Letter from Director of Children's Services
Please find a letter below for all parents from Kevin McDaniel, Director of Children's Services at RBWM
How to Hand in Work on an Ipad
Emily M in Class 5W has produced a video showing beautifully how to hand in work to your teacher using Microsoft Teams on an Ipad. Thank you very much Emily for sharing your knowledge in this very clear and useful video.
Year 4 Star Readers
Please see pictures of Year 4 Star Readers below along with their examples of the books they've been reading...
Message from Mrs Neale
Year 6 have been working so hard over the past week and Mrs Neale, Mrs Marriner and Miss Lazar are so proud of the efforts they have been making with their online learning. Every single one of them has been in registration and lessons. As well as working hard, submitting their online assignments and responding to feedback, they have been finding a bit of time for mindfulness between sessions which we all know is vital. Here is one example from Bowen to share with you.
KS1 Critical Worker Bubble
Cooking and Crafting in our KS1 Critical Bubble this week...
Forest School
Children in our KS1 Critical Worker Bubble enjoyed examining ice at close quarters!
Reading Football Club
Reading FC are running Facebook Live football training sessions for 8 - 18 year olds. Please click on the flyer below for more details.
Free Family First Magazine
Please click here for a free online issue of Family First magazine.
School Term Dates
Please see here for term dates:
Holy Trinity CE Primary School take safeguarding very seriously. If you have a concern, please do not hesitate to report to our designated staff;
Mrs J. Griffith, Mrs C Barnes, Miss S. Harding, Mrs F Fargher