Dear Parents and Carers,
PTA Summer Fair
Thank you to all who were involved in the organisation and running of the wonderful Summer Fair last weekend. It was lovely to see so many of you there enjoying the chance to come together. I know a huge amount of work goes into putting on such a great event – a huge thank you to Mrs Hill!
Y6 Residential
Y6 have enjoyed a week away in Somerset at Mill on the Brue this week – thank you to Mrs Neale, Miss Wallbanks, Mrs Marriner, Miss Lazar and Mrs Hunter for taking them.
Parent Survey
We have had a good response to the survey so thank you! This will help us plan ahead.
Enjoy the weekend,
Mrs Griffith
Stars of the Week for w/e – 1st July 2022
Well done to all of our Stars this week.
Reception - Theo for keeping a running total of class marbles...up to 125! Noelle and Avelyn for some super maths work in class. Allegra for her super listening and contributions. Kareena for great progress with her reading this year.
Class 1 – Fin for living our vision and doing good by selling sweets he won at the school fair and donating £38 to the Baby Bank. We are so proud of you.
Class 2 – Ryan for working independently on his fantastic news report. Isabella A for showing such bravery coming back into school this week.
Class 3 – Elliot for trying his very best on his Monet picture and always taking on board feedback.
Class 4 – Keiron for working quietly and independently at his table and being a good role model to others.
Class 5 – Owen for using his thinking skills well when matching quadrilaterals to their definitions this week in maths.
House of the Week
The House with the most house points this week is Earth! Well done Earth!
Class Emails
Please email the school email address if you would like to let a teacher know something quickly. Class email addresses will not be checked during evenings or overnight and teachers are teaching and supervising during the day with little time for checking or responding to emails. The school email address is Many thanks.
Asthma Coffee Morning - Thursday 7th July
Don't forget our Asthma Coffee Morning at 9am next Thursday. A great opportunity to speak to expert nurses informally in school - please see more information below.
God’s Planet Workshop ‘From the smallest of seeds, a mighty tree can grow.’
We had a wonderful journey of discovery around the earth and into space learning about the beauty of our wonderful world and God’s creation, his incredible love for every person and how each of us can care for our planet and the environment. Our small actions towards sustainability: reduce – reuse – recycle, switching off lights and power to our electronic gadgets to being a zero hero in food waste all will play a part to help care for our world.
Reception Class Visit the Park
Reception spent the morning at Broomhall Park as a reward for gaining 125 marbles for excellent behaviour. They had a fantastic morning and we had so many comments about their super behaviour and how lovely it was to hear them laughing and playing together so well.
Sunflowers in Class 1
We have been patiently watching our sunflowers grow and grow and grow! Finally, a ray of sunshine flowered this week. Thank you to Mrs Patel for giving Class 1 the kits to grow their own sunflower. It really has brought learning to life.
Year 3 Trip to Braywick Nature Reserve
This week, Class 3 had an exciting trip to Braywick Nature Reserve to learn about trees as flowering plants. After a fact-finding tour of the grounds, the children shot and edited their own videos to demonstrate all they had learnt. Favourite facts: the monkey puzzle tree is spiky as a defence against dinosaurs and the wood of the poisonous yew tree was used to make longbows!
Year 5 Ravenous Readers
We have one Ravenous Reader this week. Amelia read Sky Song. Well done Amelia!
PTA News
Thank you to everyone who organised, helped at and attended our Summer Fair – we hope you all enjoyed it… please see some pictures from the day below.
We are still awaiting final expense requests but the figure raised is over £5,000 which is a fantastic end to our fundraising for this school year.
A big thank you to all our class reps for all their hard work and helping organise our fundraising events this year. If you know your class does not yet have a rep, please do volunteer.
Reception and Year 6, should have received a message via Classlist in relation to your Tea Towel Order forms – please return these, along with payment to the school office by Wednesday 5th July.
If you need some extra uniform for the new school year in September we will be holding a pre-loved uniform sale on Friday 15th July at drop off and pick up – all items will be £2.
Many thanks
PTA Committee
Vote of Thanks for our Wonderful PTA Chairpeople
On behalf of all the parents at Holy Trinity, thank you to the amazing PTA for all their hard work this year! You've worked tirelessly for us once again.
Especially though, we would like to say an enormous and heart felt thank you to Alison Shukla (Chair) and Carol Brown (Co Chair) of the PTA for the past 3 years, now stepping down for a very well earned rest! Both working mums, they have given up so much of their spare time planning, coordinating, gathering prizes, collecting and delivering...all to ensure the school raises as much as possible for our children. They have had to be especially innovative during lockdown and have done it all with quiet dedication and a smile.
So thank you Alison and Carol, you've done an incredible job and we are truly grateful.
From the Parents of Holy Trinity School
Summer Term Key Dates – 2022
Friday 1st July – Year 6 return from Mill on the Brue
Monday 4th July – Year 4 Trip to Marwell Zoo
Tuesday 5th July – Y6 Transition Visit to Charters School
Wednesday 6th July – Y6 Transition Visit to Charters School
Thursday 7th July – Asthma Coffee Morning – 9am School Hall
Thursday 14th July – Leavers’ Service – 9.30am at Holy Trinity Church
Friday 15th July - PTA Pre Loved Uniform Sale - 8.40am and 3.15pm
Friday 15th July – Reports Issued
Friday 15th July – Year 6 Mufti Day
Wednesday 20th July – End of Term 6 – 1.30pm
School Term Dates
Please see here for term dates:
Please do not send your child to school if they're unwell or with a high temperature controlled by paracetamol or ibuprofen. Don't forget that your child must not return to school until at least 48 hours after the last episode of any gastric upset (vomiting or diarrhoea).
Please do not book holidays or family days during term time. Missing even one or two days of school can be detrimental to your child's learning as key information is missed. Friendships are also affected. Holiday absences will show up as persistent absence which is checked by Ofsted when they visit and monitored closely each half term by the Education Welfare Officer at RBWM. Please note that changes are afoot which may require the issuing of fixed penalty notices for holiday taken during school term time.
Holy Trinity CE Primary School take safeguarding very seriously. If you have a concern, please do not hesitate to report to our designated staff;
Mrs J. Griffith, Mrs C Barnes, Miss S. Harding, Mrs F Fargher
Council Tax Energy Rebate
We have received the following message from RBWM:
'We have a large number of residents where we cannot make the payment of £150 automatically as they do not pay by Direct Debit and we do not therefore hold their bank details. We are only able to make payment to the person who is liable for Council Tax and we cannot make a payment to anyone else’s bank account.
If you fit the criteria, and are therefore eligible to receive the £150 payment, please complete the online application which is available here:
All payments must be made by September.
Eligibility criteria:
However, it does not apply to second homes, empty properties, or those properties where the liable party is not an individual e.g. where it is the local authority, a housing association, government department or company.
We aim to process applications within ten working days but this may take longer depending upon how many eligible residents apply at once.
If residents need assistance making an application on-line, they can drop into their local library at anytime.
Further details on the scheme are available on the RBWM website here:
Thursday 7th July 9.30-11.30am
We will be joined by Elaine Dowding from GEMS 4HEALTH at our Parents' Share meeting (& not from Parenting Special children as previously advertised) IAS adviser Christine Doyle & Business Support Millie Rust Clarke will be there too with tea/coffee and biscuits - please do come and join us for part or all of the session.
What is GEMS?
GEMS is for children, young people and adults who are diagnosed with or who are on the pathway to diagnosis for Autism and/or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The service also supports parents and carers. Whatever stage of your Autism/ADHD journey you are at pre- or post- diagnosis – GEMS offers a single point of contact where you can access information, advice and support.
What can GEMS do?
When & Where
Thursday 7th July 9.30-11.30am
Friends House, 14 West Street, Maidenhead SL6 1RL