“It’s not that I’m so smart, I just stay with problems longer.” Albert Einstein
Mathematics Subject Leader is Mrs Neale
Our curriculum intent for mathematics is that every child will:
At Holy Trinity, we aim not only develop the mathematical skills and understanding required for later life, but also an enthusiasm, enjoyment and fascination about mathematics itself. We have high expectations that every child will enjoy and be successful in mathematics. We aim to increase confidence in mathematics so pupils are able to express themselves and their ideas using mathematical language. We recognise the importance of creating a supportive environment where children are given the opportunities to respond to high levels of expectation and challenge as well as developing their independence.
Implementation of the mathematics Curriculum at Holy Trinity
We use the White Rose scheme of work.
We recognise the importance of developing a balance of:
We continually aim to embed these three main areas into every lesson and give pupils opportunities to make links between mathematical ideas. Pupils regularly practise fluency skills in a range of different ways.
EYFS Pupils use:
KS1 pupils use:
KS2 pupils use:
Pupils' achievements in mathematics are recognised through certificates and badges in assembly.
At Holy Trinity, we believe that no ceiling should ever be put on a pupil’s learning potential, therefore we differentiate lessons using our whole school approach ‘Going for Gold’. Pupils are encouraged to choose their own level which encourages independence and resilience.
We aim to develop meaningful and creative links across other curriculum subjects and for pupils to be able to apply and practice their mathematical skills in a range of different ways.
For homework, pupils use Mathletics and Times Tables Rock Stars.
Pupils regularly take part in Math’s competitions, building their confidence and raising the status of mathematics within the school.
The Impact of the Mathematics Curriculum at Holy Trinity
Videos of our calculation methods can be found under: children's zone- video resource centre and our calculation policy can be found at the top of this page.
How does Mathematics fit in with our school vision?
Vision statement: | Mathematics links/actions: |
We facilitate opportunities so every child can flourish in a place where they feel safe, happy and confident.
Staff wellbeing and professional development is valued and supported in order to fulfil their roles, inspire others and experience personal fulfilment.
The school provides facilities that enable an optimum learning environment.
The school plays a central role within our community and enjoys strong links with the church, local companies and other schools. |