Stars of the Week for w/e 24th January 2020
Reception – Isabella A for creating a scary monster after reading ‘The Gruffalo’.
Year 1 – Mia for her positive attitude, enthusiasm to ‘have a go’ and confidence in class.
Year 2 – Ernie for a brilliant character description of Emma-Jane in our topic work.
Class 3 – Etta for working extremely hard and independently on her maths.
Class 4H – Finn for thoughtful ideas in his ‘What is Spirituality?’ work.
Year 4W – Mia for challenging herself in maths and for having the confidence to question what she doesn’t understand.
Year 5 – Emma for working so hard on her maths and making great progress.
Year 6 – Dominick for making lots of effort in lessons and being noticed for his work on the Charles Darwin biography.
Internet Safety Day
On Wednesday we had an Internet Safety Day including a visit from Paul Hay who is an Internet Safety Expert with a particular focus on keeping our children and teenagers safe online. Every class had a session with Paul geared towards their age, the staff had a workshop after school and parents at 6pm so it was a very full day! Please see some posters at the end of this newsletter that you might want to look at regarding Minecraft, TikTok and some more general safety tips. Also have you heard of is a search engine designed just for kids and powered by google which comes highly recommended. Children can search without risk of coming across anything dodgy. There is kpedia section which is a fabulous online encyclopedia and all the usual images and video search preferences just like google but without the risk. You may also be interested in which limits also limits content and provides a child friendly interface.
National Online Safety
As a school we have signed up to an organisation called National Online Safety (NOS) which provides advice to professionals and parents about keeping children safe online. We're delighted to have this new resource and will be sharing details of how you can use it very soon.
Reception Class Meet a Ranger!
Reception enjoyed a visit from Michael Jones at Forest School on Tuesday afternoon. Michael works as a Ranger for the Thames Basin Heaths Partnership – educating people about our amazing heaths and what we can all do to protect them. He talked to the children about the snakes and reptiles that can be found in the UK, and bought in specimens from our local heaths that had died during local fires. He was impressed that the children could recall at the end of the session the names of the UK snakes and reptiles.
Michael has been running a nature club on Monday lunchtime, where children can visit Forest School and learn about our super outdoor environment and participate in some exciting activities.
Different classes will be working with Michael on our school site and hopefully later in the year some classes will be visiting Horsell Common to see what amazing flora and fauna can be found on our doorstep and learning how to protect our local environment.
You can find out more on Michael’s blog post at here.
Year 2 Learn About Islam
Last Friday Mrs Khawaja came into Year 2 to talk to us about Islam. She brought in lots of precious things including some perfume and woodchips from Mecca, two beautiful prayer mats and some prayer beads. We were shown some Arabic writing and Ayden showed us how he can say the alphabet in Arabic! We really enjoyed learning about Muslim prayer and are grateful to Mrs Khawaja for giving her time. The class have all done some excellent writing as a result!
What are we going to do about the Iron Man?
This week Class 4H had to face the challenge of what to do about the Iron Man! These photos show a series of Farmers' Meetings in progress as they come up with workable solutions!
Meanwhile in Class 4W...
The Iron Man has been used as inspiration for some brilliant artwork made from pasta!
Writing Wall of Fame
We have just renewed our Writing Wall of Fame which can be found just past the medical room and on the left. So with writing worthy of note this term are:
Reception - Millie
Year 1 - Simar
Year 2 - Orla
Year 3 - Aleena
Year 4H - Poppy
Year 4W - Jay M
Year 5 - Nataniel
Year 6 - Noah
Well done to all of you for working so hard on your writing!
Miss S Harding - Year 4 Teacher
Can You Help Our Year 5 Geographers?
Year 5 will soon be working on a detailed study of Sunningdale for Geography. Do you have any of the following that we could borrow?
If you're able to help please speak to Miss Cullen or the school office. Many thanks.
We have lots of workshops and extra activities planned over the next two terms. Some of these we do manage to obtain for free but others require payment and your contributions are vital to our confidence in booking these again in the future. The children do get real benefit from interacting with specialists in their field who often have exciting resources to share too! Many thanks to those who've already paid for the following events. Please hand any outstanding payments to your class teacher or the school office.
VR Workshops - Weds 8th January - Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 - £5
'Star in the Jar' to be performed by the Pied Piper Theatre Co - Weds 29th January - Rec Class and Y1 and Y2 - £5
Electricity Workshops - Thurs 30th January - Year 4 - £5
PTA News
Second Hand Uniform
Mrs Holden and Mrs Clark will be running a 2nd hand uniform stall next Friday 31st January. If you have any unwanted uniform, please pass to the office.
Details and booking forms for our Painting Evening and Circus Events will be distributed shortly.
As Key Stage 1 are in the process of having a nice new play area built, we are now fundraising for a new Key Stage 2 play area as well as continuing to fund the online subscriptions Purple Mash, Mathletics and Times Table Rock Stars.
We would really appreciate your support by signing up to the following and helping the PTA raise funds for the school. – for just £1 a week you get entered into 2 weekly draws, 1 with the chance to win up to £25,000 and the school are guaranteed a return of 40% of all the ticket funding raised. If you haven’t already, please do sign up and support the school. It’s quick and easy to sign up at
Easyfundraising – Many parents are already collecting free donations for the PTA every time they buy anything online with the UK’s leading online fundraising service, easyfundraising. It’s simple to join, go to and join for free. Every time you want to shop go to easyfundraising, find the site you want and start shopping. When you check out Holy Trinity CE School Sunningdale PTA gets a donation, the site gives easyfundraising a percentage of what you spend and they turn that into a donation.
Amazon Smile - To shop on Amazon please go to and select Holy Trinity Church of England Primary School Sunningdale Parent Teachers Association. Amazon donates 0.5% of the net purchase price of eligible purchases to the PTA.
Stamptastic – Label your uniform hassle-free with Stamptastic! Any purchases via Stamptastic will earn the school 20% of the value of the order. Simply go to, place your order and enter our PTA Code - SL50NJ at checkout. Please spread the word to any family and friends who may also need labelling equipment.
Should you wish to make a donation to go towards the new Key Stage 2 play area we are fundraising for, you can make a payment directly to the PTA as follows:
Bank details
Name: Holy Trinity CE School PTA
Sort Code: 20-02-53
Account Number: 30493449
Thank you all for your continued support 😊
PTA Committee
Spring Term Dates – 2020
School Term Dates
Please see here for term dates:
Ofsted noted a marked increase in persistent absence (a holiday will register as persistent absence). Please do not book holidays or family days during term time. Thank you.
Holy Trinity CE Primary School take safeguarding very seriously. If you have a concern, please do not hesitate to report to our designated staff;
Mrs P. O’Brien, Mrs J. Griffith, Miss S. Harding, Mrs F Fargher