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Newsletter 25 - 24th March 2023

Dear Parents and Carers,

Our NSPCC fundraiser has been a great success! Thank you for your toy donations and money for activities.


We do hope you found your Parent Meetings useful and enjoyed having the chance to look through your child’s work. I’d like to thank all the teachers for their total dedication and commitment.


We’ve been talking to the children about kindness in particular this week. Our vision ‘to be happy’ and ‘to do good’ has been a focus. Maybe you could ask your children what acts of kindness they’ve been inspired to undertake? Something as small as a smile counts!


We look forward to welcoming you to our Easter Services next week in church:

  • Year 1, Year 3 and Year 5 at 9.30am on Monday 27th March
  • Reception, Year 2, Year 4 and Year 6 at 9.30am on Tuesday 28th March


We have a mufti day next Friday 31st March and we finish at 1.30pm.


Wishing you all a lovely weekend,


Mrs Griffith

Stars of the Week for w/e 24th March 2023

Well done to all of our Stars this week.

Reception – Charles for always being so kind and thoughtful to his peers. 

Class 1 – Yassy for always being a kind and helping friend.

Class 2 – Max K for a great effort with his writing on hibernation.

Class 3 – Husayn for always trying hard, having a positive attitude to his learning and always smiling.  

Class 4 – Lewis for putting 100% effort in to all of his learning this week.

Class 5 –  Arthur for his very detailed design of a playground, sketched entirely independently. 

Class 6 – Kaja for her generosity of spirit and complete kindness to others.  Issy for her enthusiasm and engagement in dance this week. 

House of the Week
The House with the most house points this week is Water! Well done Water!

Summer Uniform

It's a chilly prospect at the moment, but just a quick note to say that children may wear summer uniform after the Easter holidays.  Click here for more information. 

New Lunch Menu - Summer Term

A new menu will be available from the beginning of the summer term  Please see details below and for daily reference on our website here.

Scholastic Book Fair - Thank You!

Thank you to everyone who bought books from our in school and online book sale.  Sales were £837.20 which has taken our reward balance to spend on books for school to over £450!

Thanks to everyone who came but especially to parents and staff who gave up their time to help run the fair.

Marist Maths Competition

We were delighted to take 6 girls from Year 5 to The Marist’s Maths Challenge on Thursday. They worked extremely hard, in teams, to solve a range of maths problems and were a real credit to the school. Well done girls for doing a great job and scoring very high marks across all rounds!


Skateboard Club - Years 5 & 6

We took a few photos of the children enjoying their Skateboard Club after school on Tuesday this week:

Easter Service Refreshments

Year 6 parents will be serving teas, coffees, biscuits, cakes and pastries before the Easter Services in church on Monday and Tuesday next week.  Cards or cash welcome.  Available from straight after school drop off.

Spring Term Key Dates – 2022

Mon 27th March – Easter Service Y1, Y3, Y5 – 9.30am at Holy Trinity Church

Tues 28th March – Easter Service Rec, Y2, Y4, Y6 – 9.30am at Holy Trinity Church

Fri 31st March – PTA Mufti Day £2

Fri 31st March – End of Term 4 – 1.30pm

Mon 17th April – Term 5 Starts

Can you Spare 5 Minutes?


Dear Holy Trinity CE Primary School - Sunningdale,


We hope this email finds you well.


We are a group of Sixth Form student consultants (Lachie, Jai and Angus) from Eton College, and we are investigating ways to increase visitor numbers on behalf of the three Eton College Museums as part of a course called Student Consultancy.


As part of our course, we are gathering data and information on how to boost visitor numbers through a brief survey, which we have linked below, and since you have visited the Collections before, we would be most grateful if you could please fill it in and pass it on to your school community, for example through a parent and/or staff newsletter?


Eton College Collections Survey


We thank you for any help that you can give.


Yours Sincerely,


McSingh Consultants

Lachie, Angus and Jai

Mobile Phone Emergency Alert Check

Please be aware that on Sunday 23rd April, the Government will be issuing a mobile phone emergency alert check. This means any mobiles which are on will be activated and sound an alarm. 


Anyone experiencing domestic abuse who has a hidden phone for safety emergency reasons may be affected and perpetrators could be alerted to the presence of the secret phone if they are near the victim/secret phone when the alert goes off.


More information can be found on the government website:
