Dear Parents and Carers,
Welcome back to the last term of the year.
Thank you for all your donations of clothes this morning for Bags 2 School – it’s a great fundraiser. This time you raised over £220 for the PTA!
We have enjoyed our Jubilee Celebrations this afternoon – well done to all our actors and to Ms Reader for organising us all so well!
Next week is full of activities for the children:
Monday – Sponsored Sporting challenge
Tuesday – Skipping workshops
Wednesday – Author visit
Friday – Sports Day
We ask that the children wear their PE kit every day please. They will of course wear their House Team coloured t-shirt for Sports Day on Friday.
Sports Day Reminder
The only lunch option on Friday will be Grab Bags.
Have a wonderful weekend,
Mrs Griffith
Sports Day - Grab Bags Only on Friday
Please note that only Grab Bags will be available for school meals on Friday 17th June for the Sports Day picnic. No hot meals will be available.
Stars of the Week for w/e – 10th June 2022
Well done to all of our Stars this week.
Reception - Greg for superb progress over the year with his reading and writing. Zoe for excellent number bond work.
Class 1 – Emily for showing great focus and attitude to her learning this week.
Class 2 – Isabella W for her outstanding effort with her handwriting. Corick for his dedication to his diary writing over half term and the effort he has put into his independent writing this week.
Class 3 – Phoebe M for showing wonderful creativity in her poetry and art.
Class 4 – Jacob for putting 100% effort in to all his learning.
Class 5 – Paige for the huge amount of effort she put in to preparing and delivering her 'Break the Rules' Origami lesson.
Class 6N – Savannah for setting a great example in preparing for the production, knowing her lines and really taking on the character.
Year 6W - Jenson for his enthusiasm and willingness to really get into his role during our Ye-Ha production.
Royal Windsor Flower Show
This weekend the Reception class pupils have entered a beautiful planted wheelbarrow and potatoes in a Little Muddy Boots sponsored competition at the Royal Windsor Flower Show. Many thanks to Mr and Mrs Harrison for transporting these to the Windsor Great Park for us this morning. Wish us good luck in the competition and maybe we'll see a few parents at the show?
Year 6 Production - Ye-Ha!
The Year 6 production at Cordes Hall is always a highlight of the year! This year the production will be on at 5pm in the Cordes Hall in Sunninghill on Monday 20th and Tuesday 21st June. Tickets are available on ParentPay to Year 6 parents only at the moment with a limit of two tickets per family. On Wednesday next week, tickets will be made available to Year 5 parents (Year 5 are providing the choir) and for Year 6 families to buy extra tickets if needed. Year 6 are working incredibly hard in rehearsals on their lines and acting skills - here is a fantastic photo of them in their Leavers' Hoodies.
PTA News
Two weeks to go until our Summer Fair which is on Saturday 25th June from 11am until 2pm. Thank you to the Class Reps who are busy making this a success for our children! Please see the programme below showing what you can look forward to on the big day.
If you haven’t already, please sign up for 30 minutes and support your class reps so they have some time at the fair with their families.
Raffle tickets will be going out in bags next week so keep an eye out and purchase some tickets to be in for a chance to win the Grand Prize iPad or a gorgeous Class Hamper.
Dates for your diary:
17th June – Year 6W Bake Sale
24th June – Bring a Bottle Mufti
25th June – Summer Fair
Many thanks
PTA Committee
Summer Term Key Dates – 2022
Monday 13th June – Sponsored Sports Event with Visiting Athlete Nerys Hughes
Tuesday 14th June – Skipping Workshops – all years
Wednesday 15th June – Visit from author Kerry Gibb
Friday 17th June – Sports Day
Friday 17th June – 6W Bake Sale
Monday 20th June – Y6 Production at Cordes Hall – 5pm
Tuesday 21st June - Y6 Production at Cordes Hall – 5pm
Wednesday 22nd June – Visit from God’s Planet Theatre
Thursday 23rd June – Sports Day Contingency Date (if postponed)
Friday 24th June – ‘Bring a Bottle’ Mufti Day
Saturday 25th June – PTA Summer Fair
Monday 27th June – Year 6 to Mill on the Brue
Tuesday 28th June – Year 3 trip to Braywick Nature Reserve
Friday 1st July – Year 6 return from Mill on the Brue
Monday 4th July – Year 4 Trip to Marwell Zoo
Tuesday 5th July – Y6 Transition Visit to Charters School
Wednesday 6th July – Y6 Transition Visit to Charters School
Thursday 14th July – Leavers’ Service – 9.30am at Holy Trinity Church
Friday 15th July – Reports Issued
Friday 15th July – Year 6 Mufti Day
Wednesday 20th July – End of Term 6 – 1.30pm
School Term Dates
Please see here for term dates:
Although tempting as we have not been able to travel freely for so long, please do not book holidays or family days during term time. Missing even one or two days learning can be detrimental to your child's learning. Holiday absences will show up as persistent absence which is checked by Ofsted when they visit and monitored closely each half term by the Education Welfare Officer at RBWM. Thank you.
Please do not send your child to school if they're unwell or with a high temperature controlled by paracetamol or ibuprofen. Don't forget that your child must not return to school until at least 48 hours after the last episode of any gastric upset (vomiting or diarrhoea).
Holy Trinity CE Primary School take safeguarding very seriously. If you have a concern, please do not hesitate to report to our designated staff;
Mrs J. Griffith, Mrs C Barnes, Miss S. Harding, Mrs F Fargher