If you haven't previously had one it would really help if you would have one - again please ping Mark D'Costa on Classlist with your details.
Auction items - we'd really appreciate any items you can donate for the silent auction again this year.
Friday 5th July - School Family Picnic (back up date Friday 12th July).
Date for the Future - Sunday 15th September - HTS Fest - Holy Trinity Church Summer Festival (was the church Party in the Park) - Small toy/gift tombola with all proceeds from that stall going to the PTA.
Other fundraising efforts:
Easyfundraising - please continue to log on to gain pennies for every shop you do online!
Easy2Name and Stamptastic - please select the school name from the associated schools when purchasing as we get a % of every order.
Greenredeem - earn points for the school just by logging on with extra ones for taking quiz's!
Many thanks,
The PTA Committee
St Georges Day Menu - Thursday 2nd May
Please see the document below for a change to next Thursday's menu in celebration of St George's Day.
Summer Term Dates – 2019
School Term Dates
Please see here for term dates:
Ofsted noted a marked increase in persistent absence (a holiday will register as persistent absence). Please do not book holidays or family days during term time. Thank you.
Holy Trinity CE Primary School take safeguarding very seriously. If you have a concern, please do not hesitate to report to our designated staff;
Mrs P. O’Brien, Mrs J. Griffith, Miss S. Harding, Mrs F Fargher
The Parenting Children Course - for those parenting 0-11 year olds
Now starting Weds 8th May - 9.15 - 11.15am for 10 weeks at the Hope Centre, Sunningdale Baptist Church.
Cost - £20
Please call Lorna Morriss on 07730 930600 to book your place.
All Stars Cricket is the England and Wales Cricket Board’s entry level participation programme, aimed at providing children aged five to eight with a great first experience in cricket.
Programme features:
Every child that registers will receive a backpack full of goodies including a cricket bat, ball, activity book, personalised shirt and cap all sent straight to your door.
Programmes are starting in May 2019! But you can sign up now, by searching for your nearest centre by heading to