Dear Parents and Carers,
Welcome back to the start of our new academic year! Welcome to new parents joining our community too.
House Captains
Children across the school have voted for their choice of Year 6 House Captains. Thank you to all Year 6 pupils who went for the role. And congratulations to our new House Captains:
Air Captain: Iris Air Vice Captain: Lewis
Earth Captain: Fraser Earth Vice Captain: Seth
Fire Captain: Simar Fire Vice Captain: Ava
Water Captain: Luke Water Vice Captain: Ollie
Lunchtime Supervisor
We are looking to employ a lunchtime supervisor. If you are interested (or know anyone who may be) please contact Wendy Poulter in the office for more information.
Please be considerate when you park. Please do not park on double yellow lines on Station Road or Church Road as this causes chaos with traffic flow. We know it can be difficult at the best of times. Please use the park and walk up or walk to school if at all possible. Thank you for your cooperation with this important issue to keep our children safe.
Enjoy the weekend,
Mrs Griffith
Message from Year 5 Mum Tania
In a moment of madness after 1 run on holiday I decided I could run 100 miles for Blood Cancer UK this month. So far 20 miles completed this week, so I'm on track. It would have been Steve's 54th Birthday this month; this is in memory of my loving and caring husband and the girls' father.
Thanks for your support.
Please do pass onto anyone who you think might be interested or has been affected by this.
Nasal Flu Vaccinations
Nurses from the NHS Immunisation team will be on site to administer nasal flu vaccinations to all children on Monday 14th October. Please give consent by 9am on Friday 11th October when the system will close. Consent cannot be given through school. Click here to give consent or decline the vaccination for your children using our school code which is BK110018. Leaflets about the nasal flu vaccine and letters have been emailed today but please see copies below for your information.
School Term Dates
Please see here on the website for term dates including inset days. Please don't book holidays or family outings during school term time.
Please do not send your child to school if they're unwell or with a high temperature controlled by paracetamol or ibuprofen. Don't forget that your child must not return to school until at least 48 hours after the last episode of any gastric upset (vomiting or diarrhoea).
PTA News
Hello everyone!
Hope you've had a smooth transition back into routines.
The new school year means we can look forward to coming together as a community and generate ways of getting involved to raise some cash for the school and have fun in the process.
The next PTA meeting is on Monday 23rd September at 8pm in the school hall, where we invite you to step forward to and so that you too can make a difference in however big or small way that you can as class reps and we also have two PTA Chair roles to fill too.
We need the Chair role(s) to be filled so that the PTA can continue to run as a Charity
We strongly recommend that the Chair Roles are taken by 2 individuals. It's super rewarding and and you can develop your leadership skills and/or lean into skills to make a difference.
Recommended set up:
Co-Chair Role 1
Largely admin, coordinate meetings, synchronise dates with schools on events, communicate with parents via Classlist (use of Chat GPT helps massively!) Tag team with Co-chair and PTA committee in sorting out logistics and trying hard not to annoy parents with comms. Oversee fairs/discos and troubleshoot.
Can be managed by a working parent
Co-Chair Role 2
More physical contact with the school - ensuring the new PTA shed is properly organised, stock and equipment is made available when required. Occasional coordination with Village Hall/Church for chairs and tables, ordering and taking delivery of stock with local suppliers for events. Don't forget, you have the committee for help
Recommended for a parent who has more flexibility as access to school during available school hours.
How much of my time will be needed?
It's up to you. You're volunteering your time. Leading up to the fairs it will be more (set up and take down) but your PTA is a collective so we can all lean on one another
How any meetings are there?
Formal meetings are either in person / online and will be roughly twice a term. There might be ad-hoc ones. We recommend Co-Chairs support one another outside of the committee meetings
How mad does the Whatsapp chat get?
We try to maintain the channel so it's info only or to take polls for quick decisions.
Is it just the mums that get involved?
We would love to see more dads in the PTA in general and we have had dads get involved in the past to share their invaluable perspectives and ideas.
Please email / to put your name forward.
Autumn Term Key Dates – 2024
Mon 16th Sept - all clubs start this week
Weds 18th Sept - Phonics for Reception Parents - 6pm in school
Mon 23rd Sept - School Portrait Photos
Tues 8th Oct - Harvest Service Y1, Y3, Y5 - Holy Trinity Church - 9.15am
Thurs 10th Oct - Harvest Service Rec Class, Y2, Y4, Y6 - Holy Trinity Church - 9.15am
Mon 14th Oct - Nasal Flu Vaccinations - all year groups
Mon 21st Oct - Black History and Culture week
Mon 21st Oct - Parent Consultation Meetings - School Hall - 1pm- 5pm
Thurs 24th Oct - Parent Consultation Meetings - School Hall - 3.30pm- 5pm
Fri 25th Oct - End of Term 1
Holy Trinity CE Primary School take safeguarding very seriously. If you have a concern, please do not hesitate to report to our designated staff;
Mrs J. Griffith, Mrs C Barnes, Miss S. Harding, Mrs F Fargher