Dear Parents and Carers,
Well we’ve had a wonderful end to our week this morning with the Reception Class Nativity. The children were delightful and the room was full of pride. A huge thank you to Mrs Tomes, Mrs Free and Mrs Bennett for preparing the children so well.
We look forward to Key Stage 1 performances next week (1.30pm on Monday and 9.15am on Tuesday).
Key Stage 2 will be leading our Christmas Service in Holy Trinity Church on Monday evening at 6pm. All are welcome.
We are collecting (cash donations only) for the foodbank at Holy Trinity Church at the end of all the performances – thank you in advance for your generosity.
We were also super proud of the choir when they visited Lynwood Care Home yesterday. I know their beautiful singing made a big impression and was very much appreciated.
The choir will also be singing at the Christmas Light Switch On this evening at Broomhall Park so why not join them to feel the magic?
Mrs Griffith
Christmas Tree Lights Switch On - Tonight!
Pop along to the park tonight if you can between 4pm and 7pm for the Christmas Lights Switch On Event. The school choir will be performing at 4.15pm and our Head Boy and Girl will be switching on the lights at 6pm. The PTA are also hosting a Lucky Dip Stall and there will be various stalls and activities taking place. Please see more details below.
Ascot Racecourse Photography Competition
Royal photographer, Millie Pilkington, judged Mehher's photo (Y6) overall winner in the Year 1 - Year 6 category of the Ascot Racecourse photography competition!
Winners will receive £1,000 for their respective schools alongside £100 in John Lewis Vouchers. Winners parents/guardians are also invited to join staff and Millie on the Christmas Family Raceday on 23rd December 2023 for prize giving.
Ascot Racecourse said 'We were delighted to receive so many entries and our judge was very impressed with the quality of submissions which made choosing an overall winner very difficult!' Well done Mehher for such a fantastic achievement! Holy Trinity is very grateful for your winning entry prize too. Please see Mehher's stunning photo below.
Holy Trinity Choir Visit Lynwood Care Centre
Holy Trinity’s KS2 choir were invited to bring some Christmas cheer to the residents, families and staff of Lynwood Care Centre on Thursday 7th December 2023.
The children sang beautifully and the residents really enjoyed seeing the children perform. We would like to also thank Lynwood for the refreshments provided and the opportunity to talk to the staff and residents – a rewarding experience for everyone.
Christmas Parties
Reception Class and KS1 parties will be on Tuesday afternoon and KS2 parties will be on Wednesday afternoon. Children may wear their own clothes to school on the day of their party. Please make sure shoes are sensible for wearing outside at break times.
Christmas Lunch
We look forward to Christmas Lunch on Wednesday next week! Please see the Wilson Jones menu below.
Gardening Club
Thank you for the beans for the arch and all the other contributions for our school allotment. In gardening club this week, the children continued to make pathways and decorate the site. They have transplanted broccoli & planted bare root raspberries... they also made some lovely signs, we’ll need to work on the spellings :-)
In other gardening news, we have achieved Level 1 of the RHS School Gardening Awards, benefiting from some lovely seeds and an RHS book for school 'Your Wellbeing Garden'.
Mrs Patel - Parent of Savan (Y3) and Pasha (Reception)
Football Coaching
Please see the flyer below for football coaching with a former Holy Trinity pupil Isaac Leader. Isaac is a talented footballer offering coaching at various locations as shown.
Autumn Term Key Dates – 2023
Mon 11th Dec – 1.30pm - KS1 Nativity – School Hall
Mon 11th Dec – 6pm – KS2 Christmas Service – Holy Trinity Church
Tues 12th Dec – 9.15am - KS1 Nativity – School Hall
Tues 12th Dec – PM - Rec and KS1 Christmas Parties
Weds 13th Dec – Christmas Lunch
Weds 13th Dec – KS2 Christmas Parties
Fri 15th Dec – Christmas Jumper Day
Fri 15th Dec - End of Term 2 - 1.30pm
Please do not send your child to school if they're unwell or with a high temperature controlled by paracetamol or ibuprofen. Don't forget that your child must not return to school until at least 48 hours after the last episode of any gastric upset (vomiting or diarrhoea).