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Newsletter 31 - 17th May 2024

Dear Parents and Carers,


We’d like to say a huge ‘Well Done’ to all our Year 6 for their calm and mature approach to their SATs this week. And a thank you to the team who have supported our Y6 pupils at this time.


Sports Day

Is on Thursday 13th June - please see the letter emailed to you for further details.  


Reception Class Assembly

Parents are invited to join their Reception class children for their first class assembly! Next Thursday 23rd May at 9am in the hall. Please come into the hall via the back door on Church Road.


Class Photographs

The school photographer is in school on Monday 20th May to take photos of your child with their class. Please send your child in smart Summer Uniform for the photograph. If they have PE or a club that day please send them in with the kit to change into.


Y4 Residential

Year 4 parents are invited to come to a meeting on Monday 20th May at 3.15pm to hear information about the planned residential trip. If you’re not able to make the meeting, please see the information that will be on Y4 class page on our website.


PTA Mufti next Friday

Please send your £2 donation in cash into school if you’d your child to wear their home clothes next Friday.


Enjoy the weekend,

Mrs Griffith

Stars of the Week for w/e 17th May 2024

Well done to all of our Stars this week.

Reception – Emily for her creativity and imagination. She always has an exciting game to play and is inclusive of everyone.  

Year 1 – Logan for his wonderful contributions this week to class discussions. 

Year 2 – Kareena for consistent focus and hard work in all lessons. 

Year 3 – Eva for giving super explanations about various forms of grammar.

Year 4 – Jake for always contributing in lessons across the whole curriculum. 

Year 5 –  Phoebe M for showing great focus in all her work this week. 

Year 6 – All of Y6 for working so hard this week for SATs - we are really proud of you! 

House of the Week
The House with the most house points this week is Air! Well done Air!

Royal Ascot Art Competition

On Saturday 11th May, Margot O from Year 1 attended Ascot races as Runner-up in the Age 4-6 Category of the Royal Ascot Art Competition.  Margot was presented with a hard copy of her artwork and an Amazon voucher.  Mrs Barnes and the O’Sullivan Family enjoyed a wonderful afternoon tea and time in the warm sunshine.  

Savan - Henley Triathalon

Savan in Year 3 will be taking part in the Henley Triathlon again this year to raise money for the PTA.  

He's been training hard this week for the event on June 1st. He’s reached 25% of his runs raising target so far.  

Please take a look at his sponsorship page and donate whatever you can, and please do share the page and help him smash last years total. Many thanks. 

Magpies Holiday Camp - Tuesday 28th and Wednesday 29th May

Magpies return for a two day holiday camp this half term for just £10 a day! Please see below for more details and click here to book.

Packed Lunch Menu - Available after Half Term

After half term, Wilson Jones will include a packed lunch menu option.  This will include a sandwich (choice of egg mayo, cheese, ham or tuna mayo) a drink and a variety of extras.

School Nursing Team

The School Nursing team are available to offer confidential support and advice to children, young people and their families.  Please see the leaflet below for more information and contact details. 

Open Water Dangers

As the weather warms up a bit, please see a letter below from the Met Police about the dangers of open water.  

Summer Term Key Dates – 2024

Mon 20th May – Class Photos

Mond 20th May – Y4 Residential Mtg for Parents – 3.20pm in Class 4

Weds 22nd May to Fri 24th May – Y5 Residential Trip to Leeson House

Thurs 23rd May - Reception Class Assembly – 9am in the School Hall

Fri 24th May – PTA Eurovision Mufti

Fri 24th May – End of Term 5 – 3.15pm

Mon 3rd June – Inset Day

Tues 4th June – Pupils Start Term 6

Tues 4th June – Y6 Residential Parent Meeting – 3.20pm in Class 6

Fri 7th June – Bags 2 School

Tues 11th June – Internet Safety Workshops Years 1 – 6

Tues 11th June – Internet Safety Parent Meeting – 6pm School Hall

Thurs 13th June – Sports Day

Fri 14th June – Y1 Bake Sale

Mon 17th June – Y3 Trip to Marwell Zoo

Mon 17th June to Tue 18th June – Y4 Residential to Phasels Wood

Mon 17th June – PTA Meeting

Fri 21st June – Y3 and Y4 – No Swimming

Mon 24th June to Fri 28th June – Year 6 Residential Trip to Mill on the Brue

Fri 28th June – Bring a Bottle Mufti

Sat 29th June – PTA Summer Fair

Mon 1st July – Y6 Charters Induction Day

Tues 2nd July – Y6 Charters Induction Day

Tues 2nd July – Y5 Sports Day at St George’s Ascot

Thurs 4th July – Come and See – 2.45pm – 3.15pm

Tues 9th July – Meet the Teacher – 2.45pm – 3.10pm and 3.20pm – 3.45pm

Weds 10th July – Science Day

Mon 15th July – Last Week of Clubs

Tues 16th July – Move Up Morning

Weds 17th July – Y6 School Production at Cordes Hall – Y4, Y5 and Y6

Thurs 18th July - Y6 School Production at Cordes Hall – Y4, Y5 and Y6

Fri 19th July – Reports to Parents

Tues 23rd July – Leavers’ Service – 9.15am at Holy Trinity Church

Weds 24th July – End of Term 6 – 1.30pm

Thurs 25th July – Inset Day
