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Newsletter 3 - 18th September 2020

Dear Parents and Carers,
What a beautiful week of sunshine we’ve had. As usual, it’s been a busy week in school. Alongside all the learning, the children have been voting for their House Captains and School Councillors. Although we’re going to have to be creative with how they fulfil these roles, we’re determined that all the children will still have a big part to play in how our school works.
We’ve enjoyed our virtual whole school Collective Worship and Celebration Assemblies this week too. We’re all missing being able to gather together as one but we’re grateful that technology allows us to come together in some form. We really enjoyed Revd. Jon’s virtual Collective Worship too.  Here are a few items of interest from me for the coming weeks:

Hot Dinners

We are really pleased that from the 28th September we will be able to offer hot school dinners to the children again. They will have the choice of hot dinners or their own packed lunch and we will no longer be offering a grab bag option. Please use Parent Pay to pay for hot dinners for years Y3 – Y6.  Hot dinners for Reception Class, Year 1 and Year 2 are still free to you.  We will send out a menu next week. 


***Please note that on Thursday 1st October the menu will be Fish or Fish Fingers and Chips and not the published option.  This is Census Day and uptake of school meals on that day affects our budget!  Please could as many children as possible have a hot dinner that day???***

Parents Evening
We have been working on a plan for Parents’ Consultation Evenings this term. These 10 minute meetings will take place via Microsoft Teams or a phone call. More information and how to book your appointment will be shared with you next week so, watch this space!
Drop Off in the Morning
From next Monday 21st September, the gate on Station Road will be open in the mornings from 8.40 – 8.55am. The walk and drop system is working really well and we’re able to revert to our usual start times. Thank you for your co-operation with this system and wearing face coverings. If you feel your child is ready to be left at the gate to walk themselves across the playground, we would encourage you to do this from Monday as well. 
The cold season has definitely begun! We know how difficult and inconvenient this has been for some families this week. This coupled with the difficulties in obtaining coronavirus tests has been very disruptive for all. We have sought further clarification on a ’continuous cough’ so that children that are suffering with a cold won’t necessarily need to obtain a test or self-isolate if their cough is as a result of that cold:
A NEW CONTINUOUS COUGH - this means coughing a lot (for more than an hour), or 3 or more coughing episodes in 24 hours.
If your child does show coronavirus symptoms, please use our guide for the right course of action to take.

Symptoms of Colds, Flu, The Other Thing...

We found this article and symptom checker really useful when trying to determine what might be wrong for ourselves and thought it might be useful for you too.


Parent Questionnaire
In order to be fully prepared for any future school closures, it would help us if you could please take a few minutes to complete this questionnaire.  This will help us plan for such an eventuality. Many thanks for your input.
We hope you all have a happy, healthy weekend and look forward to seeing you all on Monday morning.

Mrs Griffith - Headteacher

House Captains

Our Year 6 House Captains were announced this week.  These positions are voted for by all members of each house across the school.  Thank you to everyone who prepared a manifest video and put themselves up for voting!  All of the videos were fantastic and all the classes enjoyed watching them.  Well done to our new House Captains.  We're sure you'll work hard and do your best to represent your houses.


Air - House Captain - Charlotte, Vice Captain - Alex

Earth - House Captain - Micah, Vice Captain - Lola

Fire - House Captain - Sadie, Vice Captain - Bowen

Water - House Captain - Eleanor, Vice Captain - Freddie R

School Council Members

This week has also seen the election of the Holy Trinity School Council during which each class voted for willing volunteers to represent them.  Our School Council members for 2020/21 are:

 Year 1 - Koda and Saffie

Year 2 - Elliot and Simar

Year 3 - Ernie and Mehher

Year 4 - Hristiana and Robyn

Class 5C - Harry and Jack

Class 5W - Darcie and Jay

Year 6 - Emma, Grace, Holly and Sophie C

Key Stage One Buddies

This year we have started a buddy system in Key Stage One. Each pupil in Year 1 has got a buddy in Year 2 and we had great fun together this week. All the children brought in one toy or game from home to share with their buddy and it was fantastic to hear them chatting and laughing away together. Next week Year 2 will be helping their buddies with ICT. It’s a great responsibility and Year 2 are enjoying being positive role models for the younger years.
Miss Prince - Year 2 Teacher

Wearing PE Kit for Clubs

As you know PE kit is to be worn for school on the days your children have PE.  But what about clubs?  We do not want children in school in football kits and basketball kits during the school day and if this is what they wear to those clubs they will need to get changed at the end of the school day.  If your child wears usual PE kit to a club they may wear this in to school all day.  School PE kit is worn to netball club so netballers can come to school in their PE kits on Thursdays.

PTA News

Don’t forget the Holy Trinity Lockdown Recipe E-book is available to purchase on ParentPay until Friday 25th September.  Thank you to those who have already purchased a copy and supported the PTA. 

There is still Second Hand Uniform available so if you require any spare clothing, please message Alison Shukla via Classlist.  All items are £2.

The AGM and first PTA Meeting is being held on Monday 21st September at 8.00pm in the School Hall with socially distanced seating. If attending, please enter the School Hall via the back of the hall door on Church Road.  New Class reps and Committee will be voted in at the meeting.

Following the AGM, Classlist will be updated with the new Class Reps as Ambassadors.  Please remember, Classlist is only to be used to communicate PTA/class related information.

Many thanks

PTA Committee

Your School Lottery

WIN a Family Ticket for the Harry Potter Studio Tour

Have you taken your Felix Felicis?  Yes it's back - our most popular prize ever returns just in time for Halloween. Everyone (including existing players) who supports our school lottery before 24th October is in with a chance of winning a family ticket for the Harry Potter Studio Tour. 

Week in, week out  Holy Trinity Primary School lottery is raising money for your school. Keep the momentum going by telling your community about this fantastic prize, as well as the great cash prizes, up to £25,000.

Click here to join the School Lottery and help raise cash for the school.


Autumn Key Term Dates – 2020

  • Mon 21st Sept – PTA Meeting 8pm in School
  • Tues 22nd Sept – Chertsey Museum Visit Year 3 – Prehistoric Times
  • Weds 23rd Sept – Bags 2 School
  • Mon 28th Sept – School Photos – Portraits
  • Mon 19th Oct – Flu Vaccinations – All Year Groups
  • Tues 20th Oct – Parent Consultation Meetings (Provisional Dates)
  • Thurs 22nd Oct – Parent Consultation Meetings (Provisional Dates)
  • Mon 2nd Nov – Inset Day
  • Sat 21st Nov – PTA Christmas Fair
  • Tues 8th Dec – PTA Film Night
  • Weds 9th Dec – Christmas Lunch
  • Tues 15th Dec – KS1 Christmas Parties
  • Weds 16th Dec – KS2 Christmas Parties
  • Fri 18th Dec – Christmas Jumper Day
  • Fri 18th Dec – 1.30pm – End of Term

School Term Dates

Please see here for term dates:


Please make sure you call the absence line before 9.30am on each and every day of your child's absence unless agreed otherwise.  Daily text reminders are a cost to the school.  

Ofsted noted a marked increase in persistent absence (a holiday will register as persistent absence) during their last inspection.  Please do not book holidays or family days during term time.  Thank you.

Holy Trinity CE Primary School take safeguarding very seriously. If you have a concern, please do not hesitate to report to our designated staff;

Mrs J. Griffith, Mrs C Barnes, Miss S. Harding, Mrs F Fargher
